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04 February 2023 10:19:08

Do they go to Comprehensive school which is nearby my old school?  Surely you drive pass my old school many times over Church street.

Climate wise in B. Spa have lot of variety I remember from snow events to yearly heatwaves at 30-33C every year during school terms. I know it got bad summers in 1986 to 1988 when I was already in Cyprus every summer holiday so every time I get back lovely warm Septembers.

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

Yes, it's now an Academy. Driven past St John's many a time
Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
04 February 2023 11:39:36

Yes, it's now an Academy. Driven past St John's many a time

Originally Posted by: speckledjim 

I went there last July and half way St John's to Boston Spa main road, there is another former school belong to St John's is St Vincent and you might see it abandoned for years. I saw it abandoned last year July and been told it will be demolished very soon to make way for Old people home.  If you had driven past lately was it still there or gone now?  
04 February 2023 11:47:18
Winter is over. Let's close this thread and start the summer moaning thread ASAP. 🤣
At least it will be mild!
05 February 2023 16:34:32
Sat under a 1040mb high and did we get the sunny day that was forecast? Like hell we did.

Another absolutely stinking awful pile of rotten tedious crud is what we got. That's all we ever get 🤬🤬🤬

Beyond ridiculous. Almost total overcast, frostless and windy again. When in the name of hell did 1040mb highs ever come with force 5 wind before? Never is the answer. Whenever there was a high pressure there would be so little wind that my anemometer, which is sheltered, would record a mean spead of 0.0mph. Never happens any more. Not in this vile decade which makes the dross of the 2010s look acceptable by comparison 🤢

Can't tell the difference between 970mb, 1000mb, 1040mb any more. Just the same godforsaken 💩 regardless. Wednesday when pressure was under 1010mb was far better. Still the same detestable wind but at least it was sunny. Barely an hour of sun since 👎

All I can see is more of this worthless soul destroying tripe. It's looking like one of the worst Februaries on record to mark the centenary of the worst February on record. 

I am seriously wondering if there will even be a frost this month. That's how desperate things have got. Can't get something in the depths of winter that was always possible to get throughout the entirety of spring 😩

Life in the weather vacuum hell continues unabated 😪

Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
05 February 2023 17:06:35

Winter is over. Let's close this thread and start the summer moaning thread ASAP. 🤣

Originally Posted by: westv 

Of course, there will still be the spring moaning thread to come before that at the beginning of March once the meteorological winter ends.

As far as the weather is concerned though, you could argue that for most of the UK, our so-called "winter" really ended just before last Christmas as this "winter" really consisted of just a week or so of cold weather at that time with that then being more or less "it" for our "winter".
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
05 February 2023 18:58:21

Sat under a 1040mb high and did we get the sunny day that was forecast? Like hell we did.

Another absolutely stinking awful pile of rotten tedious crud is what we got. That's all we ever get 🤬🤬🤬

Beyond ridiculous. Almost total overcast, frostless and windy again. When in the name of hell did 1040mb highs ever come with force 5 wind before? Never is the answer. Whenever there was a high pressure there would be so little wind that my anemometer, which is sheltered, would record a mean spead of 0.0mph. Never happens any more. Not in this vile decade which makes the dross of the 2010s look acceptable by comparison 🤢

Can't tell the difference between 970mb, 1000mb, 1040mb any more. Just the same godforsaken 💩 regardless. Wednesday when pressure was under 1010mb was far better. Still the same detestable wind but at least it was sunny. Barely an hour of sun since 👎

All I can see is more of this worthless soul destroying tripe. It's looking like one of the worst Februaries on record to mark the centenary of the worst February on record. 

I am seriously wondering if there will even be a frost this month. That's how desperate things have got. Can't get something in the depths of winter that was always possible to get throughout the entirety of spring 😩

Life in the weather vacuum hell continues unabated 😪


Originally Posted by: richardabdn 

HP is a winter killer period.  It just there to prevent any wintery weather for the UK, look at the winter snowy weather heating to Greece, Cyprus and the Middle East because of this current HP butt in to stop it heading this way.   I am not bother about it due to heating costs so the sun today help to warm indoors to 18C.  Was a bit hazy which effected indoor warmth levels, hazy sun give cool to luke warm sun rays so hope tomorrow super clear skies to allow strong warm to very warm sun ray indoors.
Andy Woodcock
06 February 2023 08:36:48
Winters now are made up of the following elements.

Weeks of mild, wet zonality with flooding and gales to bring down your garden fence.....Again!

Weeks of cloudy,  drizzly south westerlies with Uncle Barty sat with his fat arse over Spain

Weeks of anticyclonic gloom that brings little frost and eats up what remains of winter after the zonal spell.

