Gavin P
18 May 2011 19:50:16

There was no real rain here from June through to August in 1995. All the thunderstorms missed us and consequently I think we had about 10mm over three months.

It wasn't until September 7th that the drought finally broke with a major low moving up from the south.

Anyway, back to this summer, the Beijing model has updated:

The 500hpa anomaly for June-August looks absolutely dreadful if your looking for a hot summer. A trough is stuck over the whole of north-west Europe, with high pressure in the Atlantic and around Greenland. Would be a cool and wet summer were it to verify.

Rural West Northants 120m asl
Short, medium and long range weather forecast videos @
19 May 2011 09:26:02

Hi, My LFR for Iberia is finished and released. So I'm expecting a kind of Tropical Summer, where hot spells and moister could combine very well. For Europe expecting a +tive Temp. anomaly for central a N parts of europe, also the south, but here with moister and times to times tha sahara intrusion like trhe Sirocco flow.

June - Temp +tive anomaly (+ 1-1.5ºC) Precipitation below average (-25%) - HP ridge to Byscay from azores HP and time to times drift away and stays sitting over Iberia, with alot of days witj morning fogs.

July - Temp average (+/- 0.5ºC) Precipitation on average or sligthly avove (+25%) Azores HP dominace with some weak zonal fluxs

August - Temp -tive anomaly (-1 and -1.5ºC) Precipitation above average (+50%) - Thundery activity, HP to the North or East

Max Temp: 40.2ºC (03.08.2018)
Min Temp: -1.1ºC ( 03.01.2021)
Porto 86m and Campeã 820m (Marão 1414m)
North Sea Snow Convection
19 May 2011 11:58:34

A pleasantly warm summer with low humidity, occasional non thundery rain, and a refreshing prevailing north easterly wind would be my ideal summer.

Last summer was pretty good actually

Chances of getting the ideal weather this year don't look especially high though

The possibility of excessive uncomfortable cloying heat and thunderstorms gets no votes from me

19 May 2011 16:36:06

Originally Posted by: North Sea Snow Convection 

A pleasantly warm summer with low humidity, occasional thundery rain, and a refreshing prevailing north easterly wind would be my ideal summer.

That would suit me.

Whitkirk, Leeds - 85m ASL.
19 May 2011 20:25:24

Originally Posted by: North Sea Snow Convection 

A pleasantly warm summer with low humidity, occasional non thundery rain, and a refreshing prevailing north easterly wind would be my ideal summer.

Last summer was pretty good actually

Chances of getting the ideal weather this year don't look especially high though

The possibility of excessive uncomfortable cloying heat and thunderstorms gets no votes from me


I agee with your statements 150% 

19 May 2011 22:23:23;type=monthly;sess=

Ties in with my current suspicions but also highlights an important change needed that I'd not thought about yet; a weakening of the Jet Stream. I reckoned it was the resistance of high pressure in the Atlantic that was preventing high pressure from building close to our east and holding position, but according to this its the Jet Stream thats far more to blame.

A weakening jet is usually a fair bet as we head into summer as its what might be considered 'normal.' Under the developing pattern, however, it could well lead to abnormal conditions!

If you have any problems or queries relating to TWO you can Email [email protected] 
2023's Homeland Extremes:
T-Max: 30.2°C 9th Sep (...!) | T-Min: -7.1°C 22nd & 23rd Jan | Wettest Day: 25.9mm 2nd Nov | Ice Days: 1 (2nd Dec -1.3°C in freezing fog)
Keep Calm and Forecast On
19 May 2011 23:22:20

Thought I would add a little forecast just for fun, although there is some factors behind it that ive looked into while making it .

My opinion is this summer will be rather poor at times but will have its moments...

June: I can see the jet stream being rather active here and will have an unusually positive NAO. This may not actually be too bad as the Azores high IMO will have quite a strong influence. The predominent wind direction will be south westerly, although there will be occasional anticylonic and north westerly winds. 

