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03 February 2023 09:49:01

To make matters worth my 5 year old keeps asking when it will snow as he really wants to go sledging again. He has memories of deep snow in Jan and Feb 21 and also a few falls last winter.  There still hasn't been any measurable snow this season, so far only 2013/14 is on par with that in my lifetime as far as I am aware.  2013/14 was easier to accept as we had been completely spoilt in early 2013 well into Spring. 

Originally Posted by: Tim A 

One of the staff in my old deaf school in Boston Spa live on the top of the Bradford highest hills and he took us few time there.  Told me stories about snow was often reached 1ft at the top and highest 50cm which he couldn't go home as he had to stay over nights for a week in my school which also hit nearly 50cm in winter of 1985.    Those was the best days UK climate had before.  Can't remember the area of his house but was over looking Bradford city quite high up.  
Saint Snow
03 February 2023 09:56:29

To make matters worth my 5 year old keeps asking when it will snow as he really wants to go sledging again. He has memories of deep snow in Jan and Feb 21 and also a few falls last winter.  There still hasn't been any measurable snow this season, so far only 2013/14 is on par with that in my lifetime as far as I am aware.  2013/14 was easier to accept as we had been completely spoilt in early 2013 well into Spring. 

Originally Posted by: Tim A 

My youngest was born in 2008.

She has no memories of the multiple deep snowfalls in 09 & 10. 

Only vague memories of the 4 snowfalls in Jan & Mar 2013

She does remember the fall of Boxing Day night 2014 (around 6-7cm) but that was gone by the following morning.

All other snowfalls since - and there's been a surprisingly decent number - have been crap, almost all 1-2cm, with perhaps one or two 3-4cm.

The sledges have lay redundant in the garage for ten f*cking years now. She's had an entire childhood devoid of memories of even moderately deep snow and can barely recall sledging (from 2013)

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
03 February 2023 10:36:09

My youngest was born in 2008.

She has no memories of the multiple deep snowfalls in 09 & 10. 

Only vague memories of the 4 snowfalls in Jan & Mar 2013

She does remember the fall of Boxing Day night 2014 (around 6-7cm) but that was gone by the following morning.

All other snowfalls since - and there's been a surprisingly decent number - have been crap, almost all 1-2cm, with perhaps one or two 3-4cm.

The sledges have lay redundant in the garage for ten f*cking years now. She's had an entire childhood devoid of memories of even moderately deep snow and can barely recall sledging (from 2013)

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

What about taking them abroad to see the snow yearly, that will help to bring happy snow memories? 1 week in the snow is enough to warrant a happy memories.
Saint Snow
03 February 2023 11:09:08

What about taking them abroad to see the snow yearly, that will help to bring happy snow memories? 1 week in the snow is enough to warrant a happy memories.

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

I'd rather spend my holiday budget on going somewhere in summer that's hot. On the one winter trip in recent times, it was Disneyland Paris at Xmas, which I wouldn't swap for the world as it's got some amazing memories.


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Saint Snow
03 February 2023 11:29:00
Incidentally, my eldest (born 2003) has abundant memories of snow and sledging.

For some reason, she's got much more earlier memory than the youngest, and can remember the March 06 snowfall and sledging. In the following years, I took her to the Peak District a few times. The first time, I think 07, the snow was seriously deep; the road had been ploughed, with the 'wall' at the side about 2' deep. We found a place to park on a layby under some trees, which had given some protection so was 'only' about 6" deep. We went into a field that had a decent slope and collapsed in laughter when he stepped into a hollow that had been filled with snow to about 3' deep; was almost as tall as her!. I made a huge snowman in double-quick time because within about 10m of rolling, the ball had gone from cricket ball size to about 4foot in diameter, the snow was that deep. Great sledging. Incidentally, we'd had sleet ad some wet snow with nothing lying all the way across to and east of Manchester, and even at Lyme Park (270m asl), it was just a slushy mess. It was only climbing another hundred metres that the snow began to get better. The really deep stuff began at +400m asl.

We went the next two winters as well but the snow was nowhere near as deep (still a few/several inches, though, and great for sledging).

Then came Dec 09, Jan 10, Dec 10. A couple of low-snow winters, then Jan & Mar 13. The sledges were well-used!! 

I've actually got two in the garage that I picked up in a clearance from somewhere, and which have never been used. Think I've 5 sledges in all now 🤣, Never mind, perhaps I'll have grandkids one day (plenty of snow to come when the NAD shuts down altogether 😋)

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
03 February 2023 12:50:48
Interesting read Saint, I really like to go to laptop and stay in a holiday home as my wife's colleague who is from Hungary stayed for 1 week and really enjoyed it there.  It cheaper to stay in a holiday home than hotels which is very expensive.  She want to see the snow since she hate the climate here and never offer snow like they get in Hungary. 

