Ultra long range weather forecast

The 30 to 150 days ahead outlook is updated daily

Day by Day Outlook

Outlook Summary


  • Temperature

  • Max average temperature: 23°C
  • Number of days the temperature exceeds 21°C: 41
  • Min average temperature: -2°C
  • Number of days with an air frost: 25
  • Snow

  • Number of days with snow: 3
  • Wind

  • Number of days the wind speed exceeds 30mph: 0

About this forecast

Consistently accurate long range forecasts for the UK are not possible with current technology.

Use this page to try and identify trends. For example, are the summer months showing long settled spells or the winter months cold ones. Is the forecast consistent from day to day or is it changing dramatically? If it is the former then confidence could be higher.

Don't rely on the forecast but have fun using it!

Data from the the Climate Forecast System v2 (CFSv2) model is used.