Sunday, August 26, 2018 5:44:49 PM

Originally Posted by: Col 


Shorts wearing isn't a good indicator for me because other than at work and other occasions where they are clearly inappropriate I wear them all the time other than the coldest winter weather. Rather in the summer it's wether I wear a T-shirt with my shorts or need a light jacket as well. I seemed to have gone for about 2 months barely needing the jacket at all but recently it's been required quite a lot.

I needed a light jacket on some evenings in late June and July due to how fast the evenings cooled, as is typical of low humidity and clear skies though generally speaking I have not needed a jacket during the day much at all this summer - I could probably count on one hand the number of times I have needed one at, say, 2 or 3pm. It's only over the past 2 or 3 days that I have needed to use a jacket during the day.

Whitkirk, Leeds - 85m ASL.
Monday, August 27, 2018 10:19:49 AM
I've just been looking back at this summer's statistics for sunshine and what I have discovered shows just bad this month has really been. Given that June and July were sunnier than average, you would have then as a result, have expected it to be just a formality that the summer as a whole would have been sunnier than average as well even with this month being relatively poor with below average sunshine totals because we would have expected those two earlier months to have carried this summer through.

Yet, we now have just four days to go until the end of this month and the end of the meteorological summer. Clearly, this month is going to go down as being substantially duller than average and indeed, it is now no longer mathematically possible for there to be any other outcome. The result of this is that this month will now go down as being duller than average regardless of what happens now over the last four days or so.

However, this last few days of the month are going to be important in terms of what the summer as a whole will be like because it turns out that the sunshine total at Edinburgh Gogarbank as at 10am this morning for the summer as a while, is still 2.2 hours short of the 1981-2010 summer average. With the amount of time which is still to, we shouldn't haven't problems with getting that. Yet, this should not be proving to be such a struggle to get as it is turning out to be after such a sunny first two months of this summer.

The fact that we are struggling so badly to get over that finishing line in terms of just getting an average amount of sunshine for the summer as a whole, shows just how poor and dismal a month, this has been from a sunshine point of view. Added to that is the fact that all but one of the five completely sunless days which we have had during this summer so far, have all occurred during this month and in fact, the number of sunless days which we have had during this month is actually no less than what we had back in February.

As I write, it has clouded over yet again and given how this month has gone, it wouldn't even surprise me in the slightest if we actually failed to get those 2.2 hours of sunshine which are still needed for us to have had at least an average amount of sunshine during this summer as a whole, and that would just be typical of how this month has gone.

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Wednesday, August 29, 2018 8:01:15 AM

The dullness and permacast garbage continues. My local weather station recording only 106 hours of sunshine this month, dreadful, even poor Augusts of 2014 and 2015 managed more. The warm sunshine and blue skies of June and July just a long distant memory.

  • TimS
  • Advanced Member
Wednesday, August 29, 2018 8:12:30 AM
It’s tipping it down here, and I need to walk to the station. Having my waited for the rain to stop for half an hour I’m going to give up and get wet.
Brockley, South East London 30m asl
Thursday, August 30, 2018 6:07:51 PM

Sun shining here but a pathetically cool 12.6C and falling rapidly. It's effectively been autumn for weeks and the real autumn looks like getting off to the vilest of starts with the gloom spreading in yet again with perfect timing for the weekend

The weekend sunshine levels have just been wrist-slittingly awful since late July and the last thing we need is more soul destroying grey torture. Weekend after weekend of it that has completely tarnished this summer for me. It will go down alongside 2006 as the most over-rated summer in history. The end of summer and beginning of September 2017 was far superior with Saturday 2nd September beating anything the weekends have produced since mid-July.

The last thing that's needed as the outdoor season draws to a close is the sort of garbage that this weekend looks like bringing 

Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
sunny coast
Friday, August 31, 2018 11:16:22 AM

yes Aug has been mediocre to poor and below expectations but u cannot ignore the preceding 3 months of glorious weather certainly not overrated just outstanding by any measure but then i live on the sunny SE coast and not in Aberdeen !

Saturday, September 1, 2018 8:41:55 AM

Yet again I was stuck indoors looking out at the sunshine over the last 3 days which clocked up 30 hours and yet again now it’s the weekend I am faced with excruciatingly awful useless grey ****  

The weather just constantly seems to be stuck in a repetitive rut these days. The current rut of depressing, grey weekend weather is one of the worst I’ve known. It’s come straight from the bowels of hell.

Now just two out of 12 summers where the weekends averaged more sun than the weekdays (2015 & 2017). There is no logic behind this weekend/weekday divide but when it is a virtual constant it can’t be put down to bad luck that’s for sure.

August 2018 was one of the worst months for this hideous intolerable weekend curse. A truly disgusting average of 3.1 hours for the weekend days compared to 5.9 hours for the weekdays. A complete joke and little wonder it felt like October. Had the weekend weather been the same as weekday it would have been a decent enough August.

Here's how this disgusting ratio of 54% weekend sun to weekday sun for August compares with the worst months I've recorded

June 07: 34%
July 16: 50%
Aug 07: 52%
June 11: 52%
March 13: 53%
Aug 18: 54%
Jul 08: 54%

What a surprise - all but one are from summer and most from the hideous 2007-12 era which this month was a throwback to.

It would have been even worse without Saturday 25th. Three of the four Sundays plus Saturday 4th logged under an hour sun with less than two hours on Saturday 18th and here we are facing yet another dire overcast Saturday. It’s never this bad in November any more.

 September just looks like following with more of the same poison. After this dismal soul destroying grey weekend it looks like any fine weather will be limited to weekdays, which at this time of year means zero opportunity to enjoy it, before toxic E’lys spread in like a cancer to ruin the following weekend

Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
Monday, September 3, 2018 9:24:50 PM

Can tell we're back under a nor'easter airflow as the stench of farmyard manure/slurry is back. I'm trying my hardest not to think that's where our morning cereal come from.

Folkestone Harbour. 
Tuesday, September 4, 2018 2:40:12 PM

What a waste of what could be a nice high pressure set up as we just happen to be caught up in a weak trough-like set up with decayed weather fronts trapped in it . . .

Still, to be fair, we have had a good couple or so days of fine weather, including on the day of my nephew's wedding last Saturday, so I shouldn't complain really. Just miss that nice drop of late summer sunshine while not getting too hot during the day. Won't miss the muggy sticky nights, though.

Folkestone Harbour. 
Tuesday, September 4, 2018 6:44:20 PM

We didn't have a spell of particularly fine weather here. One sunny day which I think was Friday. Saturday was cloudy and warm. Sunday turned out disappointing with drizzle in the afternoon. Monday was wet and rubbish. Today has been chilly. Tomorrow looks like the best day of the week then it's back to being rubbish again. There's no to be fairs about it! Well overdue some decent sunny weather

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