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Published by peter.j.crook

Henley on Thames, Oxon, Hay making on hottest day of year so far 33.1c here sent by peter.j.crook
  • Date:25/06/2020
  • Publisher:peter.j.crook
  • Town: Henley on Thames
  • County: Oxon
  • Country: UK
  • Description:Hay making on hottest day of year so far 33.1c here
  • Views: 507
Henley, Oxfordshire, Storm squall sent by peter.j.crook
  • Date:10/02/2020
  • Publisher:peter.j.crook
  • Town: Henley
  • County: Oxfordshire
  • Country: Uk
  • Description:Storm squall
  • Views: 718
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