Saturday, February 10, 2018 8:21:07 AM

Manchester Winter Indices

2013-14: 7

1988-89: 20

2006-07: 21

1997-98: 25

1974-75: 26 

1989-90: 26

2015-16: 28

1973-74: 30 

1987-88: 37

2007-08: 37

1991-92: 40

1975-76: 41 

2016-17: 41

1999-00: 42

1992-93: 43

2002-03: 44

1994-95: 45

1998-99: 47

2004-05: 47

2011-12: 47

2001-02: 50

2003-04: 50

2017-18: 54 (up to 8th Feb)

2005-06: 59

1979-80: 66 

1996-97: 72

2000-01: 77

1993-94: 78

2014-15: 82

1983-84: 82 

1982-83: 85

1977-78: 90 

1980-81: 90 

1986-87: 100

2012-13: 102

2008-09: 105

2010-11: 119

1990-91: 126

1995-96: 135

1984-85: 140

1976-77: 141 

1981-82: 149 

1985-86: 159

2009-10: 197

1978-79: 262 

Timelapses, old weather forecasts and natural phenomena videos can be seen on this site
Saturday, February 10, 2018 9:06:01 AM

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

Perhaps “a reason” rather than the reason people crave snow, as there are other reasons of course. Even some of the problems, which I am well aware of, that you highlight re. travel “chaos”and disruption are probably even exciting for some people.

As for warmth, you can speak for yourself, I would love heat and sunshine all summer but it is not a valid comparison as many myself included will take advantage of even mediocre summer weather and longer daylight hours with outdoor activities. That is less appealing when it is cool, damp, breezy and dark outside - when it’s more tempting to be online.

I suspect I may not be the only one who would love a cold snowy winter followed by a hot sunny summer (which is not the same as expecting one!)

And that is what I will do here because I too, like to see cold and snow during the winter although to me, that is more as something seasonal to look at rather than having to be out and about in. However, I would say that I equally like to see high pressure and thunderstorms during the summer as well, as there is nothing better at that of time than to experience a heatwave which lasts for a certain significant period of time before eventually breaking down in thunderstorms.

What you add all of that together though, the reason why I look for that cold and snow in winter in addition to the high pressure and thunderstorms in summer is because I would just like the seasons to behave in the way that we were brought up to expect them to. This means that whilst I would like to see a cold and severe winter, I would equally like to see a decent summer with plenty of warm, sunny weather and my ideal synoptics would therefore be for the Azores High to be dominating our weather during the summer with our winters being dominated by a large blocking high to the north which feeds in really cold easterly winds from Siberia.

That isn't actually the norm when it comes our weather and all too often in this country, our summers tend to be poor, unsettled and relatively cool whilst our winters tend to be mild, wet and often stormy (I know that this hasn't been a mild winter here in this part of the world, but every other winter from 2013/14 onwards has been). However, the fact that this hasn't been the norm is not the actual reason why I crave those things.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Saturday, February 10, 2018 10:11:14 AM

Yet again the temperature dipped below freezing during the night only to end up well above freezing by dawn with no visible frost 

Yet again it's another miserable depressing, grey and sunless Saturday. This is really starting to grate especially now then sun is starting to climb noticeable higher in the sky. Since the turn of the year only 20th Jan and the afternoon of the 27th Jan have seen any sunshine

Absolutely awful strong, damp southerly wind as well and only 3.1C. Unpleasant and uninteresting in the extreme.

Not to dissimilar to the diabolical first half of last February which then gave way to an exceptionally mild SW'ly second half. I would imagine exactly the same will happen this year which would make for a hugely disappointing end to the 5th dire non-winter in a row.

That would still be far preferable to a continuation of the appalling, pointless and useless cold windy, snowless garbage that has made winter a write-off since the turn of the year


Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
Saturday, February 10, 2018 1:12:52 PM
What a horrible and wet day! We had a low of -0.1c by 2am this morning with a frost on cars and roofs etc! Only to wake up to temps of +9 to +10c by 10am with heavy rain and stronger winds. Temp had rose by some 10c since last night/early hours of the morning and was 10.5c by midday. Utterly horrible!
Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

Saturday, February 10, 2018 8:11:37 PM
Who'd have guessed eh? Another day of bloody horrible white shite coming up tomorrow. Yet more snow days to add to this becoming increasingly annoying winter.

And it's "rare" in this country apparently? OK, then...
Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
Saturday, February 10, 2018 10:53:30 PM

Could do with some days of really deep frosts. Not seen any hoare   frosts of late..

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
Saturday, February 10, 2018 10:58:43 PM

Gone very wild outside. Very windy but where's the wind warning?

