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Published by Retron

Leysdoen, Kent, Large flakes of January snow, falling in my garden in Leysdown. sent by Retron
  • Date:08/01/2024
  • Publisher:Retron
  • Town: Leysdoen
  • County: Kent
  • Country: UK
  • Description:Large flakes of January snow, falling in my garden in Leysdown.
  • Views: 143
Leysdown, Kent, View to the NE, from Leysdown, showing snow clouds over the North Sea (half a mile away). The first time this view has been seen since 2018, and the f sent by Retron
  • Date:08/01/2024
  • Publisher:Retron
  • Town: Leysdown
  • County: Kent
  • Country: UK
  • Description:View to the NE, from Leysdown, showing snow clouds over the North Sea (half a mile away). The first time this view has been seen since 2018, and the f
  • Views: 81
Leysdown, Kent, North Sea convection, 26th Feb 2023. sent by Retron
  • Date:26/02/2023
  • Publisher:Retron
  • Town: Leysdown
  • County: Kent
  • Country: UK
  • Description:North Sea convection, 26th Feb 2023.
  • Views: 291
Chichibu, Saitama, Mitsumine Shrine, a week after Typhoon Hagibis sent by Retron
  • Date:26/10/2019
  • Publisher:Retron
  • Town: Chichibu
  • County: Saitama
  • Country: Japan
  • Description:Mitsumine Shrine, a week after Typhoon Hagibis
  • Views: 204
Chichibu, Saitama, View of mountains near Chichibu, NW of Tokyo, a week after Typhoon Hagibis sent by Retron
  • Date:26/10/2019
  • Publisher:Retron
  • Town: Chichibu
  • County: Saitama
  • Country: Japan
  • Description:View of mountains near Chichibu, NW of Tokyo, a week after Typhoon Hagibis
  • Views: 192
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