Tim A
15 October 2020 14:49:45

Agreed it has been poor here too.
 90mm of rain so far, and no warm weather. Maximums have ranged from 11c to 14.4c.
The NE wind brings frequent showers here, today was supposed to be dryer yet there have been significant showers this afternoon.

NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
15 October 2020 16:34:12

Originally Posted by: Bolty 

A crap October so far, if I'm honest. Rain on nearly every day, with cloud at other times and feeling quite chilly for most of it.

Could be worse as my mind turn to that fateful night on this coming night 33 years ago. 

Folkestone Harbour. 
15 October 2020 18:11:32

Crap doesn't begin to describe how awful this October is. No redeeming qualities just pure GARBAGE 

Utterly repugnant synoptics. Dull, ridiculously wet, devoid of westerlies, devoid of warmth, devoid of cold. The latest in a long list of horrific Octobers since the turn of the century is on track to be the worst of the lot.

0.6mm short of 100mm already and even if all the remaining weekend days are bone dry, this month will have the wettest weekends in my records replacing the previous record set just last November 

Temperatures have been the most boring of any month I have ever experienced. The worst possible combination of crap mild nights and horrible cold days. A pitiful range of 9.9C from 4.4C to 14.3C. Ludicrous when Baltasound has recorded a warmer temperature. This is looking like the second successive October to fail to beat 15C which would be unprecedented in at least 80 years 

To be failing to see anything remotely cold at the same time just sums up why I regard this turgid, unextreme and uninteresting era as the worst ever for the weather enthusiast. Even by recent standards this is shocking. Not since 2011 have we got to mid-season without dropping below 4C. It's utterly dire when even the ultimate in mild gunk horror shows like 2006 and 2014 had seen lower by now. Biggest joke is it got down to 3.2C in June so this autumn currently has the mildest extreme minimum of any season since Summer 2019 

Because of the warm sunshine and cold nights in September - laughably colder nights with 20C maxes than the current dross is producing at 10C - the autumn colours had been the best in years but as the colours drop the rest will just remain green courtesy of these foul conditions that are just the worst for bringing out colour

What's more it looks like getting worse if anything. While the second half is unlikely to be as wet it looks like being exceptionally dull with barely any sun likely over the next week. Perfect timing for my long weekend in Perthshire which is all I'm getting this year instead of warm sunshine in the Canaries or Cyprus. Three days of gloom followed by a washout Monday 

2020 - the sick, disgusting year that is just one kick in the teeth after another. What the hell next? Will we even get a frost this side of Christmas 

Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
21 October 2020 12:08:25

As at 12 noon, a total of 1.5 hours of sunshine has been recorded for today at Edinburgh Gogarbank as at 12 noon. That might not be all that much, but this is enough to make today only the first day since 11 October where an hour or more of sunshine has been recorded in total there, throughout the course of the entire day. That brings this month's total to just 38.8 hours of sunshine which is just 40.4% of the 1981-2010 October average for that particular station with just 10 more days to go for this month after today.

I know that this is Scotland that I live in but even for here, these are absolutely shocking statistics for this time of the year. In recent years,

October has tended to be sunnier than average here in recent years with that often coming after a duller than average summer but although this summer was also duller than average, that hasn't been the case this year.

September stands out a relatively sunny month compared with every other month from June onwards, but even that month didn't provide us with enough sunshine to make that a sunnier than average month, so this shows just how abysmally dull it has been here from June onwards and this means that this month will now go down as our fourth duller than average month in a row.

Even when we are under high pressure, we always end up being under a lot of cloud and it just seems that at the moment, even getting one properly sunny day seems to be too much to ask for.

As for the temperatures, this month's average CET may well be running a bit colder than average, but this month has certainly not been colder than average here in Edinburgh. This is the month when we usually expect to start seeing our official air frosts of the season and if this month was genuinely colder than average here, this is something which we would have expected to have seen here by now.

As it turns out, our first air frost of the season happened even earlier than that in September which is the earliest that I have ever seen that happen. However, this is supposed to be a cooling time of the year as we head towards the winter and because of that, I would have expected to have seen more air frosts during this month as a result.

