Various BBC forecasters, not usually ones who stick their neck out, hinting at 30C for England at the end of next week.
WX overall view of temps puts a small blob of warmth over SE England in week 1 (while the general progress of summer temps N-wards continues) but in week 2 all the serious warmth has surged N into Sweden and Finland with Britain back to norm and W Russia rather cool. For S Britain it's dry-ish in week 1 with this area extending up to the Baltic and modest amounts of rain to N and E Europe; for week 2 a deluge for Britain and not much better in France and Germany as the centre of dryness moves further E.
Jet inactive near Britain around Tue 14th but otherwise streaks and loops off the Atlantic including the UK being the centre of a closed loop week beginning Mon 20th (see LP location in GFS Op)
GFS Op - LP currently moving E close to N Scotland followed by W-lies with the HP over the S gradually re-forming into a ridge over the N Sea briefly bringing up warmth from the S Thu 16th. New LP Iceland Fri 17th moves steadily SE to 990mb Edinburgh Mon 20th and sticks over Britain with centre variously over N Ireland and Scotland to Sun 26th (end of run)
GEFS - SE England v warm for a day or two either side of Thu 16th but otherwise mean temp near norm or (later on) a little below. Rain in moderate amounts starting at about this date in most ens members. Similar pattern in N & W but only just warm rather than v warm and as ever rain more persistent.
ECM - W-lies are more persistent and the HP is restricted to a bulge over England Fri 17th without a connection to any extreme warmth from the S. Then on Mon 20th, not only LP as on GFS but a few mb lower and storm force N-lies over W Scotland/NI. I don't think it will happen, but the chart is something to behold!
Edited by user
10 June 2022 07:50:26
Reason: Not specified
War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell
Chichester 12m asl