Tim A
03 February 2023 12:51:06

I'd rather spend my holiday budget on going somewhere in summer that's hot. On the one winter trip in recent times, it was Disneyland Paris at Xmas, which I wouldn't swap for the world as it's got some amazing memories.


Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Some years the Pennines could be used for a short snow fix but not much point this year as there has only been a couple of cm in most places.  Have to put up with moronic snow drivers too so not always the safest thing to do. 

I have been to Québec three times and skiing in the Alps many times (pre kids, far too expensive now) , each for a week and whilst I have experienced deep snow, I can't remember it ever actually snowing much whilst there .  Always dry and sunny  Disappointing as there is nothing better than to experience a disruptive snowfall as it falls. 

Love to experience a Mammoth Lakes  Sierra Nevada storm or a Buffalo, NY lake effect special but the chances of it happening when you book your actual holiday for are so low. 
NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
03 February 2023 13:01:45

Some years the Pennines could be used for a short snow fix but not much point this year as there has only been a couple of cm in most places.  Have to put up with moronic snow drivers too so not always the safest thing to do. 

I have been to Québec three times and skiing in the Alps many times (pre kids, far too expensive now) , each for a week and whilst I have experienced deep snow, I can't remember it ever actually snowing much whilst there .  Always dry and sunny  Disappointing as there is nothing better than to experience a disruptive snowfall as it falls. 

Love to experience a Mammoth Lakes  Sierra Nevada storm or a Buffalo, NY lake effect special but the chances of it happening when you book your actual holiday for are so low. 

Originally Posted by: Tim A 

When my wife's work colleague went there was little snow then nearly half foot but temperatures was not very cold as it should be from the pictures I can see so wondering how often the snow falls in Lapland because they normally get lot of high snow depths.
Saint Snow
03 February 2023 13:04:37

Some years the Pennines could be used for a short snow fix but not much point this year as there has only been a couple of cm in most places.  Have to put up with moronic snow drivers too so not always the safest thing to do. 

I have been to Québec three times and skiing in the Alps many times (pre kids, far too expensive now) , each for a week and whilst I have experienced deep snow, I can't remember it ever actually snowing much whilst there .  Always dry and sunny  Disappointing as there is nothing better than to experience a disruptive snowfall as it falls. 

Love to experience a Mammoth Lakes  Sierra Nevada storm or a Buffalo, NY lake effect special but the chances of it happening when you book your actual holiday for are so low. 

Originally Posted by: Tim A 

The first time we went to Canada (Calgary) to visit my wife's sister there, we went in early May and for 2 weeks.

Arrived late afternoon and it was sweltering (80f) but there were some small - and rapidly melting - piles of snow dotted about on the drive to their house. They said it'd snowed heavily the week before. Mad.

After a few days, it started to cool down. By the halfway point of our fortnight, was barely above freezing in the day. Then it snowed. Started mid-evening and didn't stop till early the following morning. Proper heavy stuff with no wind, just big flakes falling incessantly. So beautiful.

Next morning, we chipped in clearing the pavement outside their house (a legal requirement!) of the almost foot of level snow. By the afternoon, it was bright sunshine and less cold. A few days later, we were sunbathing in 75f and all the snow melted.

Insane climate. Absolutely brilliant.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
03 February 2023 17:19:52

The first time we went to Canada (Calgary) to visit my wife's sister there, we went in early May and for 2 weeks.

Arrived late afternoon and it was sweltering (80f) but there were some small - and rapidly melting - piles of snow dotted about on the drive to their house. They said it'd snowed heavily the week before. Mad.

After a few days, it started to cool down. By the halfway point of our fortnight, was barely above freezing in the day. Then it snowed. Started mid-evening and didn't stop till early the following morning. Proper heavy stuff with no wind, just big flakes falling incessantly. So beautiful.

Next morning, we chipped in clearing the pavement outside their house (a legal requirement!) of the almost foot of level snow. By the afternoon, it was bright sunshine and less cold. A few days later, we were sunbathing in 75f and all the snow melted.

Insane climate. Absolutely brilliant.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Same my uncle in Toronto told me about the legal requirements to clear snow on public footpath that passed front of his house.  You can get sue if anyone slip or fall over their house boundary.  Other paths not part of the house are cleared by local snow removers.  
03 February 2023 17:25:00

Same my uncle in Toronto told me about the legal requirements to clear snow on public footpath that passed front of his house.  You can get sue if anyone slip or fall over their house boundary.  Other paths not part of the house are cleared by local snow removers.  

