22 August 2017 17:18:27
Cool grey muck here with a max of 15°C. The summer that never was still isn't.
22 August 2017 17:35:49

So much for the weather improving when the schools went back because today is absolutely disgusting and this week is looking to turn out as atrocious as anything in this cancerous write-off abomination of a summer

Cool, dull drizzly,write-off easterly filth. Zero sunshine, murk, 1.2C diurnal range. Pretty much need the lights on indoors already. Never ever in the past did things ever get this dire with more or less complete absence of temperature variation throughout the day and appalling light levels in what is laughably described as a summer month 


Originally Posted by: Andy Woodcock 


Yes, the summers of that period were bad but TBH there isn't much difference between it raining at 19c and raining at 16c, you still can't have a bbq! This summer with its excessive rainfall and cloud compares with any crap summer from the1960s

And in the 1950s and 60s they had plenty of cold winters to compensate!

I think the weather up north since 2011 is about as miserable and depressing as any in the last 200 years and I certainly don't feel lucky for living through it!!!


Completely agree that this grotesque decade is without parallel throughout recorded history for its sheer unrelenting awfulness. Dire snowless winters and horrifically dull and wet summers year in year out.

This decade has the worst summers in recorded history and the worst winters. It’s just unreal. The summers of the 60s were most definitely not this poor. As dull but not as wet whereas the 50s were as wet but not as dull. There was at least one good summer month in most years of the 50s and 60s whereas the vast majority of the past decade has consisted of three months of rubbish. The 1920s, 1930s and 1990s were also nowhere near as frost free and snowless as this repulsive decade of endless autumnal gunk.

In addition, Summer temperatures today are certainly not warmer. They have been either average or below average for the past decade except 2013. The average summer maxima were the same here in the mid-19th century, when records were first kept, but the station was closer to the sea then so in reality is probably about 0.5C cooler now.

Moreover, because it is so persistently cloudy and rains almost every day the maxima are attained for a far shorter period than in the past. So many days recently it seems to reach around 18-19C for less than an hour when the rest of the day is nearer 15/16C and who could forget the absolute horror show joke that was the warmest day of 2017. 25.7C reached at noon but 15C and rain by evening. Toxic rubbish and not what the warmest day of the year ever brought in the past.

Another summer month so crap that it can't even reach 22C - a fairly modest threshold but reached only once in the past two months. 10 years now since even 24C was reached in August when that used to be average for the hottest day of the month. The lack of warmth is just beyond a joke and matched only by the lack of cold come winter 

Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
22 August 2017 18:22:49

It never made 25c plus today, started quite misty, but did start breaking somewhat, but soon cast over,and the clouds stayed around all day.Trying to break a bit now. Real shame as if there had been more sunshine a very possible 26c could have been achieved.Now Hoping the B/H gets some settled weather

Andy Woodcock
22 August 2017 20:48:54
After 4 weeks of sub 20c days the temperature finally exceeds 21c today reaching the dizzy heights of 23c at 4pm, so does this mean I had a nice evening bbq?

No chance! Despite the warm day the sky remained overcast throughout and really quite gloomy at times with thick dark clouds, then to add insult to injury we had a heavy shower at 6pm when my MetO app was predicting full sun.

Pathetic, absolutely pathetic for what should have been the best day of the month.

To describe this summer as a joke is being unkind to clowns!!!

Andy Woodcock
Altitude 435 feet
"I survived The Mega Bartlett Winter of 2015/16 With My Mental Health Just About Intact"
Joe Bloggs
22 August 2017 20:58:06