We did get close to that back at the very beginning of the month on 2 October 2020. However, we have never even come close to getting a frost since then and if anything, it has actually warmed up over time since then with last night being our mildest night of this month so far with a temperature of 11.1°C at Edinburgh Gogarbank.

In fact, our minimum temperatures at Edinburgh Gogarbank are actually running 1.2°C warmer than average. Meanwhile, our daytime maximum temperatures are running just 0.6°C colder than average and that anomaly is almost certainly going to be reduced after today as the temperature at 12 noon was already up at a balmy 16°C which already makes today, our warmest day of this month so far.

The net result of all of this is that our temperatures are running 0.2°C warmer than average here in Edinburgh with that anomaly set to go up after today. So much then, for this month being a "cooling" month.

It just seems that all we are getting just now is that same old mild gunk which we have become so used to seeing during recent so-called "winters" with the only difference being that this has come two months earlier this year.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
23 October 2020 07:16:30
I have noticed that since 10am yesterday morning, a total of just 1.8 mm of rain has been recorded at Edinburgh Gogarbank as at 7am this morning, along with 1.8 mm at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh. That amounts to an official rain day at both of those stations, but are still hardly worth reporting since these totals are usually always higher elsewhere in the UK, according to what everyone else is reporting.

In the few days prior to that, we have not had more than a fraction of a millimetre of rain with the botanic gardens in Edinburgh seeing nothing at all in that department during the 24 hour period up until 10am yesterday morning.

Yet at the same time, Aberdeen was getting quite a lot of rain according to what has been reported by the Doc and Richard. Getting a lot of rain might not be what you want to be seeing and yet, that at least serves some sort of useful purpose in nature whereas the more mundane sort of weather which we have been getting with constant grey skies and virtually nothing in the way of rainfall serves no useful purpose whatsoever.

Indeed, those are two different point which Richard from Aberdeen has even pointed out himself, in some of his past posts on this forum.

Richard claims that Aberdeen is THE place within the UK which always misses out on everything, but they certainly didn't miss out on that recent rainfall up there, whereas Edinburgh DID miss out on that.

This means that Richard surely now, can't really say that Aberdeen is the place which always misses out on everything in terms of "interesting" weather.

Indeed, you have to say that if Aberdeen is one of the most boring places in the UK when it comes to the weather, then Edinburgh has to be THE most boring part of the UK in terms of our weather, and NOT Aberdeen, given what has been happening just recently.

That is because if you compare the recent weather in Edinburgh and Aberdeen, I think that it is easy to see where the weather has been more interesting (with that certainly, NOT being Edinburgh).

That therefore has to confirm Edinburgh's place once again as the most boring part of the UK on average in terms of our weather. However, I'm sure that Richard will no doubt come up with a very strong defence for his own position on that as he always does and so, I'm not trying to raise any sort of argument with him here (I am after all, only stating my own opinion on that and not trying to deviate Richard away from his own views on that in any way).

For here, this month looks fairly wet, though not as wet as wet as elsewhere in the UK. However, a lot of that is actually down to what happened on that one day at the very beginning of this month when the UK as a whole, had its wettest October day on record.

If you were to take that out of the equation, this month would actually be running drier than average here in Edinburgh, and that shows just how boring has been yet again, compared to the rest of the UK, especially since this has also been a substantially duller than average month with not even a sniff of an air frost at any time.

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Saint Snow
23 October 2020 09:09:22

All felt rather average and bland here, overall.

Rubbish today, mind. Miserable.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
24 October 2020 08:43:44

Originally Posted by: johncs2016 

Indeed, you have to say that if Aberdeen is one of the most boring places in the UK when it comes to the weather, then Edinburgh has to be THE most boring part of the UK in terms of our weather, and NOT Aberdeen, given what has been happening just recently.

If you find rain so interesting then Edinburgh has had more of it this year. Botanic Gardens on 691mm according to the SEPA site. I've had 504mm in my garden and the SEPA site had Nigg only 476mm.