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

It's one of the fun things here, in the rare event it snows enough to settle!

IIRC the rules in England and Wales, at least are that if you don't clear your path (or the public footpath) and someone falls over, tough cheese.

If you clear your path, or the footpath outside your house AND you take care with it (e.g. shovelling, then putting salt down, as opposed to using a kettle of hot water to melt the snow) and someone falls over, tough luck to them.

If you do a half-arsed job and someone falls over (black ice due to using water to melt the snow, for example) then you're at fault.

Whenever we get an inch or more of snow and it's likely to stick around for a day or two I'll clear my path, the path outside my house and one of the paths outside my neighbour's house, so around 100ft in total. I don't generally do the "round the corner" side of my neighbour's house, though, as that's another 120ft!
Leysdown, north Kent
Andy Woodcock
03 February 2023 22:48:27
Richard, I feel your pain, uk winters used to be full of interest if not always cold.

As a kid in the 1970's I  would watch with envy as Aberdeen was swept by blizzards even in the mildest of winters.

But now the UK has become a post Brexit Hell with a climate to match, a relentless borefest with a climate everywhere like southern Ireland.

So glad I have the Weather Reports from the 60's and 70's to remind me of what the UK climate could be like.

Andy Woodcock

Altitude 535 feet

"Why are the British so worried about climate change? Any change to their climate can only be an improvement" John Daley 2001
04 February 2023 06:25:27

Richard, I feel your pain, uk winters used to be full of interest if not always cold.

As a kid in the 1970's I  would watch with envy as Aberdeen was swept by blizzards even in the mildest of winters.

But now the UK has become a post Brexit Hell with a climate to match, a relentless borefest with a climate everywhere like southern Ireland.

So glad I have the Weather Reports from the 60's and 70's to remind me of what the UK climate could be like.


Originally Posted by: Andy Woodcock 

That true and i ended weather data on 31st Dec 2012 as now too much borefest and only recorded few times for full month like hot July 2013, 2014 and May to Mid August 2018 which is the longest one.  Rest few days only during heatwaves.  Last year July 2022 was deleted because of 12 straight days of overcast weather after 40C as dont want to remember this nasty nightmare of very dull month. Waste of money to invest weather station in this borefest climate but bloody worth it if I was still living in Cyprus and be a member of Met office weather observer there as now more station members forming all over Cyprus to share daily reports on Kitaweather site and Cyprus Met office. Kita is a massive Cypriot weather fan and he put lot of news and updates and on FB which I talk to him sometimes on messenger.

Have you stop doing data also? 
04 February 2023 06:47:15

So glad I have the Weather Reports from the 60's and 70's to remind me of what the UK climate could be like.

Originally Posted by: Andy Woodcock 

I really feel sorry for youngsters growing up down here, up until the 90s you could gaurantee two or three 6inch+ snow events a decade, with the recent peak being in the 80s.

Since then - mere scraps. It does grate when you get some 20-year-old reporter gushing over how severe the inch of snow is that we've fluked, or how it's "bitterly cold" as the thermometer reads 6 degrees...

I've a feeling we'll never see the likes again. I'm lucky to have been a child of the 80s, but if I get to be old (doubtful, as my family tend to snuff it by 70), will anyone believe me when I say how snowy it used to be?

Leysdown, north Kent
Andy Woodcock
04 February 2023 08:40:41
I still have a weather station in Penrith but don't collect data as such as I am rarely at home, since retirement I have spent most of my time in South East Spain as we have a house there and will soon be selling the one in the UK to become a full time Spanish resident.

I couldn't stick the UK anymore, since Brexit its become a depressing place with a climate to match, I spent January in Penrith and it seemed like everyone was either on strike or not working at all, prices are through the roof and you need a second mortgage to put the heating on. It's not perfect in Spain but the climate is wonderful, I can go out for a meal for less than a tenner, buy a decent bottle of Red wine for £3 and drive 3 hours to the Sierra Nevada mountains for guaranteed sunny snow.

I was lucky to be back in Penrith for the surprise snowfall on January 16th, 7cms followed by hard frosts and sunshine, as Retron says it was a 'fluke' and I suspect it was a goodbye snowfall as I won't be in the UK at all next winter.

Another moan is that the MetO closed the long running weather station near Penrith after 120 years of high quality records, they couldn't be arsed to negotiate a lease of the land from the new owner, no doubt too busy on some Woke climate change initiative to be bothered, so a great climate record is lost for ever.

Back in Spain now and under light easterly winds the weather is sunny but cold, 16c during the day and 3c at night, however, the sun is strong enough to allow lunch to be taken outside, meanwhile back in Penrith its anticyclonic gloom and nightime temperatures that are higher than here!

