The heat forecast percentage is calculated by combining data from several computer models.
Will temperatures climb to or above 21°C today, tomorrow or the day after?
Will temperatures climb to or above 21°C during the following ten days?
Will temperatures climb to or above 25°C today, tomorrow or the day after?
Will temperatures climb to or above 25°C during the following ten days?
Will temperatures climb to or above 30°C today, tomorrow or the day after?
Will temperatures climb to or above 30°C during the following ten days?
Next 3 days hour by hour
Next 16 days in 3 hour intervals
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The heat forecast updates four times each day.
It combines data from the Meteo France Arpege, NCEP Global Forecast System (GFS) and NCEP Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS).
If you would like more in-depth information check our extensive range of Numerical Weather Prediction model data
To check the complete weather forecast use the Place, postcode or geolocation options in the header.
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