Chunky Pea
20 December 2017 21:50:30

Originally Posted by: Joe Bloggs 


I’d love that too. :)

2004 was brilliant here. Started snowing just after 6pm and we got a good covering. 


Ditto here and I remember it well as I was working that day  but there was something special about walking to work in the cold, purple light of a Christmas dawn and the place covered in snow. Had snow showers for much of the day that day.

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
20 December 2017 22:13:42

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 

The ice has gone so the mild temperatures have served their one and only purpose. Unfortunately there seems no end in sight to this unwelcome rubbish. The only other time I remember pavements in such a bad state was at the start of January 2002 at the culmination of an excellent snowy and cold Festive period. The rest of the winter was a disaster and I foresee something similar happening this year only without the excellent cold spell preceding it.


Very mild doesn’t even begin to describe it. The first week of the month was the mildest in over 40 years, along with 2015, and this week looks like turning out even milder with daily means close to 10C the past two days. Just depressing beyond words with hardly even the prospect of another frost in the next week which is just horrific in the run up to Christmas. Temperatures barely got below average during the lame cold spell yet this mild crap has already seen up to 10C above average. Three Decembers in a row of this is every bit as noteworthy as if we had three consecutive Decembers like 2010 with a foot of snow


Worse still the mildest temperatures have been again occurring overnight.  Over the past two days the daytime period has averaged 8.2C while the overnight has averaged 9.3C.  Last night it maxed out at 11.9C at 1:55pm and fell throughout the day. This sort of thing might have occurred occasionally in the past but now it is standard and it’s noteworthy if the peak mildness occurs during daylight


I am sick of having my Christmas holidays ruined by this complete and utter crap every single year and if I have to suffer the rainfall levels seen in 2012, 2013 and 2015 as well I will be apoplectic with rage. Some of the output over the last few days has been showing precisely that


well imagine you're homeless or cant afford your heating bills, the warm up is great for them.  Funny how we don't see the homeless on here moaning about ice days and 'proper' Christmas weather.    I hope you put a 'grip' on your Christmas list Richard because with respect i think you might be missing some perspective.

20 December 2017 22:24:45

Originally Posted by: Chunky Pea 


ah fair enough. I guess Richard, like most of us on here, just likes the idea of having a white Christmas, Dicken's stylee. 

Well, if we're not going to get some decent cold weather with possibly some snow, a nice named storm wouldn't be all that bad (as long as I didn't have to be out and about in it of course) because that would least mean that something interesting was actually happening for once instead of this boring, drier than average and high pressure dominated mildness which we saw throughout last winter, and which we are seeing just now.

During the last two winters, there has always been at least one named storm (those were Storm Eva in the winter of 2015/16 and Storm Barbara along with Storm Conor in the winter of 2016/17) at some time around Christmas and so, it would be a fallacy if we didn't get one this year as well. Since it was only in the autumn of 2015 that this naming system first started, this will only be the first ever year in which there hasn't been a named storm at Christmas if we don't get one this time.

Just a few days ago as well, the models were hinting that we might see Storm Dylan (since that is the next named storm in this year's list) on around Boxing Day but now, the models have dropped that idea and all that is left of that is a sliding low which is unlikely to even affect this part of the world since it is continuing to be shunted further south by the models. That in turn means that there is now likely to be no named storm this Christmas which means that the wait for Storm Dylan goes on.

Another question here as well is the one of where on Earth is this high pressure which we are seeing just now is during the summer when we are looking for that to be around, only for then to be posted missing. Two years ago, our wet weather was mostly happening during the winter and whilst that was very bad news for those who were flooded out, it at least allowed us to enjoy some relatively decent summers with 2013 being the best year for that.

Now, it has all switched around completely here in this part of the world as the winters now appeared to have dried up with our biggest rainfall totals now being concentrated within the summer months. As well as hoping for a cold winter with some snow, I would also like to see a decent summer and this means that if we are going to be getting a lot of rain at any point in time, I would rather be getting that right now, rather than in the middle of summer. The fact that things now appear to have switched around in that matter, therefore means that our overall weather has actually gone from bad to worse in terms of how I would like it to be.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
21 December 2017 10:38:30

Just to make all you guys and gals feel better, we are having awful mild weather here in the Massif Central in Central France. Had a fantastic start to the month with a good 6" dumping of snow which lay for around ten days and we had some decent overnight lows of -8. Since mid month the weather has taken a turn for the worse, with frequent rain, fog and mild temperatures pushing 10 degrees. No wind, just damp, grey gloom. Considering we are at 525 metres above sea level and close to the centre of a huge landmass such as France, it's kinda depressing how mild it is. I thought it was winter, but seems not!

