Saint Snow
29 November 2022 10:57:39
Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

I know I go on about this ad-nauseum but in the south east (my part at least) December 2010 was a non-event apart from the snow event on the 22nd which I think warranted a red warning from the Met. I don't recall any other snow of consequence throuughout the month and at the time I was commuting by train from Berkhamsted to London. It felt cold in the mornings but no worse than had it been wet and windy.

Surely coldish anf dry is better than coldist and wet!   😋

I've probs misremembered, but I thought some in the south/south east had had snow in earlyish December. But then, given away from NE England and E Scotland, snowfall was fairly localised.

FWIW, here it was cold to very cold throughout that spell but dry. We had quite a bit of freezing fog, which gave a 'diamond dust' effect at times (was beautiful in the Xmas lights!!) but I feared we'd miss out on snow. The white stuff finally fell on Friday 17th - and was most plentiful! Lasted until 27th/28th IIRC.
We got snow on the 


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
29 November 2022 11:04:54
I don't see any reason to change my view. There will be a slow but inexorable slide to colder and increasingly wintry conditions as we move into December. The macro scale patterns look set in stone to me. Examining marginal uppers and small shortwaves makes for good debate, and quite rightly in the short term, but as things stand once we get into week 2 of December we won't need to worry about 'marginal'.

PS: Thanks @Brian Gaze for continuing to sort the niggles in the new forum style 
Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
Ally Pally Snowman
29 November 2022 11:10:16
Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Surely coldish anf dry is better than coldist and wet!   😋

I've probs misremembered, but I thought some in the south/south east had had snow in earlyish December. But then, given away from NE England and E Scotland, snowfall was fairly localised.

FWIW, here it was cold to very cold throughout that spell but dry. We had quite a bit of freezing fog, which gave a 'diamond dust' effect at times (was beautiful in the Xmas lights!!) but I feared we'd miss out on snow. The white stuff finally fell on Friday 17th - and was most plentiful! Lasted until 27th/28th IIRC.
We got snow on the 


Puzzled by some South Easterners saying December 2010 was a non event. My memory living in North London at the time was about 2cm on the 30th November lasted a few days. Bit disappointing as further north was getting buried.  Then a dusting on the 16th, about 2cm 17th . Then probably the snow event of my lifetime 10 to 15cm on the 18th. During day light hours just a week before Christmas.  Lasted for about 10 days.
Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
Rob K
29 November 2022 11:22:28
Pretty good GEFS mean there. 

(For some reason I can't enter any image URL into the "insert image" box)
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
Brian Gaze
29 November 2022 11:28:45
Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

Puzzled by some South Easterners saying December 2010 was a non event. My memory living in North London at the time was about 2cm on the 30th November lasted a few days. Bit disappointing as further north was getting buried.  Then a dusting on the 16th, about 2cm 17th . Then probably the snow event of my lifetime 10 to 15cm on the 18th. During day light hours just a week before Christmas.  Lasted for about 10 days.

I'm sure you're right about Nov 30th and Dec 16th but I don't remember them at all TBH so perhaps we just had a sprinkling here.

On Dec 22nd the snow was about 15cm deep here but that was less than the two falls in Dec 2009 (about 20cm and 15cm within a few days of each other) and comparable to the one a couple of weeks later in January 2010. Did you not experience those snow events?
Brian Gaze
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29 November 2022 11:43:18
December 2010 was magical here. Missed out on snow earlier in the month, but had a decent fall on the 17th with minor top ups in the days preceeding Christmas. However, what made it so good was the temperature, as there was almost no melting until the thaw which is exceeingly rare considering we live right next to the sea. 
Mumbles, Swansea. 80m asl
29 November 2022 11:45:26
IIRC it was a fairly country wide snow event that lasted a couple of days.  was like a polar low i think?  Came into Livepool on the Friday ight and drpped about 5cmin Wirral (much more just north of Liverpool 10-20cm widely.

I returned to work back in London on the monday and saw a huge swathe of western England on the west coast mainline route all the way to London under a good 15cm, arrived into London and it seems the system had perked up as it arrived into London and friends were all chatting about how the Saturday had been mental for snow.   

With bright clear skies on the monday morning, I remember the jurney was fairly Duo chromatic everywhere Blue or White, very little other colours in the scenery.

The snow was perhaps bigger and better event than was forecast.  Still may add that us in wirral saw about 5cm in my back garden such is life in these parts.

