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  • Col
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15 June 2019 08:16:23

Would rather have lived through summer 1954 than the much worse summers of 2007 and 2012.

While summer 2019 is not has bad as any of them, so far, the year as a whole is much worse. All those years had decent weather in spring whereas 2019 is just staggeringly awful without even the snow that other poor spring/summer years like 1985 and 1993 had.


Originally Posted by: richardabdn 

Did you not get any of the unprecedentedly warm weather in February or the wonderful Easter weekend?

Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl
Snow videos:
15 June 2019 08:42:29

Would rather have lived through summer 1954 than the much worse summers of 2007 and 2012.

While summer 2019 is not has bad as any of them, so far, the year as a whole is much worse. All those years had decent weather in spring whereas 2019 is just staggeringly awful without even the snow that other poor spring/summer years like 1985 and 1993 had.

Not to mention the utterly dire evening/weekend weather. Lucky if there's even been five days all year when I've been able to sit out in the garden after work. Not in all the years I have been working has it been this bad - probably have to go back to 1993 for something as unrelentingly awful and I was still at school then.

Almost given up trying to plan a day out on a Saturday as it is just the same disgusting, horrifically depressing grey crap week in week out. If anything it's just getting worse. More grey garbage today only with the added misery of thick murk and appalling visibility as yet again the wind comes from the repulsive SE quadrant. Looking like potentially the third sunless day out of four 

On course to outdo even 2011 and 2014 for sheer horror weekend weather. Just one mostly sunny Saturday since the start of April and even that was a cooler than average day. Basically no nice warm and sunny weather at all. Even Easter Saturday which remains the warmest day of the year was only sunny in the afternoon.

Looking at the whole of the April to September period the best year for Saturday weather was last year when there were 12 mostly sunny Saturdays and the worst were 2011 and 2014 (no surprises there) when there were only six so we still have a long way to go to even catch up with those horrors. No year had fewer than three by this point.

No wonder all everyone is talking about is how crap the weather has been this year and as usually the stats back it up. Another desperately SAD and depressing horror show. Just had an email offering me deals on summer essentials such as sandals and t-shirts. What a joke as the only summer essentials here these days are raincoats, SAD lamps and Vitamin D pills

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 

If last year was such a good year for Saturday weather, does this mean that you will now be updating your signature (which still mentions a weekend "curse" during last year) accordingly?


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
  • Col
  • Advanced Member
15 June 2019 09:28:56


If last year was such a good year for Saturday weather, does this mean that you will now be updating your signature (which still mentions a weekend "curse" during last year) accordingly?


Originally Posted by: johncs2016 

Last year I actually called him out for saying that weekend weather was worse than during the week, when even his own statistics showed that not to be the case. I never received a reply.

Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl
Snow videos:
15 June 2019 12:23:14
Manchester Summer Indices

2019 142 (up to 14th June)
1954 143
1907 147
1956 155
1912 156
1924 158
2012 164
2008 168
1987 169
1946 170
1909 171
1931 173
1978 173
1980 173
1920 174
1923 174
2007 174
1927 175
1948 176
1938 177
1922 178
2011 179
1985 180

Timelapses, old weather forecasts and natural phenomena videos can be seen on this site
15 June 2019 16:59:50
Yet another horrific day here. 10th consecutive day of rain in this horrendous dogsick so called summer. It's absolutely appalling and will not get better. This summer will go down in history as the worst of our lifetime. Rain every day for seems like an eternity it is absolutely rancid disgusting bilge and vomit inducing. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😓😴🥵🥵🤢🤢🤢😵😵😵😡😡😡
It really might as well rain until September or November, and no doubt when winter arrives, we will be "blessed" with perfect summer charts in the height of winter. This country really does produce the worst of the worst. It never ceases to disappoint.
Yes, summer 2019 (and winter 2019-20) are over. Rancid disgusting crapfest. 😡😵🤢🥵😴😓🤬
Witney, Oxfordshire
100m ASL
15 June 2019 17:17:17
After a murky start to the day it has developed into a very pleasant afternoon and evening with good sunny spells. Not warm but nice enough to sit outside and enjoy the sun.
15 June 2019 17:20:35

