Wednesday, January 13, 2021 12:42:31 PM

I love the SW in summer but every winter the pull to move back north is greater each year. Today is a very good example. There is a front that has stalled over central Britain with the prospect of snow in the next 23-36 hours. 
I have a gut feeling Derbyshire will see several inches come tomorrow morning whilst here in barmy Cornwall it’s 10.5c. 
The winters down here are long, not because of snow and ice but the perpetual dull,damp, mildness that drags on for months. Add on a constant wind and it can suck your soul.

I believe there is a Cornish saying- There is only one commitment for living here and that is “can you last a winter”..

I can’t even escape to see my mum in Derbyshire this year due to Covid. Luckily on that side she is relatively fit and well.

Thats better rant over until I see webcams full of snow😩

Germoe, part of the breakaway Celtic Republic.
Wednesday, January 13, 2021 12:44:53 PM

Originally Posted by: snowtastic 

Fully expecting Met Office updates to begin including phrases like "increased risk of trench foot" and "high risk of widespread, severe marsh and bog."

Their new definition of a so called "Wintry Hazard". 

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

Wednesday, January 13, 2021 6:26:03 PM
What a god-awful, depressing day today. Low single figures, cold rain, never got completely light, stuck at home and not allowed to go anywhere other than work... SAD kicking in very well.
Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
Saint Snow
Wednesday, January 13, 2021 10:37:11 PM

Just checked my online bookie account, and it's been confirmed that neither Aberdeen nor Norwich saw even one flake of snow on Xmas Day. 

I feel bloody cheated. 

Annoyingly, I cannot find any official confirmation either way on any site. 

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
  • AJ*
  • Advanced Member
Thursday, January 14, 2021 10:18:12 AM

After 15.5mm of rain overnight, I now have standing water in various places in the garden, including a pond four feet by two feet in one corner.  A couple of days ago when I went for a walk in the local countryside I was sliding around in the mud and wet, so it will be even worse now.


Originally Posted by: Bolty 

What a god-awful, depressing day today. Low single figures, cold rain, never got completely light, stuck at home and not allowed to go anywhere other than work... SAD kicking in very well.

I find that a lightbox makes a big difference, and I've had mine on in gloomy weather since October.

Angus; one of the Kent crew on TWO.
Tonbridge, 40m (131ft) asl
Thursday, January 14, 2021 11:55:23 AM

Yet again here in Chelmsford it is another day of cold rain. We will start sinking soon. Not even had a little bit of sleet so far this winter :(

Thursday, January 14, 2021 11:57:15 AM

I didn't think this winter could get any worse till today! 4C, windy and heavy rain. 22mm so far today giving us a years rainfall in 4 months! The sewer at the bottom of the road has burst its cover and is spewing out raw sewage. You can't walk anywhere that isn't hard standing as it is just a quagmire of sloppy Essex clay!

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Saint Snow
Thursday, January 14, 2021 12:02:56 PM

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

I didn't think this winter could get any worse till today! 4C, windy and heavy rain. 22mm so far today giving us a years rainfall in 4 months! The sewer at the bottom of the road has burst its cover and is spewing out raw sewage. You can't walk anywhere that isn't hard standing as it is just a quagmire of sloppy Essex clay!



If it's any consolation, most of NW England is in exactly the same boat (barring the raw sewage bit...)

I think it's been raining non-stop for about 36+ hours IMBY


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Thursday, January 14, 2021 12:10:33 PM

Originally Posted by: Chelsea 

Yet again here in Chelmsford it is another day of cold rain. We will start sinking soon. Not even had a little bit of sleet so far this winter :(

I notice this winter had the most amount of cold rain days within 3 weeks since the start of the cool spell from Xmas to now.  Can't wait for Spring to come and hopefully very dry summer to make up for it.