One week with a Northerly Wind to remind us briefly what winter could be like

Repeated spells of severe winter cold in the US to fill our TV screens with crazy blizzards and warnings of -38c

The much loved 'Athens Snowfall Special' with Greek beaches snow covered to the waters edge

This winter has followed the recipe to the exact letter, we are cursed to live in this climate Death Zone

Andy Woodcock

Altitude 535 feet

"Why are the British so worried about climate change? Any change to their climate can only be an improvement" John Daley 2001
07 February 2023 05:26:57

Winters now are made up of the following elements.

Weeks of mild, wet zonality with flooding and gales to bring down your garden fence.....Again!

Weeks of cloudy,  drizzly south westerlies with Uncle Barty sat with his fat arse over Spain

Weeks of anticyclonic gloom that brings little frost and eats up what remains of winter after the zonal spell.

One week with a Northerly Wind to remind us briefly what winter could be like

Repeated spells of severe winter cold in the US to fill our TV screens with crazy blizzards and warnings of -38c

The much loved 'Athens Snowfall Special' with Greek beaches snow covered to the waters edge

This winter has followed the recipe to the exact letter, we are cursed to live in this climate Death Zone


Originally Posted by: Andy Woodcock 

I felt like this winter had been a sunny one, and looking at the Met Office website I was spot on - January was significantly sunnier than average in Leeds, with over 170% of the average January sunshine. Virtually everywhere in the UK had a sunnier-than-average January, with most places getting around 130-170% of the average January sunshine (Cumbria included). Only NW Scotland had a dull January.

February has so far been dry and sunny as well. Yesterday was glorious from start to finish. 

Far from being a drizzly or dull winter, it’s been reasonably pleasant and usable as far as winter weather goes - plenty of frosts & crisp sunny days. Your description of this winter is pretty wide off the mark from my point of view (and it certainly isn’t backed up by official weather data).

Personally I will take a spring-like February any year. Many recent Februaries have felt like early spring & long may it continue. Let the Yanks freeze in miserable -30 degree weather, that’s nothing to be jealous of. 
Whitkirk, Leeds - 85m ASL.
07 February 2023 05:59:40
I have a feeling that winter will show its hand in spring this year...

Why can't we just get winter in winter??

Crewe, Cheshire
55 metres above sea level
07 February 2023 07:04:54

I felt like this winter had been a sunny one, and looking at the Met Office website I was spot on - January was significantly sunnier than average in Leeds, with over 170% of the average January sunshine. Virtually everywhere in the UK had a sunnier-than-average January, with most places getting around 130-170% of the average January sunshine (Cumbria included). Only NW Scotland had a dull January.

February has so far been dry and sunny as well. Yesterday was glorious from start to finish. 

Far from being a drizzly or dull winter, it’s been reasonably pleasant and usable as far as winter weather goes - plenty of frosts & crisp sunny days. Your description of this winter is pretty wide off the mark from my point of view (and it certainly isn’t backed up by official weather data).

Personally I will take a spring-like February any year. Many recent Februaries have felt like early spring & long may it continue. Let the Yanks freeze in miserable -30 degree weather, that’s nothing to be jealous of. 

Originally Posted by: LeedsLad123 

Agreed and had helped me cut rapidly on heating costs due to many sunny days.  I find this winter sunshine amount far much better than last year summer which was very dull on social hours and unusable.
07 February 2023 16:09:11
Sun streaming through the west facing window. A temperature indoors of 20.3c with no heating on. Loving it.

Hurry up Spring. 
Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

07 February 2023 18:14:34

Sun streaming through the west facing window. A temperature indoors of 20.3c with no heating on. Loving it.

Hurry up Spring. 

Originally Posted by: Gusty 

Same here was 19C indoors yesterday at 8C outside but today not sure as I am not at home when it was sunny 10C so maybe 19.5 or 20C.  Nuneaton warmer than Slough at 8C and this weekend hope to have heating free days.  SE flow should being full sunshine.
Saint Snow
07 February 2023 18:30:39
At 1pm today, the temp outside here, according to the car, was 3c.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Spring Sun Winter Dread
07 February 2023 18:42:24
In fairness the December cold snap was the best spell of cold weather we've had in my area since the Beast from East at the very least (little bit of accidental.poetrt there ) at end of Feb and start of March 2018 (that being chiefly notable for how late in season it was) and I suspect most people in the UK could say the same. 
We have recently had several winters (2019/20, 2021/22 and further back 2013/14) pass with essentially no cold snaps at all. This year we saw a ten day subzero CET in December with some snow and night temps low enough to burst my neighbour's pipes (not fun!!), a very cold anticyclonic late Jan spell (I appreciate not replicated everywhere) and now in Feb we are getting superb diurnal.range with frosty nights and mild days. CET is running at quite normal levels too, after a cold Dec and a mild but not v mild Jan.
Will the winter be memorable years from now ? Probably not.
Has it been really poor by recent standards though ?
I would have to say no. 
Saint Snow
07 February 2023 19:20:59

At 1pm today, the temp outside here, according to the car, was 3c.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

And just now it's 6c


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
08 February 2023 17:50:53
I'm glad that the main bulk of the cold this winter (so far anyway) was in December and January and now February is looking mild, sunny and spring-like. For me there is nothing worse than a winter that is mild early on, just for it turn cold right when spring should be arriving. 8°C and rain all through winter and then through much of spring doesn't cut it for me.