Yet another horrific day here. 10th consecutive day of rain in this horrendous dogsick so called summer. It's absolutely appalling and will not get better. This summer will go down in history as the worst of our lifetime. Rain every day for seems like an eternity it is absolutely rancid disgusting bilge and vomit inducing. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😓😴🥵🥵🤢🤢🤢😵😵😵😡😡😡
It really might as well rain until September or November, and no doubt when winter arrives, we will be "blessed" with perfect summer charts in the height of winter. This country really does produce the worst of the worst. It never ceases to disappoint.
Yes, summer 2019 (and winter 2019-20) are over. Rancid disgusting crapfest. 😡😵🤢🥵😴😓🤬

Originally Posted by: moomin75 

Best not look at GavinP's update for July ;)

15 June 2019 17:23:34

Not sure what all the fuss is about lol.

We've had two or three days this week with largely unbroken sunshine. Maxes have been between 17-20c most days.

We've dodged the bullet too with regard to rainfall too.

Sun 9th - Nil

Mon 10th 9.4mm

Tues 11th - Nil

Weds 12th - 3.8mm

Thurs 13th - Nil

Fri 14th - Nil

Today - Nil


Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

15 June 2019 18:30:17


Best not look at GavinP's update for July ;)

Originally Posted by: Sevendust 

To be honest, I've given up on this summer now, so I'm resorting to trying to emulate Richard in Aberdeen.

Whatever happens now will be a bonus, I think summer is a write-off, and so I couldn't give a damn anymore. 

Witney, Oxfordshire
100m ASL
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
15 June 2019 18:54:19

To be honest, I've given up on this summer now, so I'm resorting to trying to emulate Richard in Aberdeen.

Whatever happens now will be a bonus, I think summer is a write-off, and so I couldn't give a damn anymore. 

Originally Posted by: moomin75 

  Moomin in Oxford!  Competition for you there Richard!

There's really been no hope for poor Richard since he stopped taking his medication!  Thankfully Doc steps in with a bit of reality medicine now and again. 

Anyway, we had a lovely sunny morning then showers from mid afternoon but at least the weather is behaving more like June than November now, unlike the previous four days!


Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
15 June 2019 20:12:23

  Moomin in Oxford!  Competition for you there Richard!

There's really been no hope for poor Richard since he stopped taking his medication!  Thankfully Doc steps in with a bit of reality medicine now and again. 

Anyway, we had a lovely sunny morning then showers from mid afternoon but at least the weather is behaving more like June than November now, unlike the previous four days!


Originally Posted by: Caz 

It's nice to see Moomin taking a change of tack from what he was previously posting on a regular basis on the MO thread. Given the general pessimistic nature at those posts though, I can see why that this is now probably a more appropriate home for him.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
18 June 2019 07:30:41

Manchester Summer Indices 

2019 143 (up to 17th June)
1954 143
1907 147
1956 155
1912 156
1924 158
2012 164
2008 168
1987 169
1946 170
1909 171
1931 173
1978 173
1980 173
1920 174
1923 174
2007 174
1927 175
1948 176
1938 177
1922 178
2011 179
1985 180 

Timelapses, old weather forecasts and natural phenomena videos can be seen on this site
18 June 2019 08:08:11
Here in Edinburgh, we have had barely any rain at all over the last week and we haven't had anything like the amount of rain which other parts of the UK have been getting, especially down south and it seems though we have still never managed to shake off that ongoing trend from this time last year where any wet spells end up just being very brief with the next significant dry spell always being just around the corner.

The model output does indicate that there could be further downpours for the southerners in the coming days, although even these aren't likely to be quite as bad as what has being going on down there recently. For here though, the model output continues to show virtually nothing for us in terms of rainfall and I'm struggling at the moment to see just where our next significant rainfall is actually going to come from.

This month did start off on a wet note here, but it is now looking increasingly likely that we will actually end up with no more than average rainfall here and I wouldn't even be surprised if we actually came out slightly drier than average in the end overall during this month with the way that this is going.

As far as the temperatures are concerned, this has been a cold month here overall, and we still haven't yet had a single day during this month where our daytime maximum temperatures have been above average for this time of the year. However, recent days haven't been as cold as what they have been lately, so everything appears to be slowly heading in the right direction there.

