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20 December 2022 19:12:51
Talking of White Christmases, 2004 is the only one I would consider to be a true "White Christmas" in my experience, as it had snow both falling and lying. Every other instance of snow on Christmas Day where I've been has been either one or the other. 2009 and 2010 had snow lying, but they were both bright sunny days apart from that. 2020 actually had a snow shower in the afternoon, after a very cold morning. It didn't amount to anything though. 2004 is the only year I have experienced snow both falling and lying on Christmas Day.

As for this silly definition of one snowflake reaching the ground at any point during Christmas Day, I've never understood that. In that case, technically speaking, it could rain all day, then turn a bit sleety at 23:59 and it would count as a "White Christmas". As I say, it's a silly definition and really needs rethinking, but then again they probably do it like that so they can say a White Christmas happens more often than it actually does.
Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
20 December 2022 19:15:00

Not so much a whinge about the weather, but some members on here. The same people constantly posting miserable stuff that often has little basis in fact.

I'm going to ask Santa for some waders for Xmas, to enable me to wade through the patches of slurry in order to find useful posts from people who actually know what they're talking about and don't have a petty agenda they insist on ramming down everyone's throats.


Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 


Is there a BOGOF deal on them, if so can I get a pair too? It really is tedious isn’t it. Any counter argument to the narrative which is backed up with robust evidence is ignored too. I guess it’s some form of attention seeking issue as it was the same kind of approach in the summer to any hot/settled weather potential.
  • Col
  • Advanced Member
20 December 2022 19:19:11

Talking of White Christmases, 2004 is the only one I would consider to be a true "White Christmas" in my experience, as it had snow both falling and lying. Every other instance of snow on Christmas Day where I've been has been either one or the other. 2009 and 2010 had snow lying, but they were both bright sunny days apart from that. 2020 actually had a snow shower in the afternoon, after a very cold morning. It didn't amount to anything though. 2004 is the only year I have experienced snow both falling and lying on Christmas Day.

As for this silly definition of one snowflake reaching the ground at any point during Christmas Day, I've never understood that. In that case, technically speaking, it could rain all day, then turn a bit sleety at 23:59 and it would count as a "White Christmas". As I say, it's a silly definition and really needs rethinking, but then again they probably do it like that so they can say a White Christmas happens more often than it actually does.

Originally Posted by: Bolty 

Isn't it simply the same though as any other day with a single snowflake observed counting as a day with snow?
Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl
Snow videos:
21 December 2022 15:59:44
Anyway it's the winter solstice today, so good to know that the days start to get longer after today. The cold and the ice don't really bother me too much, but I really just can't deal with the darkness at this time of year - those pre-16:00 sunsets and the mid-afternoon dullness especially. It's just so miserable and depressing. Once Christmas is over, my mind is set firmly on spring.
Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
21 December 2022 16:05:33

Anyway it's the winter solstice today, so good to know that the days start to get longer after today. .

Originally Posted by: Bolty 

Depressing, thanks for reminding me! I love the darkness this time of year, makes getting to sleep so easy... and lends a wonderful, cosy feel to things indoors. And, of course, it means no poxy barbecues or people making a racket late into the evening!

Ah well, best make the most of the remaining couple of months of dark evenings... by the end of February it's still light-ish at 6.
Leysdown, north Kent
21 December 2022 17:36:59

Depressing, thanks for reminding me! I love the darkness this time of year, makes getting to sleep so easy... and lends a wonderful, cosy feel to things indoors. And, of course, it means no poxy barbecues or people making a racket late into the evening!

Ah well, best make the most of the remaining couple of months of dark evenings... by the end of February it's still light-ish at 6.

Originally Posted by: Retron 


Mind you, you'll get your chance to return the favour in June, so don't fret! 😁
Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
21 December 2022 18:20:33

Anyway it's the winter solstice today, so good to know that the days start to get longer after today. The cold and the ice don't really bother me too much, but I really just can't deal with the darkness at this time of year - those pre-16:00 sunsets and the mid-afternoon dullness especially. It's just so miserable and depressing. Once Christmas is over, my mind is set firmly on spring.

Originally Posted by: Bolty 

Personally, I don't mind the darkness at this time of the year as I find that to be a lot better than looking at those constant grey skies which are all too often, a common feature of our weather in these parts.

Having said that though, I would rather just be seeing some interesting weather for a change because that is something which we just don't get enough of here, especially in comparison with the rest of the UK. In fact, I would even go as far as saying that our weather actually used to be interesting in the past but isn't any more.

Today is actually quite a good example of that because we are in the sort of set up just now which would guaranteed to have brought some showery weather here which might not have nice to have been out and about in, but would have at least generated some nice-looking rainbows and that to me would have at least been "interesting" as a result.