Video here 
29 November 2022 11:55:05
December 2010 was also amazing here just outside of Cambridge - I was on jury duty and remember several mornings of less than -10C scraping the car before heading into the City (-14C one morning) - although the air wa very dry and the ice was easy to clear. Then about 1 week before Xmas the mother of all snow fall, even leading me to have to trudge to my parents to collect the kids Xmas presents - some new wellies - since they were desperately needed. Lets hope for a repeat of that snowy scenario!
Ally Pally Snowman
29 November 2022 11:56:21
Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

I'm sure you're right about Nov 30th and Dec 16th but I don't remember them at all TBH so perhaps we just had a sprinkling here.

On Dec 22nd the snow was about 15cm deep here but that was less than the two falls in Dec 2009 (about 20cm and 15cm within a few days of each other) and comparable to the one a couple of weeks later in January 2010. Did you not experience those snow events?

December 09 and January 10 were also great but I think slightly less than 18th December fall but hard to remember clearly.  February 12 and January 13 also had 10cm+ falls . A great run of winters. 
Since moving to Hertfordshire only had one 10cm fall in 8 years. That was December 2017.

Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
29 November 2022 12:34:48
December 2010 was very reasonable here in the far SE. Problems start arising with perception when comparisons with the north and west start getting drawn in.

Here in Folkestone the month started with 15cm on the ground, the legacy of 4 preceding days that started the ball rolling. By mid afternoon on the 3rd 20cm level snow was on the ground.

The snow eater event overnight 3/4th December melted all trace of this by noon the next day.

A sharp cold front moved across during the evening on Thursday 17th. A rainy 7c at 5pm gave way to a snowy 0c by 8pm and by 10pm 5cm had fallen - very unusual for it to snow on a cold front, let alone settle !

Friday 18th December was bitterly cold, temps around -1c with an afternoon snow shower all the way from the Cheshire Gap that provided another dusting on icy ground. Saturday 19th December say a 7cm fall in 2 hours and Sunday 20th December saw another inch fall from a channel low that edged up the channel clipping the coast.

Monday 21st saw more snow in the evening but then the drip drip drip started here with a couple of days of air temperatures of 2c (36f) and sadly dewpoints of 1c (34f) under cloudy skies. 

Hope was re-kindled with what was hoped would be a -10c (850Hpa) NE'ly from late on the 23rd through to Christmas Eve, sadly we didin't quite manage it. Further rain and sleet showers melted most of what had remained. Christmas Eve remained dry and cold and despite cold enough NE'lies the convective North Sea Machine would not fire up. At 30m it was a green Christmas, over them thar hills at 100 metres it remained white. Christmas Day was a cold and sunny 3c. The warm up came late on Boxing day.

I would snap your hand off to get another December like that. By 2010 we had become quite de-sensitised to extreme cold and snow following the 2009/10 epic.

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
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sunny coast
29 November 2022 12:43:07
We had heavy snow at gge start of the late 2010 spell in fact was the heaviest  fall of snow in this area for many a long year  up to a foot locally right down  to the seafront but lasted a very short time . Then more couple weeks later but a lot of Dec was marginal in the far south 
29 November 2022 12:48:00
Originally Posted by: Gusty 

December 2010 was very reasonable here in the far SE. Problems start arising with perception when comparisons with the north and west start getting drawn in.

Here in Folkestone the month started with 15cm on the ground, the legacy of 4 preceding days that started the ball rolling. By mid afternoon on the 3rd 20cm level snow was on the ground.

The snow eater event overnight 3/4th December melted all trace of this by noon the next day.

A sharp cold front moved across during the evening on Thursday 17th. A rainy 7c at 5pm gave way to a snowy 0c by 8pm and by 10pm 5cm had fallen - very unusual for it to snow on a cold front, let alone settle !

Friday 18th December was bitterly cold, temps around -1c with an afternoon snow shower all the way from the Cheshire Gap that provided another dusting on icy ground. Saturday 19th December say a 7cm fall in 2 hours and Sunday 20th December saw another inch fall from a channel low that edged up the channel clipping the coast.

Monday 21st saw more snow in the evening but then the drip drip drip started here with a couple of days of air temperatures of 2c (36f) and sadly dewpoints of 1c (34f) under cloudy skies. 

Hope was re-kindled with what was hoped would be a -10c (850Hpa) NE'ly from late on the 23rd through to Christmas Eve, sadly we didin't quite manage it. Further rain and sleet showers melted most of what had remained. Christmas Eve remained dry and cold and despite cold enough NE'lies the convective North Sea Machine would not fire up. At 30m it was a green Christmas, over them thar hills at 100 metres it remained white. Christmas Day was a cold and sunny 3c. The warm up came late on Boxing day.

I would snap your hand off to get another December like that. By 2010 we had become quite de-sensitised to extreme cold and snow following the 2009/10 epic.


