Weather Eye UK

The latest GFS forecast data for the UK is automatically checked. If heavy rain, strong winds, frost or snow are shown in the UK an alert is flagged up.

Checked 22/10/2024 11:04:34

Forecast day 0 to 2


High wind speed Confidence 5 star

Northern Ireland

North East

North West

Central East

Central West

South East

South West

Forecast day 2 to 5


High wind speed Confidence 3 star

Northern Ireland

North East

North West

Central East

Central West

South East

South West


Weather alerts are displayed for the time period and region selected if heavy rain, strong winds, frost or snow are expected.

Red indicates the alert is for within 2 days
Yellow indicates the alert is for the 2 to 5 day range

Confidence is indicated by the number of stars displayed after the alert.

Min confidence  confidence
Max confidence confidence

Alerts for days 0 to 2 are shown in red and days 2 to 5 in yellow.

The maximum confidence level for an alert in the 2 to 5 day range is three stars.