Maunder Minimum
15 May 2020 18:35:58

Originally Posted by: Justin W 


He presides over the UK's appalling snd shameful Covid death toll. Does he express any remorse for his multitude of failures? Like f4ck he does! All he does is stand at that podium and congratulate himself and his slimebag colleagues.

He is a disgusting weasel.

You know him personally?

We won't know the full international comparisons for some time and the inquest into what could have been done better will take even longer.

However, the government can be congratulated on the way the NHS was able to manage the crisis - at the start, there was panic about lack of capacity and shortages of ventilators, but those particular crises were avoided. Issues around PPE I grant you, but in the inquest, I would put insouciance about border controls at the top of the list of missed opportunities.


New world order coming.
Maunder Minimum
15 May 2020 18:38:07 

So the doctor's union backs the teacher unions - quelle surprise!

They should keep out  of it - there are still two weeks before the limited opening proposed by the government - plenty of time to see how things are progressing.


New world order coming.
15 May 2020 18:41:12

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

However, the government can be congratulated on the way the NHS was able to manage the crisis - at the start, there was panic about lack of capacity and shortages of ventilators, but those particular crises were avoided.

No they weren't.

The ideal subject of totalitarianism, is people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists. - Hannah Arendt
Justin W
15 May 2020 18:42:22

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 


You know him personally?

We won't know the full international comparisons for some time and the inquest into what could have been done better will take even longer.

However, the government can be congratulated on the way the NHS was able to manage the crisis - at the start, there was panic about lack of capacity and shortages of ventilators, but those particular crises were avoided. Issues around PPE I grant you, but in the inquest, I would put insouciance about border controls at the top of the list of missed opportunities.


Edit: I have met Hancock on a few occasions. He is the least trustworthy minister I have ever come across - utterly shifty.

Yes, we know you would. And I agree that it was a disaster not to close our borders in January.

But you cannot get round the other scandals:

The abandoning of test, track and trace

The throwing of care home residents and staff to the wolves

The PPE debacle

The herd immunity fiasco

The track record of lying and obsfucation throughout

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
15 May 2020 18:43:06

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 


So the doctor's union backs the teacher unions - quelle surprise!

They should keep out  of it - there are still two weeks before the limited opening proposed by the government - plenty of time to see how things are progressing.


So which part of their comments do you disagree with?

Gandalf The White
15 May 2020 18:43:31

Originally Posted by: Darren S 


The figure that Hancock gave (10,024 in hospital) is at odds with the slide Jenny Harries showed, i.e.

this says 10,731 in hospital.


But that slide is headed 'UK' and also says down from over 12,000 last week.  I have a feeling that one the 10,731 might be England alone, perhaps?

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Gandalf The White
15 May 2020 18:44:44

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 


So the doctor's union backs the teacher unions - quelle surprise!

They should keep out  of it - there are still two weeks before the limited opening proposed by the government - plenty of time to see how things are progressing.


That's an interesting perspective.  You think doctors shouldn't express an opinion about a healthcare issue?


Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Gandalf The White
15 May 2020 18:46:56

Originally Posted by: doctormog 


So which part of their comments do you disagree with?

I think we're just seeing the instinctive anti-Union knee-jerk response.

Union against a government proposal = bad

Two unions against a government proposal = twice as bad

And so on.....

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Gandalf The White
15 May 2020 18:51:19

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 


You know him personally?

We won't know the full international comparisons for some time and the inquest into what could have been done better will take even longer.

However, the government can be congratulated on the way the NHS was able to manage the crisis - at the start, there was panic about lack of capacity and shortages of ventilators, but those particular crises were avoided. Issues around PPE I grant you, but in the inquest, I would put insouciance about border controls at the top of the list of missed opportunities.


You keep saying this but you do realise that it only impacted the rate at which the pandemic spread.  It was impossible to keep out every case and therefore all that tighter border controls would have done was delay the outbreak.  Given the government's track record, where it is perfectly clear that Johnson only shifted position when the crisis was staring him in the face, in all probability all that would have happened was that the 'lock down' would have happened later.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Phil G
15 May 2020 18:55:36

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

I imagine that Hancock was badly bullied at school. He has that look and whine about him. And he's a nasty little weasel.

In truth as regards to body language, I wish he would stop nodding while someone is talking. I can't stand that. Still, more important things.

The Beast from the East
15 May 2020 18:55:56

Originally Posted by: doctormog 


So which part of their comments do you disagree with?

The word "union" triggers a pavlovian reaction in gammon. 

