I thought I'd resurrect this thread (which had been pushed all the way down to page 3 of the default list of threads on this forum), because I have just come across this local press report which talks about an upcoming mini-heatwave here in Edinburgh.
The article in question has stated that Edinburgh is set to bake in temperatures of around 22°C at the end of this week. However, I have to laugh at the way that this is being exaggerated.
If the temperatures get that high here, that will be enough to give us our warmest day of this summer so far and because we haven't even had any hot weather during this year so far, that would also be enough to give us our warmest day of this year so far.
However, those are only the sort of temperatures which we would typically expect to see here on a warm summer's day and are only just above our long term averages for this time of the year.
As a result, I don't consider those sort of temperatures to be all that hot even by our standards because it can get a lot hotter than that here at this time of the year and in a typical summer, I would expect our highest temperatures to be somewhere in the upper 20s°C with those being our highest temperatures of the year.
It is true that parts of the UK might get a mini-heatwave towards the end of the week but according to the latest model output, that is likely to be largely, an England only event.
I suppose that parts of SE Scotland could do OK from that if the hot air gets far enough north, even if the rest of Scotland remains relatively cool and unsettled and Edinburgh might be included in that.
Even if that happens though, it is still not expected to get anywhere near as hot as it is likely to get down south and so this particular article has blown the outlook for the end of this week in this part of the world out of proportion because even if does get quite warm here for a while, we're certainly not likely to get any sort of mini-heatwave.
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.