As far as sunshine is concerned, this has been a very dull month so far with just the one really sunny day within it. Even now, that continues to remain the case. However, we have started to get a little more in the way of sunshine during recent days than what we were getting beforehand, so even that is at least a small step in the right direction.

When you add all of that together, this might actually end up being not such a bad summer here after all as what it had looked at one point in time, as it would be. As you may well have guessed, this is therefore another gloat from me rather than a moan.

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
18 June 2019 16:09:49

In June 2012 we managed a 4 day run without rain(17th - 21st) and temperatures of 22 - 23c ! , not manged a 2 day run without rain this June and since the 1st very poor temperatures . After a promising start with some sunshine this morning it clouded over and started raining around 1130 am today. A real horrid spell of weather , dare I say vomit inducing

18 June 2019 20:07:19

To be honest, I've given up on this summer now, so I'm resorting to trying to emulate Richard in Aberdeen.

Whatever happens now will be a bonus, I think summer is a write-off, and so I couldn't give a damn anymore. 

Originally Posted by: moomin75 

I feel the same and got a horrible feeling this summer could very well be a complete write off.So far it has been utterly dismal and depressing. December 2015 was more summer like than this June!

18 June 2019 21:05:23

What I would like to complain about is that the weather in Northern Portugal, where I'm going next month is worse than here 

Actually been reasonable the past few days with plenty of sun and the temperature reaching 19.7C at 5:30pm today. Same time in Portugal weather was overcast and drizzly and only 17C

This forecast is simply vile

Only two days in the next week with over 4 hours sun and temperatures struggling to low 20s when the average is 25C in June and 27C in July.

Really getting concerned as the predicted change to the normal full sun just never comes to fruition. Truly will be the year without summer for me if that's the rot I'll be getting on my holiday 


Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
19 June 2019 00:42:32


December 2015 was more summer like than this June!

Originally Posted by: springsunshine 

Or February 2019! Some places had almost 2-3 weeks of sunny, mild or even warm dry weather! - Record breaking warmth!? Imagine that pattern now? We could easily be looking at temps in low or mid 30C' s!?

This unsettled weather is so typical of a negative NAO and Negative AO. Sods law we never really had this during the winter. the PV was so strong especially during February and the Ao and NAO was so positive with that Azores HP. Now of course when we are in summer we get weeks or months of negative NAO and AO - hence this wet or unsettled weather. Reminds me on June 2012. - Jubilee year was a washout as far as I can recall!?

In a way I don't mind cool summers. Last year we were spoilt with hot dry weather from Mid April to more or less mid August! With the peak of the warmth around end of June 2018 to early/mid July 2018.

The heat last year was exhausting - especially at night as well.

I don't mind warm weather during the day but at night it's a no go!! I recall myself and many other members were complaining about high indoor nighttime minimums! There were some nights where there indoor room temp never dipped below 25c - this occurred weeks on end!  Glad it's not a repeat of those uncomfortably hot nights this year! 

But yes some sun would be much a appreciated! I could do with drying some clothes outdoors at some point! 


Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

19 June 2019 01:21:17
Ah nights last year were nothing out of the norm generally - sure a couple of very warm +20C but most were not.

Despite the lack of any real warmth this June nights are still warming to normal June.

This coming week shall see 14-16C overnight lows establishing right on cue.


Incidentally that's the first UV 8 I've seen forecasted
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
19 June 2019 06:01:06

The heat last year was exhausting - especially at night as well.

I don't mind warm weather during the day but at night it's a no go!! I recall myself and many other members were complaining about high indoor nighttime minimums! There were some nights where there indoor room temp never dipped below 25c - this occurred weeks on end!  Glad it's not a repeat of those uncomfortably hot nights this year! 

But yes some sun would be much a appreciated! I could do with drying some clothes outdoors at some point! 

Originally Posted by: tallyho_83 

 Yes, the nights last summer were really uncomfortable!  Sleeping with all doors and windows open and fans going at full speed, just to get some airflow so it didn’t feel like you were suffocating in hot, dry air!  Not nice at all.  Not much chance of getting a repeat of that at the moment though!

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
19 June 2019 06:13:29

Still waiting for a proper storm here, 13th September 2016 was the last occasion and the last thunderstorm during the meterological summer was 1st July 2015. 

