Reanalysis weather charts

Archive now includes 2022 charts

23rd January 2023


Reanalysis weather charts

Reanalysis weather charts are generated by blending actual observations with data from forecasting models. On The Weather Outlook you can browse daily archives going back to 1851.

On each day charts for 00:00 GMT, 06:00 GMT, 12:00 GMT and 18:00 GMT are available. The charts show:

1) Surface level pressure patterns

2) 850hPa temperature which are those at about 1500m above sea level

3) 500hPa height charts which show ridge and trough patterns. The 500hPa level is at about 5500m above sea level with half of the mass of the atmosphere above it and half below. These charts currently only go back to 1948. 

July 19th 2022 weather chart

Reanalysis 850hPa temperature chart, 19th July 2022

Possible uses for the charts

The charts make it easy to check the weather patterns from years gone by. For example, they may be of interest if you want to see how the weather patterns developed during the famously cold winter of 1962-63. Alternatively, you may want to compare the long hot summer of 1976 with the more mixed summer of 2022 which brought the UK's highest recorded temperature.

If you want to use the charts on your own website then please feel free to but

1) A link back to The Weather Outlook is requested  

2) Commercial use is not allowed

If you have any questions then please Contact Us to discuss.

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