A staggeringly awful and breathtakingly grim week of utterly foul and suicide-inducing garbage. I have only managed to get out once at lunchtime and the evenings are just a write-off. It's as vile a week as you would ever get at any time of the year. The June permacast hell truly has excelled itself this year 
Today was the absolute limit. Stupidly cold, stupidly wet and stupidly windy. Unreal how cold it was in the office today - just like winter and everyone is sick to the back teeth of it. Once again life in this hellhole is reduced to an endurance test.
Max of just 8.8C and below 8C until after 2pm
It just doesn't get any colder than this at his time of year so yet again we see record low day temperatures achieved with ease in summer whereas it's become impossible to get anywhere near the record high, even last year. This is why this abhorrent decade will be the first since the 1960s not to reach 28C, and with an even lower absolute maximum as well 
I can see this year being so bad it struggles to even reach 23C with no sort of settled spell whatsoever. Who knows the max of 22C at Easter weekend may not be bettered resulting in 1963's woeful record low max of 22.2C getting beaten. Hasn't even topped 18C this month. It seems that you just can't set the bar too low these days
Originally Posted by: richardabdn