Temps: Towards the south: 1C above average    Towards the north: Average

Preci:    Towards the south: Below average          Towards the north: Above average

After this month the jet stream should weaken

July: The worst month of the summer, with high pressure over Greenland and Central/eastern Europe and a trough generally close to the UK. Cool at times and very showery, but this month would finally see above average rainfall across the whole of the UK, temperatures below average, with maxima in particular supressed.

August: A very nice month across the UK especially in northern areas, the trough which may be located over the UK during July will sink south into France/ Spain resulting in a poor month here. The poor weather in France could affect Southern areas at times perhaps leading to a notable rainfall event, but there could also be times when high pressure to the near North may bring in very warm air off the continent. If August were to turn out like this I think this month would also see the hottest temperature of the year.

Overall for August, temps slightly above average in the south, much above in the north. Avery dry month in northern areas but slightly above average rainfall in the south.

Maybe wrong but who knows? , these are my thoughts at the moment anyway.

John S2
19 May 2011 23:51:11

Originally Posted by: yorkshirelad89 

Maybe wrong but who knows? , these are my thoughts at the moment anyway.

Yorkshirelad89 - I have also arrived at similar conclusions by looking at various factors. I would also predict a June with positive NAO, plus a wet July with near stationary low pressure sat over us at times, then August to be drier than July.

20 May 2011 11:19:19

Hi guys. Well here goes, my bi-annual attempt (guess) at a summer forecast.

Mods, I have also put a copy of this in the Summer Thoughts thread, but I'd appreciate a thread of its own for the time being so people can comment on it. (Nice comments please)!! No need to sticky it, because the forecast will remain in the summer thoughts thread throughout.


First a health warning. My winter 2010-11 LRF was pretty poor (with the exception of the first month, which was pretty decent!)......I compile these forecasts purely for fun, and I enjoy doing them.

This is purely how I anticipate the summer to pan out. I could be right, I could be wrong, I could be somewhere in between.

So here goes!

Moomin75’s 2011 summer forecast

Overview: Cooler than average with considerable rainfall throughout all three months.

Much of this rainfall will be in June and July, with August perhaps slightly drier than average overall.

My methodology is predominantly pattern matching, but I also consider the lessening influence of La Nina in the Pacific and the continuing lack of solar activity.

I also believe that a southerly-tracking jet (as we have seen in recent summers) will play a major role in what will be overall a disappointing summer.


June 2011: I believe June 2011 will begin on an unsettled and cool note with spells of rain across the country. Atlantic troughs will dominate the first half of the month, with temperatures being suppressed nationwide.

The jet will be tracking far to the south, meaning that the Atlantic will continue to dominate our weather, with a cool and showery regime throughout the middle of the month.

Many of these showers will affect the southern half of the UK, while in the north, it will be cool, but brighter and drier here with showers few and far between.

Towards the end of June, I believe the weather will turn very unsettled for the time of year with temperatures continuing to be suppressed to well below average values.

Some very deep areas of low pressure will slam directly into the British Isles during the second half of the month, with strong to gale force winds causing some disruption due to trees being in full leaf.

Overall, I expect June’s CET to be around 1 degree below average, sunshine at values to be at 90% of average in north, but perhaps only 70-80% in the south as unsettled weather dominates.

I anticipate June to be wetter than normal in the south (perhaps as much as 20% wetter than normal), although not as bad as 2007.

In the north, I believe rainfall totals throughout the month will be around average.

July 2011: July will commence on a very unsettled note as the southerly jet continues to allow low pressure systems to hit the UK directly.

Much of the wettest and coolest weather will be in the Midlands and south of the country, while further north, it will be cool, but slightly drier than average.

Deep areas of low pressure will cause perhaps a very wet period in early July, with the potential for flooding in low-lying areas.

While I do not expect the rainfall to be as appreciable as we saw in 2007, I believe that we will see some exceptional rainfall at times, perhaps as much as 200% of the average in the first two weeks.

Further north, blocking over Scandinavia will mean there is more of an influence of high pressure here, and Scotland in particular could be quite pleasant at times with spells of sunshine.

However, it will never be particularly warm, although temperatures in the north will be around average for July.

Further south, with consistent rainfall, I anticipate temperatures to remain very suppressed.