Originally Posted by: Crepuscular Ray 

Reading this thread, members may wonder why on earth do we Scotland dwellers stay here. There is more to life than weather though and for me who is a countryside/scenery lover who wants to live in a city, you'd be hard pressed to find anywhere compatible.
The city itself is so attractive, the architecture, the engineering (the 3 bridges are stunning), the culture, the world's largest Festival, the diversity and forward thinking people. The amazing frequent 24hr bus system (£1.60 single right across the city), frequent trains to London in less than 5hrs and an International airport. The city's landscape of cobbled streets, sandy beaches, the Forth Estuary and its Edinburgh harbours of Newhaven and Leith, numerous hills giving panaramic views in the city itself (Arthurs Seat 251m) The Pentland Hills tower over the city (500m). The Lammemuirs and Moorfoot ranges wrap themselves around the place.
Slightly further field we have East Lothian with its stunning sandy beaches, golf courses and landscapes. North Berwick is 30 mins on the train. We have the quiet unspoilt Borders with miles of rolling hills, Tweedbank is 30 mins on the train. Dumfries and Galaway, Highland Perthshire, Argyll and Bute all accessible in less than 2 hrs. The rest of the awesome Highlands and Islands, the Lake District, Northumberland, Yorkshire Dales...all are my playground as a walker and geographer.
Even the weather is not that bad really....usually....with Edinburgh as dry and sunny as the East Midlands. It's not very warm, its always windy, thunder is rare, summers can be horrendous (2017 😣)....but snow is usually within sight in winter!
Just thought I'd put a different view across for a change 😊

Edinburgh is absolutely wonderful. Stunningly beautiful in looks and in character. I will not hear a bad word said about the place! Take me back. 

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

23 August 2017 03:58:59

After a relatively pleasant couple of weeks, the humidity arrives back here with a vengeance. Mowing the lawn yesterday was like inhaling half the North Sea with every breath - sticky and unpleasant. Even now, at 5 AM, there's a 16C dewpoint. All thanks to that ex-hurricane of course.

Looks like it's going to hang around for several days, too, albeit with a very brief respite tomorrow afternoon.

Still, at least it's autumn next week and the inevitable march of the seasons means it gets harder to sustain a sticky airmass...

Leysdown, north Kent
23 August 2017 04:02:37

Originally Posted by: Retron 

After a relatively pleasant couple of weeks, the humidity arrives back here with a vengeance. Mowing the lawn yesterday was like inhaling half the North Sea with every breath - sticky and unpleasant. Even now, at 5 AM, there's a 16C dewpoint. All thanks to that ex-hurricane of course.

Looks like it's going to hang around for several days, too, albeit with a very brief respite tomorrow afternoon.

Still, at least it's autumn next week and the inevitable march of the seasons means it gets harder to sustain a sticky airmass...

Then no doubt, summer will finally arrive in this part of the world as it tends to do in most years during September.


Even here in Edinburgh, the temperature is at 16C with a 15C dew point, and it's still only just after 5am. I have been struggling to sleep even with that, so I wouldn't like to imagine what it would be like in locations such as Central London where the min temperatures at night can be somewhere in the region of 20C+ during the summer months, also with a very high dew point.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Solar Cycles
23 August 2017 07:56:10
When does the warm spell start, it's rained on and off here for the last two days with temps maxing out at 20c. 😂😂
Chunky Pea
23 August 2017 10:38:14

77mm recorded at Malin Hd, Co. Donegal yesterday.

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
snow 2004
23 August 2017 12:18:18
I see this mornings storms kicked off just East of me. Our bad luck with storms this year has been incredible.
Glossop Derbyshire, 200m asl
Saint Snow
23 August 2017 12:52:08

Originally Posted by: Solar Cycles 

When does the warm spell start, it's rained on and off here for the last two days with temps maxing out at 20c. 😂😂


Looking at the weekend and the GFS 6z shows a recurring theme - the low to our north having a tumour-like protuberance emerge as it passes us, extending south with its associated front. BH Monday looking a write-off at the moment for most of the UK

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
23 August 2017 13:17:33

Originally Posted by: snow 2004 

I see this mornings storms kicked off just East of me. Our bad luck with storms this year has been incredible.

I don't think any of the plumes have delivered this year for your and my areas. It's not as if they haven't delivered. Looks like Northern Ireland has been the place this year for thunderstorm fans.

Looks as though that's it for the meteorological summer in terms of classic thunderstorm plumes, now. Anything now that crops up will be in the meteorological autumn. It has been another poor summer for thunder and a generally forgettable summer overall.

To think Michael Holding (West Indian cricket commentator) was calling it the best summer since 1976, a few weeks back?!

Timelapses, old weather forecasts and natural phenomena videos can be seen on this site
Chunky Pea
23 August 2017 14:05:01

Originally Posted by: KevBrads1 


I don't think any of the plumes have delivered this year for your and my areas. It's not as if they haven't delivered. Looks like Northern Ireland has been the place this year for thunderstorm fans.

