Models at a glance

Click or tap to view the full sized version.

Meteo France Arpege


+24 hours

+48 hours

+72 hours

+96 hours

Global Forecast System (GFS)

500hPA and MSLP

+12 hours

+24 hours

+48 hours

+72 hours

+96 hours

+120 hours

+144 hours

+168 hours

+192 hours

+216 hours

+240 hours

+268 hours

+288 hours

+312 hours

+336 hours

+360 hours

+384 hours

The GFSP is the development version of the GFS. View here.

Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS)

Line graphs, ps charts + pertubations

London 850hPa + precipitation

N Atlantic 500hPa + MSLP ps

UK 850hPa postage stamps

Pertubation 1 to 20


500hPA and MSLP

+24 hours

+48 hours

+72 hours

+96 hours

+120 hours

+144 hours

+168 hours

+192 hours

+216 hours

+240 hours


500hPA and MSLP

+24 hours

+48 hours

+72 hours

+96 hours

+120 hours

+144 hours

+168 hours

+192 hours

+216 hours

+240 hours

UK Met Office

Preview 500hPA and MSLP.

+00 hours

+24 hours

+48 hours

+72 hours

+96 hours

+120 hours

+144 hours

+168 hours

CFS v2

500hPA anomalies

This month

+1 month

+2 month


  • GFS - Global Forecast System (NCEP)
  • GEFS - Global Ensemble Forecast System (NCEP)
  • ECMWF - European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
  • CMC GEM - Canadian medium range forecast model
  • UK Met Office - Data from the UK Met Office's own NWP model