Timelapses, old weather forecasts and natural phenomena videos can be seen on this site
Saturday, February 10, 2018 11:22:21 PM

Like many on here I`m sick of this wet, miserable, stormy winter. If we are ever going to have another `memorable`winter can we have a repeat of 1962-3?

I would love to experience a repeat, this time from the comfort of a warm home, rather than working through it on a building site, freezing to death!

Eric. Cheadle Hulme, Stockport.
Tuesday, February 13, 2018 8:59:09 PM

Well this winter keeps on pulling the rabbit out of the hat. Unfortunately every time it’s a dead one ravaged by myxomatosis

Just when I thought things couldn’t sink any lower, I woke up to 2C, rain lashing down and a strong wind. Eventually turned white resulting in beautiful scenes of slush and puddles against a slate grey sky.

Put me in mind of the unadulterated horror show that was March 2013. The prospect of something even half as bad as that, is suicide-inducing on top of this winter and the miserable summer and autumn that preceded it.

Today also brought a stark reminder of just how much a prolonged dry spell of several months is needed over the spring and summer. Only 8.8mm but the amount of surface water is unreal and the Denburn was close to overflowing again. Evidence of how saturated the ground is after years of ridiculously wet summers, never allowing the ground to dry out.

Cleared by sunset but as usual the repulsive wind is preventing the temperature falling to as low as it should be reaching. Barely below freezing now despite being only 1C at sunset

Just when the hell are we going to get a break and be allowed to enjoy something even vaguely pleasant or interesting? Every time the models show something that isn’t a turgid pile of raw sewage, it never verifies.

This coming weekend is the perfect example of that. Looked like a long overdue opportunity to enjoy some sunshine with light winds courtesy of a high sat over us. Now it is starting to look like there will be no high and instead a continuation of mind-numbing zonal dirge. Sunday looks an awful cloudy mild day now and Saturday not as good as it looked yesterday. Expect by the end of the week it will be a full blown drizzle filled write-off and instead of the best weekend in a long time it will turn out to be the worst.

Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
Tuesday, February 13, 2018 9:32:55 PM
bravo Richard. If it wasn't for the slightly distasteful suicide remark, that post should take the 'golden moan award'. I experienced Aberdeen during march 2013 and you portray the misery perfectly.
Perth. Scotland. 55m asl
Tuesday, February 13, 2018 9:38:48 PM

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 

Well this winter keeps on pulling the rabbit out of the hat. Unfortunately every time it’s a dead one ravaged by myxomatosis.

That's gold. Just when I thought you had reached your limit, you come up with that gem.

I gotta admit, I've been a bit depressed about today's weather here at this end of Kent with overcast skies, spitty rain and of course that in-your-face strong southerly wind (which is STILL going as I type this at 9.30 am). And have to go through all that again tomorrow but there is some hope in the form of quieter and settled weather thereafter - but whether that'll come with bright sunny spells or anticyclone gloom is another matter.

Folkestone Harbour. 
Solar Cycles
Thursday, February 15, 2018 12:48:00 PM

The MetO updates are great for those in the South and East but IMBY the projected cold spell will be similar to what went before in the 80s, endless grey crap with no snow or frosts. Hopefully it doesn’t verify. 😜

Thursday, February 15, 2018 12:54:25 PM

Originally Posted by: Solar Cycles 

The MetO updates are great for those in the South and East but IMBY the projected cold spell will be similar to what went before in the 80s, endless grey crap with no snow or frosts. Hopefully it doesn’t verify. 😜

I also hope it doesn't verify even though I'm in the "sweet spot" on that latest run. I now don't want it what with today being mild, calm and sunny all making it feel very Spring-like for it. I'm done with this "winter" now and am looking forward to being able to cut the lawn and hedge in comfort.


Folkestone Harbour. 
Solar Cycles
Thursday, February 15, 2018 1:01:32 PM

Originally Posted by: idj20 

I also hope it doesn't verify even though I'm in the "sweet spot" on that latest run. I now don't want it what with today being mild, calm and sunny all making it feel very Spring-like for it. I'm done with this "winter" now and am looking forward to being able to cut the lawn and hedge in comfort.


Its a lovely day and the weekend up here will be almost springlike. Counting down the days for some much needed spring warmth as cold and snow doesn’t rock my boat come late February and into March.

  • Col
  • Advanced Member
Thursday, February 15, 2018 7:42:58 PM

Originally Posted by: Solar Cycles 

Its a lovely day and the weekend up here will be almost springlike. Counting down the days for some much needed spring warmth as cold and snow doesn’t rock my boat come late February and into March.

