Here in the north of Edinburgh, the Sun made a very brief appearance at around 5pm before disappearing once again for the rest of the day.
That resulted in 59 minutes of sunshine (by using raw BUFR data, sunshine totals are now recorded to the nearest minute as opposed to the nearest 6 minutes which you get with the older system that uses raw SYNOP data).
However, that would be seem as very poor even at around the time of the winter solstice and is really abysmal for this time of year when you consider that we are now less than three weeks away from the summer solstice. This means that although that is enough to give us our first recorded sunshine of this summer, that is a very poor figure to be starting off with.
Meanwhile, today's maximum temperature at Edinburgh Gogarbank was only 14.35°C (which isn't even warm enough for me to able to wear just a t-shirt outdoors) which means that although there are still no signs of any rain, this has been a very poor start to this so-called "summer" in terms of the temperature and sunshine totals.
Meanwhile, the temperature at 7pm BST (18:00 UTC) was around 13°C here in Edinburgh.
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.