And I agree with LeedsLad. There is absolutely nothing about -30°C that I am envious about, in the same way that weeks on end of 45°C is nothing to be envious about.
Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
08 February 2023 18:38:36

Truly at a loss to find the words to describe how awful this winter has been 🤬🤬👿

Another week of horrendous windy, winterless, frostless ridiculously mild crud. No indication whatsoever that there has been a high pressure as it has been the same 💩 as it would have been with 980mb. 

The only difference is that a traditional low pressure westerly would relent to allow a frost to develop more frequently than once in three weeks.

Yet another disturbed nights sleep last night due to the ridiculous rattling wind that just never gives up. Rattling way again as I write to give nother evening of worthless twaddle with the temperature stuck at a revolting 7C for hours after tedious cloud all day for the umpteenth time this month 💤

Never known anything as dire as the past 7 weeks and it just keeps getting worse and worse. It's just a sick joke how it looked like there would only be a brief mild blip in the run-up to Christmas and it's ended up with this horror. Without doubt the most unceasingly grim and depressing devoid of interest period of winter garbage in my lifetime. 

One frost in 20 days and four in the past 30 days. I can't remember anything so pathetic - I have never in almost 18 years recorded either a January or February with fewer than five air frosts. 2017 had the worst total of 10 over January and February and was nothing like as poor as this. 

For the second year in a row the core-winter period has been a complete write-off with no measurable snow or a temperature as low as -3C in either year. 2019/20 was almost the same but it the temperature did drop to -3.9C. Prior to that only 2013/14 and 1988/89 would have been comparable winter-free.

The 2020s has seen a further descent into the abyss and it's got to the stage where just about anything with even the slightest possibility of interest has been replaced by complete and utter dross.

There was just 16 hours of frost last February and this month could well be the first ever frost-free February as the outlook is so dire and devoid of anything normal or seasonable for the time of year. An unmitigated turd of a month even worse than the bottom-of-the-barrel scrapings of January.

For the second month in a row Heathrow has recorded a lower temperature than Aboyne which incenses me. Never happened before without doubt and just sums up what an unbearable joke the climate is turning into up here. Worse still much of the Highlands including Loch Glascarnoch and Altnaharra have not seen a frost 😱

Incredulous, ridiculously awful and depressing nonsense 👎👎👎
Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
08 February 2023 20:18:31
Another stunning day down here in CS England.

Bloody cold to start, we got to -6c on the dot, and very foggy so not exactly the most relaxing commute ever but not horrendous.

The fog burned off by lunchtime to blue skies and a max of 8c, it felt pretty warm out in town with a light jacket on.

The tarp is back on the car tonight to make things easier in the morning, another great day looks likely.
West Berkshire Downs AONB
135m ASL

VP2 with daytime FARS
Rainfall collector separated at ground level
Anemometer separated above roof level
WeatherLink Live (Byles Green Weather)
Andy Woodcock
08 February 2023 21:38:20
2023 has turned into an abysmal winter with February devoid of interest only mild, cloudy, damp dross.

The weather reflects the rest of our Country, hopeless, depressing and as the song says 'The only thing to look forward to is the past'

Andy Woodcock

Altitude 535 feet

"Why are the British so worried about climate change? Any change to their climate can only be an improvement" John Daley 2001
09 February 2023 04:32:25

Another stunning day down here in CS England.

Bloody cold to start, we got to -6c on the dot, and very foggy so not exactly the most relaxing commute ever but not horrendous.

The fog burned off by lunchtime to blue skies and a max of 8c, it felt pretty warm out in town with a light jacket on.

The tarp is back on the car tonight to make things easier in the morning, another great day looks likely.

Originally Posted by: tierradelfuego 

It was another fine, sunny day in Leeds too. The weather has been great since the middle of January - no rain, plenty of sunshine & frosty mornings. The ground is dry enough now that you can walk on the grass without getting muddy feet - unusual for winter. I’m tempted to even get out in the garden & give the grass a mow. 

Combine that with the crocuses coming up & various birds starting to sing again (especially the local song thrushes) and it’s feeling almost like spring. Certainly no cloudy, damp dross that the above user keeps going on about for some strange reason. 

Hopefully no cold spells going forward. Keep the snow in Athens I say. 
Whitkirk, Leeds - 85m ASL.
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