In the second half of July, I expect the jet to push slightly further north, allowing perhaps a ridge from the Azores to bring some much needed relief from the rain in central and southern areas.

However, I believe this ridge will be transitory in nature, with further spells of rain or showers across the south throughout the second half of the month.

Temperatures will recover in the south to average, or perhaps slightly above average in the drier spells, but this will not prevent the monthly CET coming in between 1 and 1.5 degrees below average.

Overall, I expect July’s rainfall to be appreciably above average (150% of average) and the CET (in the south) to be approx 1 degree below average.

Sunshine amounts will also be suppressed in the south, although further north, perhaps average amounts of sunshine and rainfall.

August 2011: I anticipate August to be the best month of the summer nationwide, with some welcome relief in the south from a very wet summer.

With the jet continuing to be further north, this should allow occasional ridging from the Azores High, bringing spells of sunshine and warmer weather at times.

However, I do anticipate further heavy showers at times, and overall, I believe the month will come out around average overall.

Further north, the opposite will happen and the weather will be rather mild and unsettled throughout much of August with spells of rain and temperatures around average overall.


Summary: All in all, I expect a very disappointing summer for those wanting a hot, dry season.

June and July in the south of the UK will be particularly poor, with signs for a very wet July indeed.

August will give us some relief from a disappointing summer, although further north, the weather will go downhill after a promising June and July.

I believe that the drying trend from August will lead us into a very pleasant start to September, giving us a taste of what might have been.


As I always say guys, please don’t shoot the messenger. I compile these forecasts purely for fun, as as Matty H has always said, all LRF’s are a good deal of guess work.

If I’m right, it will be a shame, (hopefully I won’t be), but this is my genuine thoughts of what we will see during summer 2011.

Witney, Oxfordshire
100m ASL
John S2
20 May 2011 12:10:34
Interesting forecast Moomin75, particularly June. This is getting interesting as several of us have predicted a wet July, but the netweather forecast is for warm and dry.
20 May 2011 13:20:24

Originally Posted by: Sevendust 

Originally Posted by: John S2 

Originally Posted by: Sevendust 

Initial indications are for a deteriorating summer IMO

Does 'deteriorating' mean reasonable June followed by wet zonal rubbish - ie similar to 2009 ?

Pretty much. No specific methodology in there although I get a feel for these things after being around a long time! July will be the key to this summer. Could go either way but I'm concerned that whilst it may be rather warm, it won't be settled

No change on these thoughts with June quite pleasant, dry and warm and August a pile of cack. July remains a difficult month to call, but I am hopeful of some thunder. I'll give a temp/rainfall/sunshine forecast next week  

20 May 2011 22:28:12

One of the main factors I took into account was 250hpa geopotential hieght anomalies in the Northern hemisphere.

The main reason why I think the jet will be active coinciding with high pressure close to the UK is due to the patterns over North America in April.

This saw a very powerful jet for the time of the year which contributed to the high numbers of tornadoes, temps were colder than normal over Canada and warmer than normal over the Southern US states. A key ingredient to intensifying the jet. The positive height anomalies over the Southern US migrated west during May so the Azores high has come into play.

In June I eexpect high pressure to the S/SW of the UK persisting because of this pattern.

May interestingly saw a flip of anomalies across the states (S states trending cooler, Canada much warmer than average) because of the high anomalies over Canda I expect pressure to start building over Greenland towards the middle of June and will eventually start sinking from Greenland leaving the UK under a trough.

The high pressure that persisted to the SW will either migrate north or eastwards so we lose its influence. During August the sinking high over Greenland will exert its influence over the UK. Theres an insight into a factor I've considered in my forecast anyway 

Gavin P
20 May 2011 22:39:45

Express reakons its going to be "The hottest summer ever"

Rural West Northants 120m asl
Short, medium and long range weather forecast videos @
John S2
20 May 2011 23:01:56

Originally Posted by: Gavin P 

Express reakons its going to be "The hottest summer ever"

Has a meteorologist actually said this, or have they twisted/exaggerated someone's forecast to create a headline to sell more papers?

