Sun and moon info

Times and phases

17th August 2021

Celestial information

Celestial information for the next 30 days is now available for all UK locations from the 7, 10 and 16 day forecasts. To access scroll down on the forecast page to the section called 30 day celestial information and then select the appropriate link.

Calculating sunset, sunrise, moonset, moonrise and moon phase information can be resource intensive and quite slow. The good news is the information has been pregenerated making it lightning fast to load.

Moon over Berkhamsted

Moon over Berkhamsted

Sunrise and sunset

Sunrise and sunset times for the coming 30 days are displayed. In addition, the time to or from sunrise and sunset for the current day is shown. The total daytime is also presented.


Sun times example
Sun times example

To see a live example use the London link below.

Sun times for London


Moonrise, moonset and moon phase

Moonrise and moonset times as well as moon phase details for the coming 30 days are displayed. Moon phase is indicated by using simple graphics which resolve to one of:

New moon, Waxing crescent, First quarter, Waxing gibbous, Full moon, Waning gibbous, Last quarter, Waning crescent


Moon times and phase example
Sun times example


To see a live example use the London link below.

Moon times for London


Press and media enquiries

We welcome all press enquiries, whether relating to this news feature, or seeking comment on other weather news.

Contact us


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Short range
Short to medium range
Medium to long range

See the Model inventory for the full list of model charts and data