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Gavin D
  • Gavin D
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
23 January 2018 00:00:22

Dry and cloudy with partial snow cover still in place 

Temp 2.3c

23 January 2018 07:18:15
Thaw continuing with localised flooding. Overcast.

Wind SE light breeze

Temp 6.2C
Veteran of winter of 62/63
By Scapa Flow, Orkney
23 January 2018 08:35:19

Mostly cloudy and it's only just started spitting with light rain. Did get to see some brightness earlier on, though.

8.9 C & 91% H under a light/moderate south west breeze.

Folkestone Harbour. 
23 January 2018 08:39:50

Here in Edinburgh, it's a very mild morning as our winter continues to really go down the pan with double figures temperatures forecast for today. It's also overcast and windy and just to add to our woes, it has also just started raining as I write.

With that said, the latest official data which I have just now is as follows:


Temperature: 9.7°C
Dew Point: 6.0°C
Relative Humidity: 81.5%

Average Temperature For January 2018: 3.2°C
Anomaly: -1.0 (set against 1981-2010 average)


Temperature: 8.8°C
Dew Point: 6.2°C
Relative Humidity: 88.0%
Wind: S at 9.9mph
Pressure: 999.0mb, falling
Visibility: 40.4 miles

Average Temperature For January 2018: 2.9°C
Anomaly: -1.0 (set against 1981-2010 average)


Temperature: 9°C
Dew Point: 5°C
Relative Humidity: 80.0%
Wind: SW at 17mph
Pressure: 999mb, falling
Visibility: At least 6.2 miles

Average Temperature For January 2018: 2.7°C
Anomaly: -1.1 (set against 1981-2010 average for Edinburgh Gogarbank)

Temperatures and dew points at Edinburgh Airport are measured only to the nearest 1°C instead of the nearest 0.1°C.

Pressure at Edinburgh Airport is measured to the nearest 1mb instead of the nearest 0.1mb.

All Data for Edinburgh Airport is taken from whereas all other data is taken from

Since the Met Office doesn't hold any climatological data for Edinburgh Airport, the 1981-2010 averages for Edinburgh Gogarbank are used for that station due to its very close proximity. 


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
marco 79
23 January 2018 08:54:15
Overcast..brisk SW wind...mild and damp 9c
Home : Mid Leicestershire ...135m ASL
23 January 2018 09:19:20

Cloudy and damp with a fresh SW breeze.

Temp 9.9C

Humidity 91%

Eric. Cheadle Hulme, Stockport.
23 January 2018 09:43:53
5.8c Current temp.
4.6c Today’s low
994 Mb. Falling rapidly
Calm (High wind 24 mph)
1.0 mm rainfall

Live Weather from Cromdale, in the Cairngorms National Park of Highland Scotland.  (Met Office Climate Station)
  • four
  • Advanced Member
23 January 2018 10:11:21
Bright and windy, 5.7C
I'm struggling to see how we will reach 10C forecast, but it may exceed the month record so far of 7.5C on the 2nd
Still almost 50% snowcover.
23 January 2018 10:16:31
Sunny spells, 10.6c
Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
23 January 2018 11:12:52

Bright, milder but breezy, 11c.

Loughborough, EM.

Knowledge is power, ignorance is weakness.

23 January 2018 11:18:17
15c here in Exeter - perhaps the mildest January day in many years and it's not even 12 midday yet! But it's overcast with the odd spit of drizzle. Perhaps quite dire.
Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

23 January 2018 12:41:56

7.1c.  Humidity     83% rh.

996.1 hPa.

Cloudy some breaks with showers.

S. Westerly Breeze 12 mph   increasing to strong winds overnight. 

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
23 January 2018 13:24:11
The nightmare winter scenario of double figures temperatures has now arrived here in Edinburgh, at all three of my local stations. One thing which I forgot to mention this morning was that at that time, it was already the mildest day of the month and year so far, which means that we have now just had the first double figures temperatures of the month and year so far.

It has been a mostly overcast day so far and although the Sun has made the odd feeble attempt to appear through the cloud, there has been nothing in the way of sunshine recorded for today at Edinburgh Gogarbank so far as at 1pm this afternoon.