Indeed, I was still working in that tomato greenhouse workplace at Farthing Common (400 feet ASL) at that time where it stayed perishingly cold throughtout that December with several days of hoar and rime frost in between the two snowy spells, yet my sea level harbourside location was just damp with quick thawing. I was back to riding a 125 cc motorbike after giving up the car and that wasn't really the best of ideas looking back.
  However, mercifully the rest of that Winter turned out generally benign and completely snow-free. That was a blessing as I and the rest of the old greenhouse workforce spent it clearing out the place ready for the eventual closure and hand-over to new owners who never took us on.

Back to about the models. The perfect easterly type set up and yet still struggling to get cold enough for any real wintry weather at my southern portion of the UK. I think the Midlands northwards could do well with transitional snow when the whole thing does give way to the Atlantic onslaught. 
Folkestone Harbour. 
29 November 2022 13:11:16
December 2010 was a 2.5 day wonder down here with one overnight snowfall followed with a day of light flurries. 
Although march 2018 didn't get as much snow it was far more impressive, and even the winter of 2008/09 down here was more impressive than 2010/11. 
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
29 November 2022 13:39:46
December 2010 was absolutely dreadful here and I'm careful what I wish for now. We had the biggest fall of my lifetime from a Humber streamer, snow on snow, then ice, more snow. It surpassed anything in the sixties and we were totally cut off.  Then the roadside piles of grey ice took weeks to thaw.  I love snow but not when it's so disruptive.  🙄
Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
29 November 2022 13:53:19
Just looking at my Photos from December 2010 we had an amazing month!! Blocked in for two weeks snow on ground form late November to Beginning January. But we run out of oil so was very cold!!! One room was -5OC inside!!. I would post some photos but not the right thread.

So if this coming month is the same will be great around here in the North east.
240m Teesdale
Tim A
29 November 2022 14:14:30
My only complaints really with Dec 2010 was there was a warm up so the deep snow mostly melted here between the two cold spells.  Then the second spell was mostly dry here,  snow more to the South and West.  Thankfully we got a few cm just before Xmas, but a few miles away there was one of the only green patches in the country around Xmas time. 

NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
29 November 2022 14:26:59
Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

I'm sure you're right about Nov 30th and Dec 16th but I don't remember them at all TBH so perhaps we just had a sprinkling here.

On Dec 22nd the snow was about 15cm deep here but that was less than the two falls in Dec 2009 (about 20cm and 15cm within a few days of each other) and comparable to the one a couple of weeks later in January 2010. Did you not experience those snow events?

January 2010, now you are talking Brian, right in the sweet spot for that one when up in Oxfordshire as was Rob K I think.

After not seeing a flake last winter since moving to Dartmoor, very interested in how we do this season.
Home/Work - Dartmoor
240m/785 ft asl

Winter 22/23:

Snow falling days - 3
Snow lying days - 3
Saint Snow
29 November 2022 14:30:40
Originally Posted by: Gusty 


A sharp cold front moved across during the evening on Thursday 17th. A rainy 7c at 5pm gave way to a snowy 0c by 8pm and by 10pm 5cm had fallen - very unusual for it to snow on a cold front, let alone settle !

Friday 18th December was bitterly cold, temps around -1c with an afternoon snow shower all the way from the Cheshire Gap that provided another dusting on icy ground. Saturday 19th December say a 7cm fall in 2 hours and Sunday 20th December saw another inch fall from a channel low that edged up the channel clipping the coast.


Small note: the 17th was a Friday

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
29 November 2022 14:33:17
Originally Posted by: Musicman 

Just looking at my Photos from December 2010 we had an amazing month!! Blocked in for two weeks snow on ground form late November to Beginning January. But we run out of oil so was very cold!!! One room was -5OC inside!!. I would post some photos but not the right thread.


-50C just about cold enough for crazy teesiders to put a jumper on 😉

As said above by Srayner 2010 was decent in the run up to Christmas ❄️ 
29 November 2022 14:37:15
I know it's OT, but from my newsblog:

December 22nd 2009:

More serious chaos on the roads (and airports) in England yesterday due to snow - and yet again we failed to see a single flake in Evesham.  

January 2nd 2010:

Well, it's the 2nd of January and still not a single flake of snow has settled on the ground in Evesham this winter ...... 

December 20th 2010:

"What a weekend!

After a light dusting of snow on Friday night it started snowing again just as I got up at 6.00am Saturday morning - and didn't stop for 10 hours. A total of 11 inches on the grass. And then, overnight the temperature fell to -16.2c in my garden and -19.5c at Pershore Throckmorton (a site record for there). My previous lowest temperature was -10.5c. During the day the temperature only rose to -7.3c and last night fell back to -14.6c" 

So excuse me if I think December 2010 was just a tad better than 2009 😛

Evesham, Worcs, Albion - 35m asl
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