Only occasional very high rain totals (like Saturday 3rd which Edinburgh also experienced) or convective downpours are of interest to me. Incessant rain and associated grey skies and lack of temperature variation I find tedious in the extreme as well as thoroughly unpleasant and that sums up the weather situation this October..

It has been one of the most unspeakably dire months I have experienced. Just incessant cloud and rain with an entire absence of warmth or cold. The same dross day in day out. October 2002, which was the wettest on record, was far more interesting as back then we still had an element of changeability. Started with warm 19C sunshine then we had frost later on as well as hail and sleet. Leagues ahead of this awful month and most of the mind-numbing Octobers experienced since then.

Edinburgh saw an early frost in September and down to 1C at the start of October whereas it took until last night for it to even get 4C here. Even then it just managed 3.5C - only around 1C below average for late October - before more excruciating thick cloud and wind moved in to give us yet another repulsive Saturday. Fifth rotten Saturday in a row here. The worst day of the week just keeps getting worse and worse 

Edinburgh also reached 17C on Wednesday. Here we have an 11C range for the month from 3.5C to 14.5C. An utter disgrace. You'd be hard pressed to find anywhere outside Equatorial regions with such an abysmal lack of temperature variation

I expect the westerlies will return soon enough in time for winter as this is the only season when they're not welcome. However, given that northerlies are now bone dry and windy and easterlies just bring grey gloom, even then they are beginning to seem like the least worst option since we can't seem to get snow or frost any more 


Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
25 October 2020 09:13:19
Well that's the clocks put back, that horrible late afternoon dullness returns. From now until around the end of January is the worst time of year for me.
Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
Crepuscular Ray
25 October 2020 15:45:54
Know what you mean Bolty, it's this time of year when i would love a real fire
Edinburgh, in the frost hollow below Blackford Hill
25 October 2020 16:13:22
This is probably not so much of a moan because in a way, I'm actually looking forward to the dark nights.

That way, I won't have to spend so much of the time looking at almost constant grey skies as I did throughout most of the summer, and as I have done for most of this month as well.

The big downside though, comes from the fact that we still can't get anything close to a frost at nights and our winters these days, tend to just be a much darker version of what we normally see during the summer in these parts, these days.

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
29 October 2020 16:11:27
Another horrible bunching of cold and wet days in this month. Can't wait for the (hopefully) nice autumnal high pressure being forecasted for next week. Hopefully we will finally see a bit of sunshine and dry out some of this sodden ground a bit.
Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
29 October 2020 19:55:11

We are now at the very time of the year when it should be getting colder over time and yet, the temperature at Edinburgh Gogarbank has now shot up to 14.3°C as at 7pm this evening which is actually warmer than what it was on quite a few occasions during the summer, at this time of the evening in this part of the world. So much then, for this being a "cooling" month!!

Yet, today was also the 10th completely sunless day of this month at Edinburgh Gogarbank where as a result of today's rainfall, this has now become the third month during this year where more than 100 mm of rain has been recorded for that particular month. In addition to that, we have now had more sunless days during this month than what we have had during every other month within this year with the exception of January, and we will even reach the total for that month as well if either of the last two days of this month end up being completely sunless as well.

All of that, doesn't exactly add up to a very inspiring month in this part of the world.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
31 October 2020 09:38:22

Yet another absolutely repulsive Saturday in this suicide-inducing pit of despair. Yet again this area is being singled out for the worst of the weather with wet, dark and disgusting SE'lies when everywhere else in the eastern half of the country is dry 

Two years of these near unrelentingly vile Saturdays and it just gets worse and worse. Six rotten lousy stinkers in a row now. I thought last November was grotesque but this month is in another league entirely. November 2019 saw an average of 6.22mm per weekend day but this month has absolutely smashed that horrific unwelcome record with 10.63mm and that is before todays total, which has already exceeded that average, is added At least there were some crisp frosty days last November whereas this month has been a complete disaster on that front.