Now, we're getting nothing like that here whatsoever and all we are getting is just windy weather with some cloud and perhaps some sunshine with little or no variation in the temperatures. That is the most boring weather type you could possibly come across and I'm sick and tired of seeing virtually nothing but that for most of the time.😡
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Matty H
21 December 2022 20:28:20
Great news. That’s the shortest day over with. Next stop, Spring. Always races around once the Xmas period is over. 
The Beast from the East
21 December 2022 20:43:05

Depressing, thanks for reminding me! I love the darkness this time of year, makes getting to sleep so easy... and lends a wonderful, cosy feel to things indoors. And, of course, it means no poxy barbecues or people making a racket late into the evening!

Ah well, best make the most of the remaining couple of months of dark evenings... by the end of February it's still light-ish at 6.

Originally Posted by: Retron 

Ha Ha, I hate dark mornings though, as I cant get up, whereas in the summer I can easily wake up about 6 even if had gone to bed at 3 pissed off my face. 
"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Matty H
21 December 2022 20:45:19

Depressing, thanks for reminding me! I love the darkness this time of year, makes getting to sleep so easy... and lends a wonderful, cosy feel to things indoors. And, of course, it means no poxy barbecues or people making a racket late into the evening!

Ah well, best make the most of the remaining couple of months of dark evenings... by the end of February it's still light-ish at 6.

Originally Posted by: Retron 

Good. Sooner the better. Winter is utter w***

Soon be Spring, though, then hopefully months of extreme heat again

as I know you turn into chocolate in summer I hope you get a spring and summer of rain and wind to keep you happy. 
22 December 2022 08:46:06

Great news. That’s the shortest day over with. Next stop, Spring. Always races around once the Xmas period is over. 

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

Cant wait for that and the sooner to get out from snow less winter the better.  With milder charts for weeks will allow me to save heating costs so by Jan onward to be on credits. 
24 December 2022 10:35:00
What a surprise the cold hasn't returned. Just unremitting bleak ugly unpleasant un-festive dirge all week that shows no sign of relenting. Yet another year of unbelievably dire Christmas/New Year weather in which we'll struggle to get a frost 🤬

The meteorological equivalent of getting just a 💩in your Christmas stocking every stinking year. Nothing to look forward to or enjoy whatsoever.

It's just utter poison these conditions. Detestable without any redeeming qualities. Conditions so poor that darkness is more acceptable than daylight. Horrendous with the mildness concentrated at night as always. Not dropped below 2C all week and outside the cold spell it hasn't dropped below freezing all month. Disgraceful. There isn't another climate at 57 degrees north that struggles to drop below freezing around the shortest days of the year ☹

Feels horrible cold and rotten during the day with temperatures barely higher than during the night. It's 5.2C now having dropped lower than 4.2C overnight. Absolutely dire temperatures. I can think of nothing worse. Bedroom temperature is currently 14.1C same as during the cold spell and there has been no change all week.

The sooner this rank, poxy horrendous good-for-nothing season is over the better. January will just be another boring write-off. That's all it ever is nowadays. Relentless bone dry westerlies from start to finish which is why it is now ludicrously the driest month of the year having once ranked amongst the wettest.
Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
26 December 2022 13:13:30
Today sun is the strongest you can get this time of the year with 4 mins extra daylight give now indoor temps to 19C the highest so far without heating on this morning despite slight frost outside.  Soon the sun will be notable stronger as daylight slowly drawing out so thank god we heading this way for warmer early Spring hopefully after 2 years of very cold Spring.
The Beast from the East
26 December 2022 13:26:15

Today sun is the strongest you can get this time of the year with 4 mins extra daylight give now indoor temps to 19C the highest so far without heating on this morning despite slight frost outside.  Soon the sun will be notable stronger as daylight slowly drawing out so thank god we heading this way for warmer early Spring hopefully after 2 years of very cold Spring.

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

Its funny, the older I get the more I yearn for heat and spring, but as a child and younger man I loved the cold and hated warm weather. 
at the moment, if we cant have another cold spell this season, then I wish for spring to come right now, and we can easily reach 15 even with the sun at its weakest with a long fetch Bartlett
"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
26 December 2022 13:38:11

Its funny, the older I get the more I yearn for heat and spring, but as a child and younger man I loved the cold and hated warm weather. 
at the moment, if we cant have another cold spell this season, then I wish for spring to come right now, and we can easily reach 15 even with the sun at its weakest with a long fetch Bartlett

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Agree. I've found with every passing year that my interest in winter just gets less and less. A notable wintry spell still takes my interest at the time, like what we had earlier this month (which now seems a very distant memory), but I really just can't get myself excited for cold, dark evenings and grey, miserable days after a warm spring and summer. Now that Christmas is nearly over, my mind is set firmly on spring and the first proper mild spell of the year.
Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
26 December 2022 14:18:39

Agree. I've found with every passing year that my interest in winter just gets less and less. A notable wintry spell still takes my interest at the time, like what we had earlier this month (which now seems a very distant memory), but I really just can't get myself excited for cold, dark evenings and grey, miserable days after a warm spring and summer. Now that Christmas is nearly over, my mind is set firmly on spring and the first proper mild spell of the year.