Oh well onwards and upwards!


21 December 2017 17:32:20
So unseasonal - mild at 13c and under cloud and light wins! Felt like early April then the shortest day! What a dire boring spell we are having!
Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

21 December 2017 18:53:43

Originally Posted by: backtobasics 


well imagine you're homeless or cant afford your heating bills, the warm up is great for them.  Funny how we don't see the homeless on here moaning about ice days and 'proper' Christmas weather.    I hope you put a 'grip' on your Christmas list Richard because with respect i think you might be missing some perspective.

What a stupid response. Heating needs to be on all the time over winter. There is no saving because it's mild.

I hate this crap and  would pay good money not to have to suffer it. For as long as I do, I'll make full use of this thread to moan about it 

Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
Whether Idle
21 December 2017 18:55:06

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 


What a stupid response. IHeating needs to be on all the time over winter. There is no saving because it's mild.

I hate this crap and I'll make full use of this thread to moan about it 

I cannot quite fathom why people should object to you moaning in the moaning thread. .

Moan with impunity

Dover, 5m asl. Half a mile from the south coast.
Joe Bloggs
21 December 2017 18:56:21

Originally Posted by: Whether Idle 


I cannot quite fathom why people should object to you moaning in the moaning thread. .

Moan with impunity

we’re allowed to find it funny though. 👍😀

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

21 December 2017 19:10:13

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 


What a stupid response. Heating needs to be on all the time over winter. There is no saving because it's mild.

I hate this crap and  would pay good money not to have to suffer it. For as long as I do, I'll make full use of this thread to moan about it 

I fully agree because even when it's mild in winter, I still need to have my heating on to a certain degree.

To me, if somebody wishes to discuss the plight of the homeless or an inability to pay heating bills, that would be better done over on the Up In Arms forum along with all of the political stuff over there, rather than here on the main weather forum.

I know that this is the moaning thread but at the end of the day, this is also the main weather forum and so it is important for all of us as members in my view to ensure that what we are actually moaning about is entirely related to the weather and nothing else.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
21 December 2017 19:13:14

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 


What a stupid response. Heating needs to be on all the time over winter. There is no saving because it's mild.

I hate this crap and  would pay good money not to have to suffer it. For as long as I do, I'll make full use of this thread to moan about it 


wow, just wow.  I guess you may never have stopped to think about anyone else in order to put your own problems into perspective, by problems i mean the weather not being your preferred type in your case.

Some people cannot afford heating or do not even have a space to heat, i think my point sailed over your head, or in your malaise you just never tried hard enough to understand it.

Never mind i guess this is the moaning thread, ill just keep out of it in the future as moaning about people moaning is daft. 


21 December 2017 19:34:19

Originally Posted by: backtobasics 



wow, just wow.  I guess you may never have stopped to think about anyone else in order to put your own problems into perspective, by problems i mean the weather not being your preferred type in your case.

Some people cannot afford heating or do not even have a space to heat, i think my point sailed over your head, or in your malaise you just never tried hard enough to understand it.

Never mind i guess this is the moaning thread, ill just keep out of it in the future as moaning about people moaning is daft. 


Personally, I do agree with those points which you have mentioned but as I mentioned above, there are other forums out there for that sort of subject.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
21 December 2017 20:33:57
As a moan... The last decent UK cold winter was 2010/11 even though Jan/Feb were nothing special. Why have we had the same kind of mild muck since!! I know parts of the U.K. have had snow in the last couple of weeks but I'm talking generally.
We seem to start off the Autumn with hopeful signs of a good winter only for it to change in November or December.
Why is the jet following the same theme by pouring cold air over NE states and allowing the European high to build and cover most of Western Europe.
I know there are many theories and many reasons at work some that are worrying but it's beginning to feel the norm.
I have followed the weather for long enough to know it can all change but my gut feels it won't.....moan finished
Germoe, part of the breakaway Celtic Republic.
Saint Snow
22 December 2017 10:35:03

Originally Posted by: roadrunnerajn 

As a moan... The last decent UK cold winter was 2010/11 even though Jan/Feb were nothing special. Why have we had the same kind of mild muck since!! 


