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Met Office Hadley 6.1c Anomaly 1.2c provisional to 14th
Metcheck 5.86c Anomaly 0.87c
Netweather 6.35c Anomaly 1.26c
Peasedown St John 6.48c Anomaly 1.52c.
Met Office Hadley 6.3c Anomaly 1.4c provisional to 15th
Metcheck 6.10c Anomaly 1.11c
Netweather 6.6c Anomaly 1.67c
Peasedown St John 6.04c Anomaly 2.04c.
Originally Posted by: ARTzeman
Met Office Hadley 6.5c Anomaly 1.6c provisional to 16th
Metcheck 6.20c Anomaly 1.21c
Netweather 6.71c Anomaly 1.62c
Peasedown St John 6.78c Anomaly 1.88c.
How can the CET continue to climb??
I think the current unexpectedly high CET value, coupled with the reality of temps not being particularly cold for the foreseeable and the Xmas period weather looking very uncertain (with perhaps a post-Xmas warm-up), I think the gold medal is safely SSWD's.
Originally Posted by: Saint Snow
Its not been that cold by day and overnight minima have been well above average recently.
I wouldn't rule you out yet as there are still a lot of very cold model runs amid the uncertainty.
Also the CET to date may be too high , a point GW often makes.
Met Office Hadley 6.5c Anomaly 1.6c provisional to 17th
Metcheck 6.18c Anomaly 1.19c
Netweather 6.68c Anomaly 1.59c
Peasedown St John 6.94c Anomaly 2.04c.
This really is turning out like November, with a big climb from below to above average, followed by signs of cold weather sufficient to neutralise the anomaly by month's end.
This projection includes the GFS 12z, which it should be noted is markedly less cold for 23rd-25th than the ECM, UKMO and GEM runs (in that order coldest to least cold).
GW still not logged in since 3rd December.
I hope he's alright
Lowest temp I've had - just down the road from Pershore - in the past week was 5.1c We're seeing most overnight min higher than ave daytime maxima (and daytime maxima proportionately higher too, until today). Assuming similar for Rothamsted, that's 2 of the 3 CET stations seeing above ave temps, so no surprise the CET continues to rise. Should start to drop a little this week.
Originally Posted by: Essan
Back in December 2016 GW stayed away til Jan 1st 2017 - only then did I know Id won. Give the guy a break, he will deliver when he's good and ready.
Originally Posted by: Whether Idle
Yes! He deserves a break! If only we knew he was OK, especially with this cursed virus being rife!
Originally Posted by: Caz
I wonder if GW is something in accounting, as they're alwasy busy this time of year tidying up the accounts for this quater, in order to get something of a Christmas break. Or he may not, but it would make sense.
When I saw corruption, I was forced to find truth on my own. I couldn't swallow the hypocrisy.Barry White
Met Office Hadley 6.4c Anomaly 1.6c provisional to 18th
Metcheck 6.10c Anopmaly 1.11c
Netweather 6.66c Anomaly 1.57c
Peasedown St John 6.82c Anomaly 1.92c.
Here is the latest December CET tracker. Looking a finish somewhere around 5.2C at the moment. However, the models are all over the place so take that with a large pinch of salt.
Chart 1
Chart 2
Here are the December predictions - sorry for the delay
Originally Posted by: Global Warming
Great work as always GW.