N.I tends to do well every year for storms due to decent enough land track to its S and SW.

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
23 August 2017 15:44:55

The grim excuse for a summer continues here with the grey damp occasionally very wet much continuing unabated for another day.

What started off as an OK month has turned into a very poor one to add to a (yet another) generally very disappointing summer throughout. What does it take to get an average or even better than average summer these days?

I notice the intense rainfall caused serious flooding issues in NI. 

David M Porter
23 August 2017 16:05:16

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

The grim excuse for a summer continues here with the grey damp occasionally very wet much continuing unabated for another day.

What started off as an OK month has turned into a very poor one to add to a (yet another) generally very disappointing summer throughout. What does it take to get an average or even better than average summer these days?

I notice the intense rainfall caused serious flooding issues in NI. 

Maybe our summers will improve once the AMO has returned to a negative phase. I'm given to understand that this is due to happen sometime early in the next decade I think.

Our summers, IMO, have generally been poorer ever since the late 1990's, which was when the AMO last changed as far as I know.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
23 August 2017 17:28:32

This week is beyond dire. Every bit as revolting as the worst the last decade has thrown at us. In fact I’d be hard pressed to recall anything as vile as the last two days.

Not just a complete lack of sun but diabolical air quality and light levels so appalling it almost seems dark in the middle of the day. The temperature has varied by 1.2C in 48 hours with a SE wind and today so far has recorded a min of 14.0C, max of 14.6C and 10.2mm of rain which cleared to thick fog. A 2007/2012 special

There is no question that once again this is awful without precedent. It beggars belief that a 0.6C diurnal range could happen outside the depths of winter. Another summer so awful it defies classification. There really is no floor as to how low things can sink these days.

I managed to get out only one evening last week and not at all this week. Be as well being late October already

Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
Crepuscular Ray
23 August 2017 18:36:12
Interesting drive from Edinburgh to Nottingham via Leeds today in air of tropical origin. Left Edinburgh at 7am at a warm humid 17 C, that's rare for Edinburgh at that time. Soon hit intense thundery rain between West Linton and Moffat. Frightening driving in torrents with flashes of lightning.
Drier and brighter down through Yorkshire but ran into severe storm in Leeds, had to pull over. Local flooding and plenty of lightning. Steamy, sunny and 23 C when we got to Nottingham. It was 21 C even in Edinburgh I see 😲
Edinburgh, in the frost hollow below Blackford Hill
Tim A
23 August 2017 19:14:18
Forecast for here for next few days look OK. Certainly better than we have had with temperatures about 20c each day with a fair bit of sunshine
NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
23 August 2017 19:54:20

Originally Posted by: KevBrads1 


I don't think any of the plumes have delivered this year for your and my areas. It's not as if they haven't delivered. Looks like Northern Ireland has been the place this year for thunderstorm fans.

Looks as though that's it for the meteorological summer in terms of classic thunderstorm plumes, now. Anything now that crops up will be in the meteorological autumn. It has been another poor summer for thunder and a generally forgettable summer overall.

To think Michael Holding (West Indian cricket commentator) was calling it the best summer since 1976, a few weeks back?!

Yes, yet another thunder bust for this area this summer. We really have had some horrible luck this year. We missed all of the thundery spells in the spring and now it seems we've missed most of them in the summer as well.

The last hope now is autumn before we enter the winter snooze-fest for thunder. I'm in NYC in just under two weeks, so hopefully I'll see at least something over in the States.

Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
Saint Snow
25 August 2017 10:30:12

Whilst this BH weekend is shaping up to be fine for the majority of the country, the temperature gradient looks to be pretty severe as you move away from the SE.

According to the BBC website, the following maxes are applicable for Monday:

London - 28c

Birmingham - 24c

Cardiff - 23c

Manchester - 23c

Keswick - 18c  (and drizzly)

Glasgow - 18c  (and raining)

Belfast -  18c  (and drizzly


I'm going to be in Caernarfon in NW Wales, and whilst it should be mostly dry, it'll be cloudy & 18c max


Seems like ages since a high was centred over the North Sea/Scotland/Just to our north giving the West and North the best of the weather.




Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
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