More than half of this months rainfall total has fallen at the weekend. In a dry month, when there is perhaps only one wet day which falls by chance at the weekend, that might be expected but in a month as wet as this  - close to 180mm - it is beyond preposterous.

This irrational and logic defying Weekend Curse is not down to chance or bad luck when it is happening repeatedly. The statistics for this year, particularly Saturday are horrifying

Average Daily Sunshine Hours in 2020:

Mon: 5.27
Tue: 5.11
Wed: 5.23
Thu: 4.87
Fri: 5.09
Sat: 4.46 
Sun: 5.06

Average Daily Rainfall (mm) in 2020:

Mon: 1.82
Tue: 1.57
Wed: 1.05
Thu: 1.92
Fri: 0.97
Sat: 3.58 
Sun: 1.16

and that's before today's putrid figures are thrown into the mix 

All the more depressing that it's now over a year since I was last out of this godforsaken gloompit of a country. On 30th October 2019, I walked around the salt lakes at Larnaca in Cyprus in glorious 26C sunshine feeling rather down at the prospect of returning home given that winter is now a season containing nothing to look forward to 

Days later I was suffering a washout November weekend to kick off one of the worst Novembers on record followed by the first ever snowless winter then this year from hell with no redeeming qualities. Had I known that at the time I would have just thrown myself in the lake 


Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
02 November 2020 07:34:48
The sky looked menacing yesterday this morning, almost shelf cloud look to it towards Winter Hill

Timelapses, old weather forecasts and natural phenomena videos can be seen on this site
Gandalf The White
02 November 2020 09:09:30

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 


Average Daily Sunshine Hours in 2020:

Mon: 5.27
Tue: 5.11
Wed: 5.23
Thu: 4.87
Fri: 5.09
Sat: 4.46 
Sun: 5.06



You appear to get more sunshine than the UK average?

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Saint Snow
02 November 2020 12:08:23

Originally Posted by: KevBrads1 

The sky looked menacing yesterday this morning, almost shelf cloud look to it towards Winter Hill



The rain here on both Sat and Sun wasn't as bad/heavy/prolonged as feared. I think the flow being from the SW helps - it brings the North Wales mountains into play to produce a bit of a rain shadow for this area. Presumably you benefit, too?

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
02 November 2020 17:49:00

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 



The rain here on both Sat and Sun wasn't as bad/heavy/prolonged as feared. I think the flow being from the SW helps - it brings the North Wales mountains into play to produce a bit of a rain shadow for this area. Presumably you benefit, too?

Yes, it wasn't too bad both day.

Timelapses, old weather forecasts and natural phenomena videos can be seen on this site
04 November 2020 04:59:40

Here in Edinburgh, we have had clear skies throughout the night, and we are in what is supposed to be a colder air mass. You would therefore think that all of the ingredients would have been in place for a cold night which would have at least, taken us close to getting a frost, even if that didn't actually happen.

Yet in spite of all of that, the temperatures are STILL refusing to drop here.

As I write, the temperature here in Edinburgh is around 6°C which is no lower than what they were at 8pm last night and if anything, they have actually gone gone up slightly since then once again, due to there being too much wind around.

In addition to that, it isn't even any colder than what it was on the previous night which was overcast with rain (a night where you wouldn't have expected the temperatures to drop by much anyway, as a result).

So much then, for us being in that "colder" air mass.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Tim A
06 November 2020 10:14:10
No frost here this autumn yet. Lowest temp 3.8c , not unusual for this stage though we are not frost prone here.
NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
  • NMA
  • Advanced Member
06 November 2020 10:23:09

I caught an explanation yesterday or the day before on BBC weather of the recent topsy turvy conditions between the North and South of Britain.

Scotland was in warm (all relative of course by the time it arrived) air that until recently had been Bahamian in origin, apt perhaps given Sean Connery had just passed away there. The South of England where we've had a few frosty nights, had air that had been until recently been chilled over Canada before parking itself over us in the South. 

All change now though.

Vale of the Great Dairies
South Dorset
Elevation 60m 197ft
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