If your business could benefit from having access to weather forecasts for any locality on the globe which go as far ahead as 16 days and are updated up to 4 times each day we can help.
Bespoke weather forecasts and data solutions seamlessly integrated into your existing IT systems and infrastructure.
Forecasts and charts for anywhere on the globe going as far ahead as 384 hours can be provided. For the first 180 hours the step interval can be as short as 3 hours, increasing to 12 hours between 180 and 384 hours.
As well as providing basic forecasting information (for example expected 2m temperature and rainfall rate) we can supply more extensive information such as temperatures at different atmospheric levels. You pick the forecast parameters that you want.
Rather than having to read complete forecasts we can set up alerts for you. These will notify you when a forecast parameter exceeds the level you have set for it. For example you may want to know if and when the temperature is expected to fall below 0C in London during the next 180 hours.
Alerts can be set for a large number of different forecast parameters at a local level for anywhere on the globe and can provide a way of rapidly identifying important weather trends.
Historic data for the UK can also be provided so that you can see how the current conditions compare. This can be useful for helping determine how the likely demand for particular products or services will be affected.
Once you have access to weather data how will you deliver it to your users? The easiest way is usually via a web or app based platform. With many businesses moving towards responsive web design to lower ongoing costs we can quickly integrate leading frameworks such as Bootstrap to keep you ahead of the pack.
The forecast data we provide is from a range of sources including: the Global Forecast System (GFS) and Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) models operated by National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The GFS model verifies as one of the top three global numerical weather prediction models available and provides updated forecasts up to 384 hours ahead for anywhere on the globe four times each day. Forecast accuracy falls away markedly after five days.
We can also provide data from local (mesoscale) computer models which are designed to provide information on smaller scale developments.
We can provide you with hands on developments skills and / or consultancy in deploying your IT weather solutions on a number of different platforms. Data can be hosted on our servers and made available to you either via XML/JSON web services.
Alternatively, if you prefer we can provide you bespoke data sets in a range of different formats such as csv or xls. These can then be integrated with your applications or viewed directly in applications such as Microsoft Excel.
If instead of a web service or csv file download solution you would prefer the flexibility of downloading and decoding forecast data to your own servers we can provide you with the expertise required to implement an end to end solution.
If you require help with actually integrating the data feeds or data sets into your existing applications we can offer expertise in the following areas:
Microsoft Windows Server 2000 / 2003 Microsoft SQL Server 2000 / 2005 Microsoft SharePoint (Windows SharePoint Services and SharePoint Portal Server) ASP.NET Dundas Charts for ASP.NET C# / VB.NET / AJAX
If you would like more information about the services we can offer your business please contact us here.
TheWeatherOutlook is owned and maintained by Technimatch Ltd.
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