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Polar Low
15 May 2020 18:57:02

It’s nerves don’t worry about it

Originally Posted by: Phil G 


In truth as regards to body language, I wish he would stop nodding while someone is talking. I can't stand that. Still, more important things.

Maunder Minimum
15 May 2020 18:57:05

Originally Posted by: Justin W 


Edit: I have met Hancock on a few occasions. He is the least trustworthy minister I have ever come across - utterly shifty.

Yes, we know you would. And I agree that it was a disaster not to close our borders in January.

But you cannot get round the other scandals:

The abandoning of test, track and trace

The throwing of care home residents and staff to the wolves

The PPE debacle

The herd immunity fiasco

The track record of lying and obsfucation throughout

"The abandoning of test, track and trace" - was a consequence of not introducing border controls - the system simply became overwhelmed by community spread.

"The throwing of care home residents and staff to the wolves" - I think that is a somewhat over egging of the pudding. I would put it this way - all Government efforts were geared to keeping the NHS operational (given the scenes witnessed in Lombardy and Spain) - care homes were what in the phraseology is termed as "collateral damage". On Newsnight the other night they had a female care home provider on and she at least was very measured in what she said about the situation, rather than using intemperate language such as yours.

"The PPE debacle" - not a problem peculiar to this country - everybody was chasing down what supplies they could get hold of - a good reason for now declaring such provision as a strategic industry with sufficient domestic capability to supply our needs.

"The herd immunity fiasco" - that came from the scientific community and was expressed by many epidemiologists in the early days - it is still being pursued in Sweden. Not a "fiasco" but if you decide to go down that route (and there are cogent reasons for doing it) you have to be prepared first, which means properly shielding vulnerable groups and care homes first.

"The track record of lying and obsfucation throughout" - all politicians attempt cover their tracks - not restricted by ideology or type.


New world order coming.
Phil G
15 May 2020 18:59:23
Meanwhile, in Holland
Find lockdown ‘sex buddy’, Dutch singles advised
From the BBC news ticker:
"The Dutch government has issued new guidance to single people seeking intimacy during the pandemic: find a "sex buddy".
The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) says singletons should come to an arrangement with one person.
But couples should avoid sex if one of them suspects they have coronavirus, the advice says.
It comes after critics argued social distancing rules have complicated intimate relations for partners not living together".

Heavy Weather 2013
15 May 2020 18:59:25
Matt Hancock today said this during the presser:

Matt Hancock is asked whether nurses will receive a pay increase following the #coronavirus epidemic.

In response he says 'he will fight to make sure they have a fair reward' but it is 'worth noting' recent pay increases nurses have had.

Basically a no dressed up being on their side. They may have had a pay increase but mostly to recover what they had lost of the last ten years. At the very least they deserve a lump sum bonus.

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Maunder Minimum
15 May 2020 18:59:28

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 


You keep saying this but you do realise that it only impacted the rate at which the pandemic spread.  It was impossible to keep out every case and therefore all that tighter border controls would have done was delay the outbreak.  Given the government's track record, where it is perfectly clear that Johnson only shifted position when the crisis was staring him in the face, in all probability all that would have happened was that the 'lock down' would have happened later.

I am fed up with this pointless and fruitless debate - keeping it out as far as possible reduces the speed of community spread and allows testing, track and trace to operate. That is bleedin' obvious as Basil Fawlty would have said!

New world order coming.
Maunder Minimum
15 May 2020 19:00:33

Originally Posted by: Ulric 


No they weren't.

Yes they were!

New world order coming.
  • SJV
  • Advanced Member
15 May 2020 19:00:36

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 


You know him personally?

We won't know the full international comparisons for some time and the inquest into what could have been done better will take even longer.

However, the government can be congratulated on the way the NHS was able to manage the crisis - at the start, there was panic about lack of capacity and shortages of ventilators, but those particular crises were avoided. Issues around PPE I grant you, but in the inquest, I would put insouciance about border controls at the top of the list of missed opportunities.


The NHS can be congratulated on the way they managed the crisis despite the dithering and dipshittery from the government. PPE scandal top of that list of course 

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Justin W
15 May 2020 19:02:23

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 


I am fed up with this pointless and fruitless debate - keeping it out as far as possible reduces the speed of community spread and allows testing, track and trace to operate. That is bleedin' obvious as Basil Fawlty would have said!

You are an enigma, Richard. You seem to have grasped the failure of this Govt and yet you continue to defend it. We are the 21st most populous country on the planet and yet our death toll from Covid is the 2nd highest. That is the only fact that matters.

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
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