Energy Resource and Demand Forecast

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Hour range is 0 to 384. Latitude and longitude cover the globe.

Preset forecasts

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Index Results

Date Hour Heat Index Wind Index Solar Index
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Energy Indexes Overview

This page provides valuable insights into energy generation and demand predictions using three key weather-based indexes: the Solar Index, Wind Index, and Heat Index. These indexes are designed to:

  • Give a clearer understanding of how weather conditions will impact solar and wind energy generation, as well as heating and cooling demands in a selected region or country.
  • Assist in understanding the likely energy demand and effectiveness of renewable energy generation for your area, helping you plan and optimize energy usage.

Please note that these indexes are updated every 12 hours based on the latest forecast data, and are provided without any warranty.

Solar Index

The solar index calculates how good the conditions are for solar power generation by considering both cloud cover and the sun's position in the sky. Instead of treating all daylight hours equally, it recognizes that solar panels produce more power when the sun is high in the sky (around noon) and less power during early morning or late evening hours, even if the sky is equally clear. This is achieved by applying a multiplier that peaks at solar noon (halfway between sunrise and sunset) and gradually decreases as you move towards sunrise or sunset, similar to how the sun's intensity naturally varies throughout the day.

A seasonal multiplier is applied to account for temperature effects on panel efficiency:

  • Higher efficiency in winter (multiplier up to 1.1)
  • Lower efficiency in summer (multiplier down to 0.9

This helps balance out the shorter winter days.

A latitude multiplier is applied which considers:

  • The cosine effect of latitude on solar radiation
  • Seasonal variations in sun angle
  • A minimum threshold to avoid overly pessimistic values at high latitudes

Wind Index

The Wind Index measures the suitability of wind conditions for energy generation. It is based on wind speed, with moderate to strong winds contributing positively to wind power generation. However, extremely high wind speeds may not always be beneficial, as some wind turbines shut down in storm conditions. The index provides an averaged value for a given area over a specific forecast period.

Heat Index

The Heat Index reflects the likely demand for heating or cooling based on temperature extremes. It considers both low temperatures (which increase demand for heating) and high temperatures (which drive demand for air conditioning). The index is higher when temperatures are at extremes, indicating greater energy demand, and lower when temperatures are mild and comfortable.