There has also been some rain on and off during today and at 1pm this afternoon, this has resulted in 2.0 mm of rain being recorded for today so far at Edinburgh Gogarbank along with 1.0 mm at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh, thus making today an official rain day at both stations although the actual amounts once again, aren't much to write home about.

It has also been a very windy day with the winds at Edinburgh Gogarbank gusting up to 37.9mph from the SW whilst at Edinburgh Airport, even the mean wind speed was up to 26.1mph from the SSW just a couple of hours ago.

Meanwhile at 1pm this afternoon, the temperature was 10.9°C at Edinburgh Gogarbank, 11°C at Edinburgh Airport and 11.4°C at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh.

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
23 January 2018 13:36:17
Good to know that despite missing out on most of the snow last week we certainly don’t miss out on the rain....9c and heavy, heavy rain. All morning. Meh....
Home - near Penrith 150m ASL
Work - North/Central Cumbria
23 January 2018 16:59:54
This has ended up being a thoroughly dark, dismal and miserable afternoon here in Edinburgh.

it has been so dark this afternoon that I have had to keep my house lights on all the time and at as early as 3:30pm, it was almost as pitch dark as it is at night due to that really heavy cloud cover which in the end, has resulted in nothing at all in the way of sunshine being recorded at Edinburgh Gogarbank. This now means that we have had no recorded sunshine at all on two out of the last three days and during that time, we have had just that really mediocre total of 24 minutes of sunshine over the course of those three days, with all of that occurring during yesterday afternoon.

However, it is the rain which is making the biggest headline here because after being on and off all morning, it just got heavier as the afternoon wore on to the point where it became almost torrential at around 3:30pm this afternoon. In the last hour between 3pm and 4pm alone, this has resulted in 2.4 mm of rain falling at Edinburgh Gogarbank, along with 2.2 mm at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh. Today's rainfall totals as at 4pm were 5.2 mm at Edinburgh Gogarbank along with 4.0 mm at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh. there is a gap in that rain which has just arrived but according the rain radar maps, there are still no signs of any real let-up, so today could well end up being our wettest day of the month and year so far, with Storm Georgina still to come during tonight and the early hours of tomorrow morning.

Today's maximum temperature was 10.9°C at Edinburgh Gogarbank, 11°C at Edinburgh Airport and 11.4°C at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh.

By 4pm this afternoon, the temperature had dropped back a bit to 8.4°C at both Edinburgh Gogarbank and the botanic gardens in Edinburgh, and 8°C at Edinburgh Airport so it has at least cooled down a bit although it is still mild.

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
23 January 2018 17:12:20
A high of bang on 12°C this afternoon. This actually makes today the mildest day since 22 November and the first day of 2018 to record a double-figure maximum.

Very mild maxima is one thing this winter has lacked so far.
Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
23 January 2018 19:59:00

12.3°c and mizzly.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
Retire while you can still press the 'retire now' button.
23 January 2018 20:51:38
10c cloudy.
Observations from around GUILDFORD in SURREY and now Nottingham
23 January 2018 23:06:59

It's still windy here at the end of a day which has ended up being both our mildest day of the month and year so far, and the wettest day of the month and year so far (9.8 mm at Edinburgh Gogarbank and 9.4 mm at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh) at all three of my local stations. At the moment, we are in a much drier spell of weather and in fact, this is just a period of relatively quiet (although the sound of that wind outside which is still gusting up to 28.6mph from the SW at Edinburgh Gogarbank means that it's not exactly all that quiet) before Storm Georgina arrives later on.

At 10pm, the temperature was 6.5°C at Edinburgh Gogarbank, 6°C at Edinburgh Airport and 6.8°C at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh, so it has actually cooled down quite a lot from those double figures (and almost spring-like) temperatures which we had earlier on, although it's still not exactly all that cold.


I can now report that Storm Georgina has now arrived here, as it has just started raining here yet again.

The temperatures cooled down only to a minimum of 5.8°C at Edinburgh Gogarbank, 6°C at Edinburgh Airport and 6.0°C at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh.

Over the last couple of hours though, the temperatures have been going back up again and at 11pm tonight, the temperature was up to 7.3°C at Edinburgh Gogarbank, 7°C at Edinburgh Airport and 7.3°C at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
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