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Saint Snow
26 January 2023 15:31:33
Facinating little article on Fen Skating, about a photographer who set out to find, photograph and document the activity.

I love quirky things like this, that date back centuries. 


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
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26 January 2023 15:57:40
One for Brian. 
Brian Gaze from The Weather Outlook told the Express: "Computer models are suggesting that a weakening of the Stratospheric Polar Vortex (SPV) in the coming weeks could lead to an increasing chance of cold weather during February.

FWIW last night, the residue patches of snow melted in my back garden from the recent cold spell. 
Vale of the Great Dairies
South Dorset
Elevation 60m 197ft
27 January 2023 18:33:16
Ben Rich suggesting possibility of ‘stormy’ weather next week in North…
Neilston 600ft ASL
Gavin D
29 January 2023 11:39:19
BBC Monthly Outlook

Changeable, mostly mild but a few chillier periods

Saturday 28 January to – Sunday 5 February
Occasional rain but drier in the south

Monday 6 February to – Sunday 12 February
Unsettled and mild

Monday 13 February to – Sunday 26 February
Drier and chillier for a time but unsettled later 
31 January 2023 20:03:16
Met Office update: Note now a "Small chance of easterly winds"

Sunday 5 Feb - Tuesday 14 Feb
Sunday is likely to be a widely fine day, with long sunny spells across all areas, with residual showers in the far north clearing through the morning, and with cloud and light rain in the south also clearing. Cloudier conditions may begin to develop in the far west later. Strong winds in the north at first but easing through the day. Further into the period the conditions are expected to remain settled for many at first, with the most of any wet weather likely in the far northwest. Temperatures most likely around average for most. Later, the most likely scenario is for wetter, windier and milder weather to move in from the west, however there is a small chance of easterly winds developing bringing colder weather and some snow showers.

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

31 January 2023 21:58:39
Stav ‘signs of it turning colder from weekend’   ‘Much colder air from the east’
Neilston 600ft ASL
31 January 2023 22:04:23

Stav ‘signs of it turning colder from weekend’   ‘Much colder air from the east’

Originally Posted by: dagspot 

With “temperatures closer to the seasonal normal” and “a return to overnight frosts” too. Exciting times! 😂
Gavin D
01 February 2023 12:46:34
BBC Monthly Outlook

Chilly and drier next week, then changeable

Wednesday 1 February to – Sunday 5 February
Changeable and mild, then a drier, colder weekend

Monday 6 February to – Sunday 12 February
Wet at times in the north, drier for the south

Monday 13 February to – Sunday 26 February
Wet and windy at times, mainly north and west 
Gavin D
01 February 2023 17:08:59
Met Office 10 Day Trend

85% chance
  • Colder and drier in the south
  • Milder with some rain in the north
  • Westerlies gradually sink south

15% chance
  • Very cold, especially in south and east
  • Snow in places

01 February 2023 22:00:09
and Ben Rich going for the backtrack. Cold easterly now the ‘extreme option, only on the GFS model’ 🙄
Neilston 600ft ASL
02 February 2023 15:47:00
The latest met office update for next week now says that the small chance of it turning colder in the south is diminishing.
Germoe, part of the breakaway Celtic Republic. 80m asl
02 February 2023 19:04:05

The latest met office update for next week now says that the small chance of it turning colder in the south is diminishing.

Originally Posted by: roadrunnerajn 

I saw that - I do wonder if it;s due to the MJO in phase 3.5 which has contributed to the extreme cold in NE America/Canada? that is helping to fuel up the jet! - usual story!

I also wonder if the Met Office have based their forecasts on the GFS model output? just interesting how the models back off and then suddenly they come up with "small chance of it turning colder in the south diminishing!" - having just written that in yesterdays update with snow showers?
Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

02 February 2023 21:43:26
8dc and snow on bbc app ?! 
Neilston 600ft ASL
05 February 2023 01:59:37
BBC Monthly Outlook: 
Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

12 February 2023 13:15:15
Ben Rich going for 16dc south east come Friday next week…  balmy.  Ridiculous  
Neilston 600ft ASL
Gavin D
12 February 2023 15:19:28
BBC monthly outlook
Becoming unsettled. Mild until March

Saturday 11 February to – Sunday 19 February
Mild and becoming wetter from midweek onwards

Monday 20 February to – Sunday 26 February
Becoming somewhat drier and less mild

Monday 27 February to – Sunday 12 March
Potentially turning colder in March 
12 February 2023 17:53:00
Hopefully better than the BBC short range forecast for today. Supposed to be less cloud here but ended up the worst of High pressure gloom with thick grey cloud and drizzle on and off all day.
S.Essex, 42m ASL
Gavin D
15 February 2023 15:35:37
BBC monthly outlook

More settled into March

Wednesday 15 February to – Sunday 19 February
Mild and unsettled until the weekend

Monday 20 February to – Sunday 26 March
Drier and chillier

Monday 27 February to – Sunday 12 March
Remaining dry. Potentially colder in March 
Gavin D
18 February 2023 15:24:56
BBC monthly outlook
Turning chillier but drier late February and March

Saturday 18 February to – Sunday 26 February
Turning colder after midweek

Monday 27 February to – Sunday 5 March
Rather dry, chilly and frosty

Monday 6 March to – Sunday 19 March
Potentially colder by mid-March 
Gavin D
19 February 2023 19:32:36
BBC weather for the week ahead
  • Mild and cloudy start
  • Rain midweek
  • Colder later 
24 February 2023 02:04:52
Met Office 10 Day trend: 
Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

Gavin D
24 February 2023 20:28:33
BBC monthly outlook
Colder but drier into March

Saturday 25 February to – Sunday 5 March
Dry and chilly under high pressure

Monday 6 March to – Sunday 12 March
Turning a bit colder

Monday 13 March to – Sunday 26 March
Likely to remain cold 
26 February 2023 18:19:08
not a hint of anything colder on any of the Apps.  Locally 10dc until 6th March at least…  
Neilston 600ft ASL
26 February 2023 18:24:57

not a hint of anything colder on any of the Apps.  Locally 10dc until 6th March at least…  

Originally Posted by: dagspot 

Unsurprising given the 00z data the automated output comes from.
26 February 2023 20:51:23

not a hint of anything colder on any of the Apps.  Locally 10dc until 6th March at least…  

Originally Posted by: dagspot 

iPhone app for Glasgow back down to 5 and 6’s for next weekend, was 4c other day then up to 10c yesterday, so it’s swinging about 
Glasgow 165m/asl

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