21 May 2011 07:45:53

Originally Posted by: John S2 

Originally Posted by: Gavin P 

Express reakons its going to be "The hottest summer ever"

Has a meteorologist actually said this, or have they twisted/exaggerated someone's forecast to create a headline to sell more papers?

These sensationalist stories in the press make my blood boil. What amazes me more than the article itself is a more general point in that why do such a high percentage of the British Public believe that if its printed in the paper its got to be true.

There is no evidence that I've seen would support this from any long range charts around currently. In fact if it had said 'driest' and not 'hottest' it might have had a little more credence but even then depending on where you live.

So I think you can safely say that prediction is not worth the paper its written on and because its the Express thats not worth much.

Martin G
Kilmersdon Radstock Bath Somerset

Look up my New Facebook Weather Page  for all the latest up to the minute weather stories as they happen
21 May 2011 08:01:20

Originally Posted by: GIBBY 

Originally Posted by: John S2 

Originally Posted by: Gavin P 

Express reakons its going to be "The hottest summer ever"

Has a meteorologist actually said this, or have they twisted/exaggerated someone's forecast to create a headline to sell more papers?

These sensationalist stories in the press make my blood boil. What amazes me more than the article itself is a more general point in that why do such a high percentage of the British Public believe that if its printed in the paper its got to be true.

There is no evidence that I've seen would support this from any long range charts around currently. In fact if it had said 'driest' and not 'hottest' it might have had a little more credence but even then depending on where you live.

So I think you can safely say that prediction is not worth the paper its written on and because its the Express thats not worth much.

As you know It's all to do with sales 

Icecream anyone? 

Nobody likes a smartass, especially another smartass...
If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
Gavin P
21 May 2011 10:40:09

Originally Posted by: GIBBY 

Originally Posted by: John S2 

Originally Posted by: Gavin P 

Express reakons its going to be "The hottest summer ever"

Has a meteorologist actually said this, or have they twisted/exaggerated someone's forecast to create a headline to sell more papers?

These sensationalist stories in the press make my blood boil. What amazes me more than the article itself is a more general point in that why do such a high percentage of the British Public believe that if its printed in the paper its got to be true.

There is no evidence that I've seen would support this from any long range charts around currently. In fact if it had said 'driest' and not 'hottest' it might have had a little more credence but even then depending on where you live.

So I think you can safely say that prediction is not worth the paper its written on and because its the Express thats not worth much.

Its a direct quote from Netweather;

"Paul Michaelwhite, of  online forecasters Netweather, said: “It is not beyond  that realms of  possibility that we could see temperatures pushing up to the  record  101.3F – and temperatures of 95F are certainly not out of the question.”

So on this occasion it doesn't seem that someone has had their words taken out of context.

Rural West Northants 120m asl
Short, medium and long range weather forecast videos @
21 May 2011 20:35:37


The Express is a scaremonger paper, like most newspapers it tells the people what they want to hear.

21 May 2011 20:45:50

Originally Posted by: patricia 


The Express is a scaremonger paper, like most newspapers it tells the people what they want to hear.

People don't want to be scare-mongered though.

Whitkirk, Leeds - 85m ASL.
21 May 2011 21:04:01

There is ever increasing support for a weakening of the jet stream and hence the Atlantic storms taking place as we head into June, this allowing pressure to build in from the east and, eventually, shift the mean trough west.

Last time the change was hinted for the final week of May, but ensemble support aside of naefs was limited. This time its stronger, if still allowing for considerable uncertainty regarding when the various transitions take place.

We sit upon the back of a tortoise, soon to cross the rocky road to reach the heatwave on the other side... patience, we heat-seekers must have. Be aware that the tortoise may be run over by traffic

If you have any problems or queries relating to TWO you can Email [email protected] 
2023's Homeland Extremes:
T-Max: 30.2°C 9th Sep (...!) | T-Min: -7.1°C 22nd & 23rd Jan | Wettest Day: 25.9mm 2nd Nov | Ice Days: 1 (2nd Dec -1.3°C in freezing fog)
Keep Calm and Forecast On
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