Thursday, January 14, 2021 2:11:06 PM
Yet the 3rd consecutive overcast depressing day - mild as well like previous few at +10c with....

drizzle (that's it you guessed it!). Yuck.
Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

Ally Pally Snowman
Thursday, January 14, 2021 2:39:03 PM

The front appears to be decaying now not a hint of snow here. Awful day . 

Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
Heavy Weather 2013
Thursday, January 14, 2021 2:51:39 PM
Another god awful day of freezing cold rain. This is getting beyond a joke.
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Thursday, January 14, 2021 4:27:15 PM

Originally Posted by: tallyho_83 

Yet the 3rd consecutive overcast depressing day - mild as well like previous few at +10c with....

drizzle (that's it you guessed it!). Yuck.

Better than 31mm of cold rain (in the last 16 hours) and flooding. And no numpties in Micras who think that driving at 1mph and stop-starting through floodwater is a good idea!


Leysdown, north Kent
Heavy Weather 2013
Thursday, January 14, 2021 4:28:27 PM

Originally Posted by: Retron 


Better than 31mm of cold rain (in the last 16 hours) and flooding. And no numpties in Micras who think that driving at 1mph and stop-starting through floodwater is a good idea!


No warnings from the MetOffice for rain. Lots of localised flooding here.

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Thursday, January 14, 2021 4:35:21 PM

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 


No warnings from the MetOffice for rain. Lots of localised flooding here.

Yup, I mentioned this yesterday - it's puzzling. I can only assume they were completely focused on the snow up north and forgot entirely that over an inch of rain down south, on sodden ground, would cause flooding.

Leysdown, north Kent
Whether Idle
Thursday, January 14, 2021 5:08:18 PM

Originally Posted by: Retron 


Yup, I mentioned this yesterday - it's puzzling. I can only assume they were completely focused on the snow up north and forgot entirely that over an inch of rain down south, on sodden ground, would cause flooding.

Another woeful performance.  Just not good enough.

Dover, 5m asl. Half a mile from the south coast.
Thursday, January 14, 2021 6:06:24 PM

How I went from looking at a dead straw-coloured lawn to being sick at the sight of rain in four months.

Folkestone Harbour. 
  • AJ*
  • Advanced Member
Thursday, January 14, 2021 6:15:22 PM

Originally Posted by: idj20 

How I went from looking at a dead straw-coloured lawn to being sick at the sight of rain in four months.

Yeh, me too.  It's cr*p, isn't it?

Angus; one of the Kent crew on TWO.
Tonbridge, 40m (131ft) asl
Thursday, January 14, 2021 7:30:52 PM

Yet another utterly repellent week of weather here. So much for it getting milder it's just more disgusting cold rain with temperatures around 3C and icy pavements despite the air temperature getting below freezing for a total of 36 minutes 

Worst winter I have ever experienced. It's just unreal. Yet another wretched, horrific, soul destroying nightmare season scraped from the bowels of hell. I thought winter 2013/14 was the winter equivalent of summer 2012 but it seems that was only summer 2007 and this rancid season is the 2012 equivalent.

Three weeks of mild rain followed by three weeks of cold rain. Not even half way through and I've recorded 174mm when even 2013/14 managed only 314mm for the whole season.

Three pathetically brief and inadequate falls of snow, each one worse than the last. Poor even by the stupefyingly awful standards of the past eight years.

Thought that working from home might mean I could get out on the bike more often than during last year's godawful windfest winter but no. Not a single suitable day this year due to icy roads and unpleasant weather.

One day has reached 10C this winter and it hasn't even reached 8C this month. Boring and depressing beyond comprehension

Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
Thursday, January 14, 2021 8:28:15 PM

Not a moan - But I have found the N. America Thread:

Can't message Ontario Snowman - aka Stewart so he's off the forum as is WesternPA, Pfw and SEMerc - as for Graeme (Ghawes) he's not logged in either for a while as has Peter AKA CalgaryExMetO and Gordonsnow (Columbus). Can't find Britbob either.

Not a moan but of course miss seeing the reports from N. America like we use to get on a daily basis I guess!?

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

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