2012/13 had a cold & snowy January & March


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
22 December 2017 11:26:07

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 



2012/13 had a cold & snowy January & March


Indeed, I remember how Jive Buddy and myself noticed how it always seemed to snow on a Sunday on that season.

Folkestone Harbour. 
Saint Snow
22 December 2017 11:40:19

Originally Posted by: idj20 

Indeed, I remember how Jive Buddy and myself noticed how it always seemed to snow on a Sunday on that season.



Spot on (although it was Saturday nights IMBY). The sledges took some hammer that winter!

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Saint Snow
22 December 2017 11:47:15

As I said in the current conditions thread...

Dull, damp, about 10c too warm.

Awful weather. Walked to work with my coat open and just a tee-shirt underneath; I should have it zipped up to the chin, wearing a hat and gloves, with a hoodie on as well underneath, and still feeling the cold.

In the lead-up to Xmas, this is crap.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
22 December 2017 17:05:02

Wouldn’t be surprised now if there wasn’t even another frost this month. Yesterday had a maximum only slightly above average, at 6.8C, yet despite clear skies and calm winds overnight the temperature dropped no lower than +1.4C.


Now, as it's dark the temperature is soaring. Well past the daytime max of 7.9C to 8.6C now and god knows how high it will get. Probably yet December night in double figures for the umpteenth time since 2015


This week will turn out close to the mildest pre-Christmas week on record.  Will get very near to the 8.1C mean recorded for 18th -24th December 2015 – just two years ago - with the next two days likely to record double digit means. There are just no words to describe how awful this is. Even 1988 didn’t plumb these sort of depths. Four days reached double digits but minima dropped to between 2-5C as opposed to the nonsense we’ve seen this week and in the past two Decembers.


As bad as this has been, it looks set to plunge further into the abyss in time for the holidays with a truly toxic outlook for Christmas yet again. The gloom looks like setting in over the weekend, with impeccable timing, to be followed by the vilest Christmas day for decades with weather warnings out for flooding for the 4th Christmas period out of six







and the effects of the mild crap earlier this month are still being felt: 

Anyone who thinks this is preferable to a bit of snow and frost has a screw loose

Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
Whether Idle
22 December 2017 18:37:15

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 

Wouldn’t be surprised now if there wasn’t even another frost this month. Yesterday had a maximum only slightly above average, at 6.8C, yet despite clear skies and calm winds overnight the temperature dropped no lower than +1.4C.


Now, as it's dark the temperature is soaring. Well past the daytime max of 7.9C to 8.6C now and god knows how high it will get. Probably yet December night in double figures for the umpteenth time since 2015


This week will turn out close to the mildest pre-Christmas week on record.  Will get very near to the 8.1C mean recorded for 18th -24th December 2015 – just two years ago - with the next two days likely to record double digit means. There are just no words to describe how awful this is. Even 1988 didn’t plumb these sort of depths. Four days reached double digits but minima dropped to between 2-5C as opposed to the nonsense we’ve seen this week and in the past two Decembers.


As bad as this has been, it looks set to plunge further into the abyss in time for the holidays with a truly toxic outlook for Christmas yet again. The gloom looks like setting in over the weekend, with impeccable timing, to be followed by the vilest Christmas day for decades with weather warnings out for flooding for the 4th Christmas period out of six







and the effects of the mild crap earlier this month are still being felt: 

Anyone who thinks this is preferable to a bit of snow and frost has a screw loose

I cannot fault your logic.  Again, you've nailed it.

Dover, 5m asl. Half a mile from the south coast.
23 December 2017 12:22:59

Just noticed that the models has me down for southerly gales on Christmas Day night and again on Boxing Day night.

I'm already bored of this winter now and ready to do this  . . .

Folkestone Harbour. 
Chunky Pea
23 December 2017 12:43:27

Current readings here. Pretty much the same story for the last few days with RH values stuck between 95% and 98%. As Richard rightly points out above, this is absolutely toxic, unhealthy weather. 


Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
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