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28 July 2021 03:56:33

Good morning.  Calm and dry with broken cloud.  15.4c

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
28 July 2021 04:58:22
Good morning folks. Cloudy. Damp.
15•0°c. Light West South West breeze.
Humidity 85% Rh.

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
28 July 2021 05:45:46
Here in Edinburgh, last night's overnight rain has cleared away but more rain is approaching from the SW.

For now, there is still a lot of cloud around although the Sun has been making the odd brief appearance at times.

Meanwhile, the temperature at 6am this morning was around 14°C here in Edinburgh.

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
  • NMA
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28 July 2021 06:04:19

16C WSW breeze and sunny spells.

Vale of the Great Dairies
South Dorset
Elevation 60m 197ft
28 July 2021 06:06:48
15.3°C and overcast with some heavy rain around. There has been 3.6mm here in a very short period of time, however the heaviest stuff is hit and miss.
28 July 2021 06:27:33

Cool this morning 12.6c in a mod/fresh W wind. Some blue sky but heavy showers scattered around.

Germoe, part of the breakaway Celtic Republic.
28 July 2021 06:28:44

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

15.3°C and overcast with some heavy rain around. There has been 3.6mm here in a very short period of time, however the heaviest stuff is hit and miss.

Here in Edinburgh, the earlier overnight rain produced a total of 10.6 mm of rain at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh, but just 1.0 mm at Edinburgh Gogarbank.

This shows just how much of a hit and miss scenario that this can be because this means that we STILL can't get over that magic 1981-2010 July average at Edinburgh Gogarbank as the total for there during this month, even though more than 100 mm of rain has now been recorded during this month at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh.

As I write though, it has now started raining here once again and so, that situation which I have just described could easily change as today goes on.

I will have more info about that later on though in this month's PW thread.

For the record, last night's overnight minimum temperature at Edinburgh Gogarbank was confirmed as 13.6°C, so last night was slightly cooler than of late.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
28 July 2021 06:42:08

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

15.3°C and overcast with some heavy rain around. There has been 3.6mm here in a very short period of time, however the heaviest stuff is hit and miss.

Not the case here. I've recorded 24.0mm in less than 2 hours with a peak rate so far of 123.8mm. About 3mm has fallen just in the time it's taking to type this 

No thunder or impressive skies  so just another miserable grey and depressing morning

Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
28 July 2021 06:46:09

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 


Not the case here. I've recorded 24.0mm in less than 2 hours with a peak rate so far of 123.8mm. About 3mm has fallen just in the time it's taking to type this 

No thunder or impressive skies  so just another miserable grey and depressing morning

 That’s very impressive! I noticed some very heavy stuff over parts of the city. Just under 5mm here so far, but the radar and satellite imagery suggest more to come. It would be nice to see some convective skyscapes rather than the murk.

28 July 2021 06:46:33
Wet and windy

Wind NE fresh breeze

Veteran of winter of 62/63
By Scapa Flow, Orkney
Tim A
28 July 2021 06:57:18
Brightening up now , but generally damp with some light rain showers this morning.
Still under 1mm rain yesterday/today, the ground is damp, but nothing significant.

NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
28 July 2021 07:22:00
damp, light rain band clearing. Temp 14dc Powercut but no lightning etc as explanation. Not sure what type of day ahead, suspect ‘showery hazards’ 🙂
Neilston 600ft ASL
marco 79
28 July 2021 07:34:15
Bright with some sunshine..brisk SW wind this morning gusting F6 on W facing coast..17c
Home : Mid Leicestershire ...135m ASL
  • four
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28 July 2021 07:56:44
Cooler and breezy 15C, no rain here yet.
28 July 2021 08:18:44

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 


Not the case here. I've recorded 24.0mm in less than 2 hours with a peak rate so far of 123.8mm. About 3mm has fallen just in the time it's taking to type this 

No thunder or impressive skies  so just another miserable grey and depressing morning

That of course, makes Edinburgh's weather very boring and uninteresting in comparison.

We have some rain here just now, but nothing which is all that heavy and there are no bright echoes to be seen here on the latest rain radar maps.

We also haven't had any thunder or lightning. There has been no impressive-looking skies here and apart from the rain, this has just been yet another dull, grey and depressing morning.

This shows once again that as far as Edinburgh is concerned, the more "interesting" weather is usually always elsewhere and yes, "elsewhere" can also include Aberdeen which as a result, cannot therefore been seen as a place which always misses out on everything as far as "interesting" weather is concerned.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
28 July 2021 08:34:31

Originally Posted by: doctormog 


 That’s very impressive! I noticed some very heavy stuff over parts of the city. Just under 5mm here so far, but the radar and satellite imagery suggest more to come. It would be nice to see some convective skyscapes rather than the murk.

My 5mm is now 29.3mm 

28 July 2021 10:20:35

After a fair start to the morning with occasional bright breaks and some cloud, a power shower has just this minute rattled through giving 2 mm in just a few minutes. 

18.1 C & 89% h that are feeling fresh in a brisk SW breeze.

My lawn is looking good for it, that's for sure.

Folkestone Harbour. 
Tim A
28 July 2021 11:13:07
Dry with sunny spells and 18.0c
Pleasant enough, perhaps showers arriving in a bit but I said that yesterday.
NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
28 July 2021 11:23:47
The rain has now cleared away from here and some bits of blue sky have now appeared with the odd bit of sunshine starting to break through, although there is still a lot of cloud around.

Today is also cooler than of late and the temperature at 12 noon was only around 16°C here in Edinburgh which isn't even the least bit warm for this time of the year any more.

For now at least, we can therefore say that summer is over in this part of the world.

Roll on Autumn and next winter!!

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
28 July 2021 12:37:07
Very breezy but dry and largely sunny - ideal laundry drying weather.


Not feeling as humid as of late with dewpoint's around 14-15C.
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