Timelapses, old weather forecasts and natural phenomena videos can be seen on this site
19 June 2019 07:13:20
It's a nice and sunny morning here in Edinburgh just now, but I would really like to seeing some rain here.

In normal everyday life, that wouldn't be the case since I like just about everyone else would actually rather be seeing a decent summer.

When I come to this forum though, I like to go by the type of weather which is the most interesting in terms of actually reporting that, rather than the actual weather which I would normally want to be seeing in real life and there can sometimes be a lot of differences between those two ideals.

Furthermore, it just doesn't seem fair to me that just about everyone else on this forum gets to report some interesting weather on their area (even though that may not be the actual sort of weather which they would like to be seeing) whilst there is almost constantly nothing ever very interesting to report here.

Scotland after all, is part of that bigger country that is known as the UK and we even voted to remain that way back in 2014.

In terms of our weather though, I just don't see the point in that continuing to be the case if we can't get to at least join the party along with the English, Welsh and Northern Irish members of this forum in terms of actually having some interesting weather in their area which is actually worth reporting.

That at least for now though, is something which is just not happening, and which hasn't been happening for quite a while now. Now, there is a reason why I am a member of this forum and a large part of that comes from my interest in the weather.

However, I also believe there is no point in being part of any forum where I have no interest whatsoever in the very subject matters which such a forum covers.

What has been happening recently is that there has been so little in the way of interesting weather to report here recently that this has been constantly draining away my actual interest in the weather as a result, because it is all just getting a bit boring now. This is then compounded by the fact that the rest of the country still appear to be getting more in the way of interesting weather that is worth reporting.

The way that this is going, I can the time coming very soon where I will end up just not wanting to be a part of this forum any more not because of this forum itself or its members, but because of the fact that I am simply no longer interested in the weather in the way in which I once was a result of it all becoming a lot more boring now.

To me, it will be a very sad day indeed, if it ever comes to that, but I have come very close to just packing in this forum altogether as a result on a number of occasions just recently. That is therefore, something which I can see happening very soon unless something drastically changes very soon and we actually get some interesting weather here which is actually worth reporting on this forum.

Let's just hope that this does indeed end up being final outcome because at the end of the day, I would much rather continue to play an active part on this forum with some interesting content to report, rather than simply being pushed away as a result of there being virtually nothing interesting to report (that is now in grave danger of happening very soon as things stand just now).

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
19 June 2019 07:50:38

John, I wouldn’t say I’ve had any interesting weather but I do like to follow what others are getting.  Here at the moment it’s overcast and damp!  We had a dry April and May, then last week we had two days of moderate rain and four days of grey sky.  Not what anyone would call interesting!

There were some amazing thunder storms on the South coast around Eastbourne overnight though and that was very interesting even though it was over 200 miles away!  Following that on the lightning map and discussing it on the TWO forum was interesting!

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
19 June 2019 07:56:10

John, I wouldn’t say I’ve had any interesting weather but I do like to follow what others are getting.  Here at the moment it’s overcast and damp!  We had a dry April and May, then last week we had two days of moderate rain and four days of grey sky.  Not what anyone would call interesting!

There were some amazing thunder storms on the South coast around Eastbourne overnight though and that was very interesting even though it was over 200 miles away!  Following that on the lightning map and discussing it on the TWO forum was interesting!

Originally Posted by: Caz 

So far this June has been, not only one of the wettest I've ever experienced, but without a doubt the dullest. I have hardly seen the sun all month. It really has felt like November. Dull, overcast, grey, miserable, cool, and windy.

Witney, Oxfordshire
100m ASL
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
19 June 2019 08:01:41

So far this June has been, not only one of the wettest I've ever experienced, but without a doubt the dullest. I have hardly seen the sun all month. It really has felt like November. Dull, overcast, grey, miserable, cool, and windy.

Originally Posted by: moomin75 

I suppose it could be worse Mooms!  We could live in Aberdeen!  

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
19 June 2019 08:14:58

I suppose it could be worse Mooms!  We could live in Aberdeen!  

Originally Posted by: Caz 

Well, even Richard seemed to be happy with the more recent weather in his area (it was the weather in Portugal which was the subject of his most recent rant, rather than the weather in his neck of the woods) and that isn't something which happens very often.

 However, I'm sure that normal service will be resumed there before too long.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.

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