WX temp summary: after a few days in which a broad area of cooler weather has pushed well south across NW Europe, there is some relaxation. Week 1 as before with that cooler weather in place, and some warmth to east and west of it; week 2 milder weather begins an advance from the SE on a broad front, albeit modest and patchy, reaching Austria and Poland. Spain is cooler but the Caspian still ridiculously hot. Rainfall over much of Europe in week 1, Spain and England excepted; in week 2 the focus is on France and the western Med, some spilling over into England while Scotland is drier. (The rather cold weather noted under GEFS later on does not show up distinctly , Britain just staying cool)
GFS Op - as yesterday, HP over France moving out into the Atlantic with winds backing from SW round to N by Wed 17th with Britain on the edge of LP covering much of NW Europe. The Atlantic HP then moves E-wards across Britain to cover all but the far NE 1020mb Sat 20th but declines leaving Britain in a col between LPs in Baltic and Biscay. The Baltic end of this trough takes over, at first projecting NE-lies into Britain and then moving SW-wards to reach Holland 1005mb Fri 26th and sticking their with its imported cooler air affecting England while HP south of Iceland offers fine weather for Scotland.
ECM - something like GFS until Wed 17th though the concluding N-lies for this period are stronger under the influence of a better-defined LP moving from Faeroes to Denmark Mon 15th/Tue 16th. The subsequent HP remains further to the west of Britain to Sat 20th with a N-ly cast to the weather, and only at end of run Mon 22nd does the HP begin to move E-wards with the LP then setting up over Ukraine rather than the Baltic.
GEFS - mild dropping to cool Sun 14th and slowly recovering to just below norm in the SE Sat 20th even somewhat above elsewhere, esp in the N, after which the modest amount of agreement between ens members disappears. The mean then stays a couple of degrees below norm throughout. By Fri 26th both op and control are the coldest at about 7C below having been milder earlier. Small amounts of rain at any time generally.
Edited by user
12 April 2024 07:36:58
Reason: Not specified
War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell
Chichester 12m asl