Originally Posted by: Bolty 

As turning to 50C next month I have very few memories of best snowy spels which all occur in the late 70's and 80's up to 1991, then brief 2009 for nearly 1 ft of snow depth.  I watch some hailstorm videos on Youtbue. that I used to see alot in the past as well.  Now to start filling up my winter memory of snow is going to Lapland yearly and rent a holiday home for a week which my wife's colleague who is Hungarian going there next month and gave me the link to look at it.  Said is £61 per night so a lot cheaper than the hotels which is very expensive.  We talk about starting in 2024 and go yearly to places that have snow to fill up our memories and experiences just like a person from N America who see a lot in their lives.

Will order a mini weather station and ourdoor sensor to take with me to see low temps and experience it.  Will give a V sign to this country winter climate that never offer snow and real cold temps.   I always have fresh memory of Toronto's winter storm on 22nd Jan 2005 and -25.1C on my wired sensor so need more to experience it again.
27 December 2022 13:24:01
Worst kind of day today. Wet, windy and temperatures in the low single figures. Looks pretty much the same for the rest of this year.
Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
Heavy Weather 2013
27 December 2022 13:27:14
After a Christmas break I thought I’d turn to the models again, pretty dreadful at the moment. The recent cold spell feels like a distant memory.

Why is it so hard to get decent January cold in this useless country.
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
27 December 2022 14:00:17

After a Christmas break I thought I’d turn to the models again, pretty dreadful at the moment. The recent cold spell feels like a distant memory.

Why is it so hard to get decent January cold in this useless country.

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

Take a look at Toronto going to be like here horrible mild and wet but normally we should get cold and snowy when other side of the pond is mild but alas no more we both get the same set-up nowdays.  Plus the deep cold and snow recently there is really complete waste of time and no enjoyment kowing that it going to wipe away quickly for those cold rampers there.  If I was there I would not be pleased to know that the snow will be gone next minute.
I stick to Lapland than Canada or USA to see what remaining snow and real cold that won't wipe out instantly.
27 December 2022 16:40:45

I’m not sure that ‘enjoyment’ is uppermost on the minds of those people trapped in their cars or having their business looted. Hell might be a better term. 
I would be looking forward to a thaw.


Originally Posted by: NMA 

Didn't they recieved any warnings and all models was pointing at the severeity of the cold snap and snow storms forecasts?   Seem they ignored and continue as normal driving and thinking is only standard snow storms they get often.  With all the technology gathered from the weather models and weather network on TV and phones to warn others not to go out at all and give a lockdown type for a day or 2 to stay at home and close businesses.  They done well on hurricane forecasts in Florida everyone stay at home and all businesses boarded up.
Heavy Weather 2013
27 December 2022 18:50:50

Didn't they recieved any warnings and all models was pointing at the severeity of the cold snap and snow storms forecasts?   Seem they ignored and continue as normal driving and thinking is only standard snow storms they get often.  With all the technology gathered from the weather models and weather network on TV and phones to warn others not to go out at all and give a lockdown type for a day or 2 to stay at home and close businesses.  They done well on hurricane forecasts in Florida everyone stay at home and all businesses boarded up.

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

Agreed. Even here in the UK it was well published, I would’ve have stocked up and hunkered down and not travelled. People do not give the respect to the weather it deserves sometimes 
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
  • RobN
  • Advanced Member
27 December 2022 19:12:05
It would be very interesting to ask those people who have had to be dug out of their vehicles what they were thinking when they set off on their journeys. Of course, for those that are now dead it is impossible to know.
In the flatlands of South Cambridgeshire 15m ASL.
27 December 2022 20:05:32
Upon looking through my data, I was astonished to discover that not a single air frost has been recorded at any of my local stations back in Edinburgh during my time here in the Scottish Borders,  despite the fact that a technical white Christmas was recorded at Edinburgh Gogarbank as officially confirmed by the Met Office.

Last night, we got a wee bit of snow in Hawick and it had looked as though we were going to get an air frost as the temperature dropped to 0°C by as early as 9pm. After that though, the temperature jumped back up to +1°C and refused to drop afterwards.

I have had quite a number of frost-free trips down here in recent years at this time of the year and this now looks like being yet another one to add to that list given the latest forecasts.

Yet despite the recent milder weather, this has actually technically been a cold winter overall so far so the fact that we still can't get a single air frost when I'm down here even with that makes me wonder what on Earth it is actually going to take for an air frost to be recorded whilst I am down here.😡
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
27 December 2022 20:07:23
Suspect, had it not been Christmas, and desperation to get somewhere, they might have heeded more advice.  Also the reported local sudden turn and deterioration would have caught people out who were aware but thought they could beat it. You would hope they were better prepared than UK punters who get caught in an inch of snow wearing shorts and flipflops and no spade. 
Neilston 600ft ASL
sunny coast
28 December 2022 21:41:51
A Outlook which could hardly be worse  mild and wet or mild and drier and brighter at times in the south and a bit chillier in the North . After a promising cold spell in Dec it did look for a whie that this year might be different but no the same old dross into Jan that we have had for a decade now . The last cold Jan was 2013 since then it has been virtually  a write off in terms of wintry weather.  A sign of the times we are now in 
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