Britain, the land of Brexit and Bartletts..........


Andy Woodcock

Altitude 535 feet

"Why are the British so worried about climate change? Any change to their climate can only be an improvement" John Daley 2001
04 February 2023 09:02:19
Never mind snow. This winter is so ludicrously dire, depressing and horrific it can't even produce a frost 🤬

Should be the coldest part of the year and there has been one air frost since 20th January. I'm struggling to recall anything this shockingly bad at this time of year before.

Even the same period of 2013/14 which was seeing relentless rain and cloud had two air frosts in the same period: -2.4C on the 24th and -0.9C on the 26th.

It's just complete and utter garbage every single day. Nothing to enjoy, find interest in or look forward to. A miserable depressing hell devoid of anything a weather enthusiast could desire. A weather vacuum 🙄

Supposed to be seeing the sun this morning but yet more soulless, demoralising overcast grey crud for the third straight day with diabolical temperatures. It hasn't dropped below 7.8C since midnight 💤

I wish I could spend the winter out of this godforsaken country. I like to be active and spend a lot of time outdoors but every day it's a struggle just to get out of bed. It's hard to imagine there being anywhere on earth with a worse climate than the endurance test of the past 7 weeks 🤢

I just hope to god we don't get a rotten cold grey easterly dominated horror March which would be just too much to bear after this preposterously vile autumn and winter 🤮
Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
04 February 2023 09:20:10

I still have a weather station in Penrith but don't collect data as such as I am rarely at home, since retirement I have spent most of my time in South East Spain as we have a house there and will soon be selling the one in the UK to become a full time Spanish resident.

I couldn't stick the UK anymore, since Brexit its become a depressing place with a climate to match, I spent January in Penrith and it seemed like everyone was either on strike or not working at all, prices are through the roof and you need a second mortgage to put the heating on. It's not perfect in Spain but the climate is wonderful, I can go out for a meal for less than a tenner, buy a decent bottle of Red wine for £3 and drive 3 hours to the Sierra Nevada mountains for guaranteed sunny snow.

I was lucky to be back in Penrith for the surprise snowfall on January 16th, 7cms followed by hard frosts and sunshine, as Retron says it was a 'fluke' and I suspect it was a goodbye snowfall as I won't be in the UK at all next winter.

Another moan is that the MetO closed the long running weather station near Penrith after 120 years of high quality records, they couldn't be arsed to negotiate a lease of the land from the new owner, no doubt too busy on some Woke climate change initiative to be bothered, so a great climate record is lost for ever.

Back in Spain now and under light easterly winds the weather is sunny but cold, 16c during the day and 3c at night, however, the sun is strong enough to allow lunch to be taken outside, meanwhile back in Penrith its anticyclonic gloom and nightime temperatures that are higher than here!

Britain, the land of Brexit and Bartletts..........



Originally Posted by: Andy Woodcock 

My big wish is my Dad should had brought a house in beloved Nicosia when was very cheap and kept it when he move back here in 1998 so I can go there many times I want and to retire there in future.  Yes Brexit is very stupid and biggest mistake. Notice more immigrants are coming in now than before Brexit? They thought Brexit meant to complete stop immigrants for good so only way is return to EU again then less immigrants coming here.

Bet there no prepay meters in Spain or food banks which show here worst than poor African nations. 
The Beast from the East
04 February 2023 09:59:56

Britain, the land of Brexit and Bartletts..........



Originally Posted by: Andy Woodcock 

But at least thanks to the end of freedom of movement you wont get Sun reading Gammon expats invading Spain anymore
"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
04 February 2023 10:00:37

One of the staff in my old deaf school in Boston Spa live on the top of the Bradford highest hills and he took us few time there.  Told me stories about snow was often reached 1ft at the top and highest 50cm which he couldn't go home as he had to stay over nights for a week in my school which also hit nearly 50cm in winter of 1985.    Those was the best days UK climate had before.  Can't remember the area of his house but was over looking Bradford city quite high up.  

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

I live very near Boston Spa, my Dad lives there and my 2 daughters go to school there - it's lovely town
Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
04 February 2023 10:13:21

I live very near Boston Spa, my Dad lives there and my 2 daughters go to school there - it's lovely town

Originally Posted by: speckledjim 

Do they go to Comprehensive school which is nearby my old school?  Surely you drive pass my old school many times over Church street.

Climate wise in B. Spa have lot of variety I remember from snow events to yearly heatwaves at 30-33C every year during school terms. I know it got bad summers in 1986 to 1988 when I was already in Cyprus every summer holiday so every time I get back lovely warm Septembers.
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