The Central England Temperature (CET) is the world's longest-running temperature record, dating back to 1659.
Maintained by the UK Met Office, it covers a triangular area in the Midlands of England. Data from Rothamsted (Hertfordshire), Stonyhurst (Lancashire), and Pershore (Worcestershire) are currently used in its calculation.
For in-depth analysis of the official datasets, check out our CET analyser
Our tracker uses reports from weather stations in an area similar to that of the CET. Therefore, it is designed to give a good indication of how the month is developing.
To 04 December the TWO tracker is:
The values show anomalies between the TWO tracker and the CET series. Red indicates a positive anomaly (TWO tracker higher), blue a negative anomaly (TWO tracker lower), and green is used for no anomaly.
November: 7.4°C
October: 11.3°C
September: 13.6°C
August: 17°C
July: 16.4°C
June: 14.5°C
May: 14°C
Mild and wet winter favoured?
Could this be Storm Bert?
Snow and frost expected
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