Rainfall Data Since 9am (09:00 UTC) Yesterday Morning |
Edinburgh Gogarbank |
Edinburgh Botanic Gardens |
Total Amount (mm) |
1.4 |
2.2 |
Rainfall Data For This Month |
Edinburgh Gogarbank |
Edinburgh Botanic Gardens |
Total Amount (mm) |
14.4 (18.9 % of LTA) |
14.4 (21.3 % of LTA) |
Number of Rain Days |
3 (22.1% of LTA) |
3 (24.0 % of LTA) |
Number of Dry Days |
1 |
2 |
Rainfall Data For This Winter |
Edinburgh Gogarbank |
Edinburgh Botanic Gardens |
Total Amount (mm) |
137.0 (70.7 % of LTA) |
129.6 (73.9 % of LTA) |
Number of Rain Days |
22 (60.6 % of LTA) |
18 (54.1 % of LTA) |
Number of Dry Days |
9 |
10 |
Rainfall Data For This Year |
Edinburgh Gogarbank |
Edinburgh Botanic Gardens |
Total Amount (mm) |
14.4 (1.9 % of LTA) |
14.4 (2.0 % of LTA) |
Number of Rain Days |
3 (2.2 % of LTA) |
3 (2.4 % of LTA) |
Number Of Dry Days |
1 |
2 |
All of the above data is taken from the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) wherever possible, but also from weathercast.co.uk (as data from SEPA still hasn't been updated since 11pm on 23 December 2020) and is for up until 09:00 UTC (9am GMT) on 8 January 2021.
This Month's data runs from 09:00 UTC (9am GMT) on 1 January 2021.
This winter's data runs from 09:00 UTC (9am GMT) on 1 December 2020.
This year's data runs from 09:00 UTC (9am GMT) on 1 January 2021.
LTA = 1981-2010 average for the month, season or year in question at that particular station.
We are more than a quarter of the way through this month now, but we have only had less than a quarter of our 1981-2010 January average rainfall so far during this month, so this has been a fairly dry month until now.
With the models appearing to back away from the idea of next week being milder, that would also probably result in it remaining rather dry as any milder weather would probably be likely to bring wetter weather with it.
As a result of that, it is now already looking as though this month may well be on course to end up being our first significantly drier than average winter month since February 2019.
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.