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Published by holfordjoshua7

Hawes , North Yorkshire, As the sun began to set, a beautiful, fiery sunset began to arise coating the entire horizon. sent by holfordjoshua7
  • Date:03/12/2022
  • Publisher:holfordjoshua7
  • Town: Hawes
  • County: North Yorkshire
  • Country: UK
  • Description:As the sun began to set, a beautiful, fiery sunset began to arise coating the entire horizon.
  • Views: 218
Wortley , Yorkshire, Amazing cold crispy winter morning in Wortley sent by holfordjoshua7
  • Date:16/01/2022
  • Publisher:holfordjoshua7
  • Town: Wortley
  • County: Yorkshire
  • Country: England
  • Description:Amazing cold crispy winter morning in Wortley
  • Views: 420
Wortley, Yorkshire, Beautiful cold crispy morning in Wortley hall today! The sunrise coated the land with a gentle blanket of warmth while the frost covered the land like sent by holfordjoshua7
  • Date:15/01/2022
  • Publisher:holfordjoshua7
  • Town: Wortley
  • County: Yorkshire
  • Country: England
  • Description:Beautiful cold crispy morning in Wortley hall today! The sunrise coated the land with a gentle blanket of warmth while the frost covered the land like
  • Views: 457
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