Indeed. Mid Feb is the time for me that if there isn't any proper snow/cold happening or at least forecast to happen imminently then my interest starts to drop off rapidly. Who wants a freezing cold March anyway? 2013 was fascinating meterologically but it just went on and on, well into April. I really had enough by then. Although spring is some way from being just around the corner the lengthening days mean that there is quite lterally light at the end of the tunnel.



Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl
Snow videos:
Whether Idle
Thursday, February 15, 2018 7:55:28 PM

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 

Well this winter keeps on pulling the rabbit out of the hat. Unfortunately every time it’s a dead one ravaged by myxomatosis


I am logging on from holiday to congratulate Richard on this one. 




Dover, 5m asl. Half a mile from the south coast.
Thursday, February 15, 2018 8:19:49 PM

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 

Well this winter keeps on pulling the rabbit out of the hat. Unfortunately every time it’s a dead one ravaged by myxomatosis

Just when I thought things couldn’t sink any lower, I woke up to 2C, rain lashing down and a strong wind. Eventually turned white resulting in beautiful scenes of slush and puddles against a slate grey sky.

Put me in mind of the unadulterated horror show that was March 2013. The prospect of something even half as bad as that, is suicide-inducing on top of this winter and the miserable summer and autumn that preceded it.

Today also brought a stark reminder of just how much a prolonged dry spell of several months is needed over the spring and summer. Only 8.8mm but the amount of surface water is unreal and the Denburn was close to overflowing again. Evidence of how saturated the ground is after years of ridiculously wet summers, never allowing the ground to dry out.

Cleared by sunset but as usual the repulsive wind is preventing the temperature falling to as low as it should be reaching. Barely below freezing now despite being only 1C at sunset

Just when the hell are we going to get a break and be allowed to enjoy something even vaguely pleasant or interesting? Every time the models show something that isn’t a turgid pile of raw sewage, it never verifies.

This coming weekend is the perfect example of that. Looked like a long overdue opportunity to enjoy some sunshine with light winds courtesy of a high sat over us. Now it is starting to look like there will be no high and instead a continuation of mind-numbing zonal dirge. Sunday looks an awful cloudy mild day now and Saturday not as good as it looked yesterday. Expect by the end of the week it will be a full blown drizzle filled write-off and instead of the best weekend in a long time it will turn out to be the worst.

Wow! And I thought I had a bad day until i read your post!

So you had heavy wet snow - huge wet flakes but it turned to slush and never really lasted is that what you meant? Has the snow all melted? I was just wondering what you were ranting about? The fact the snow is wet snow seeing as the rain turned to snow? Which is good!) Or were you ranting about the fact it wasn't cold enough for it to settle and stay longer? Because what if the rain didn't turn to snow?

At least you had snow. 

Do you ever meet with Mike?

I thought Aberdeen saw lot's of cold and snow in March 2013?

Spare a thought for some of us southerners who haven't even seen a single flake of snow yet - more so for central southern England. North westerlies are just terrible for southern area's. 

On the flip side - N. Ireland, Rep of Ireland and west as well as North west Scotland have actually seen more snow this winter than the past 5 winters so far. Glasgow for instance has done quite well for snowfall this winter.

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

Saint Snow
Thursday, February 15, 2018 11:48:32 PM

Originally Posted by: KevBrads1 

Manchester Winter Indices

2017-18: 54 (up to 8th Feb) 


My initial reaction was 'how the hell has such a crap winter scoref so high?' then realised it'll be skewed by the high number of 'snow falling days', which is a bit misleading when apart from 2 or 3 very light dustings there's been cock-all chance of snow settling, and even less of lying for any decent length of time.

I keep going to take a big look at all the charts, then think 'I can't be arsed' and I only skim through the MO thread, too. Even if we get a very cold spell from the end if the month, it won't by definition be long lasting.

Winter so far for me  gets 2/10

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Thursday, February 15, 2018 11:50:28 PM

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 



My initial reaction was 'how the hell has such a crap winter scoref so high?' then realised it'll be skewed by the high number of 'snow falling days', which is a bit misleading when apart from 2 or 3 very light dustings there's been cock-all chance of snow settling, and even less of lying for any decent length of time.

I keep going to take a big look at all the charts, then think 'I can't be arsed' and I only skim through the MO thread, too. Even if we get a very cold spell from the end if the month, it won't by definition be long lasting.

Winter so far for me  gets 2/10

It get's a similar score from me too. Too much repulsive white shite for my liking and not enough double-figure temperatures.

Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
Friday, February 16, 2018 2:02:01 AM

Originally Posted by: Bolty 


It get's a similar score from me too. Too much repulsive white shite for my liking and not enough double-figure temperatures.

Too much snow!? So manchester had a lot of snow so far this winter!?

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

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