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Saint Snow
17 December 2022 15:18:35
It's truly horrible weather here today. Dismal cold drizzle. A good chance it'll be the prevalent weather from now until after Xmas. 

Very envious of those up in Scotland, who have a much better chance of seeing nice, cold, snowy conditions. 

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
17 December 2022 19:01:02

Data available here for a range of years and a range of variables including sunshine, but presented as eye-straining graphs. Might be useful to compare with this winter for a better-founded moan or otherwise. 

As for 1963, the graphs show a sunny December (very much so, perhaps enough to skew the statistics)  and January; but cloudy for February and (outside meteorological winter but still cold that year) March. This matches my recollection, which includes a brilliantly sunny week with skiing on powder snow in Scotland at New Year but cloudy in Cambridge later. There could well be an IMBY factor in people's memories, the synoptics suggesting a cloudier east and sunnier west

Originally Posted by: DEW 

It was not sunny in Dorset , after all the snow it was endlessly grey and did not brighten up till March.
Joe Bloggs
17 December 2022 20:17:47

Last Saturday we only managed a partial dusting in what could have been a very promising streamer setup.

Last night I went to bed with a temp of -1.7 at midnight knowing we were due precipitation in the morning. Woke up at 8am to a temp of +1.8 and heavy sleet bouncing off the windows. 

Still pouring down with sleet now and a temp of 2.7. Could have had 4 inches of snow today if things weren’t against us yet again.

Not had more than 2 inches of lying snow here since BFTE part 2 in 2018. Very poor

Been a long time since we had a traditional snowy breakdown. Tomorrow will probably bring more heavy sleet. 

Shame to see a very notable cold spell go out like this.

Originally Posted by: snow 2004 

Growing up round here I always had the impression that Glossop had loads of snow every winter! Certainly a ton more than here. Judging by your posts I feel like you’ve been very unlucky recently? Hopefully you’ll get a good dumping before the winter is out.

As Saint has said, an absolutely horrendous day today. Cold, and really wet. Pretty much all day. Far more rain than I expected. 

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

17 December 2022 20:43:37

Growing up round here I always had the impression that Glossop had loads of snow every winter! Certainly a ton more than here. Judging by your posts I feel like you’ve been very unlucky recently? Hopefully you’ll get a good dumping before the winter is out.

As Saint has said, an absolutely horrendous day today. Cold, and really wet. Pretty much all day. Far more rain than I expected. 

Originally Posted by: Joe Bloggs 

If the models didn't predict all day rain at 0z hours then they are all 100% useless and rubbish so we cannot know what will be like on Xmas day.  If was newspaper for Manchester, it would say geneal rain all day full stop. Ceefax green rain map over Manchester all day on 3 pages for morning, afternooo and tonight.  TV forecasters would put the rain symbols over Manchester and white cloud over Birmingham which I saw some hazy sunsine at first before it became cloudy.
17 December 2022 20:48:46

If the models didn't predict all day rain at 0z hours then they are all 100% useless and rubbish so we cannot know what will be like on Xmas day.  If was newspaper for Manchester, it would say geneal rain all day full stop. Ceefax green rain map over Manchester all day on 3 pages for morning, afternooo and tonight.  TV forecasters would put the rain symbols over Manchester and white cloud over Birmingham which I saw some hazy sunsine at first before it became cloudy.

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

The rain was quite well modelled by most of the 00z runs. Have you checked?
17 December 2022 21:21:27

The rain was quite well modelled by most of the 00z runs. Have you checked?

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

Joe said he got more than expected and yes saw the charts from Midlands Group and it look very small precips mean short time like showers length.
18 December 2022 00:20:25
The sign of the breakdown to the SW approaches on the radar 

Pity it's not going to bring a classic snow to rain breakdown for most, though that freezing rain in the meto warning for the north sounds nasty if it happens.  
Saint Snow
18 December 2022 17:36:02
There's no value in betting on a white christmas now. 

The only one that had any value (was offering 4-1 for Belfast Airport) has suspended its market. 

Bookies always want everything stacked in their favour. 

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
19 December 2022 13:45:28
Wouldn't have minded some mild southwesterlies for a few days but more of the rank, suicide inducing S'ly/SE'ly poison that ruined the autumn makes my blood boil 🤢

Absolutely VILE day. I can't think of a single advantage this repulsive tripe has over what we've had. Not one. 

It's not any warmer in the house. If anything it's colder because of the wind and lack of sun. Also need lights on most of the day because it's so horrendously dull and gloomy.

Not only can I still not get out on my bike, but I can't even go for a walk at lunchtime because of the toxic rain that we've had far too much of this year and which I'm apoplectic with rage at having to endure more of 🤬

Awful, grim, bleak depressing crap that keeps you stuck indoors like a prisoner 😫

Absolute and utter filth with no redeeming qualities whatsoever 🤮
Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

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2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
Brian Gaze
19 December 2022 13:50:14
Enjoy the mild, windy and wet weather which has now returned. The only downside is I no longer have an excuse for not going for a run. 😁
Brian Gaze
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Mick Grinch
19 December 2022 14:01:58
I guess I must have messed up with the quotation thing... Anyway, it almost feels warmer outside than inside. What a difference a day makes!
I'm autistic, so please bear with me: sometimes rules don't make much sense to me -- but I promise to do my very best!
Saint Snow
19 December 2022 14:17:10
Even in the northern half of Scotland, the snow has almost gone. 

Scanning through the Traffic Scotland  webcams, along with those at the Glencoe  and Nevis  ski resorts, is depressing.


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
19 December 2022 15:01:34

I guess I must have messed up with the quotation thing... Anyway, it almost feels warmer outside than inside. What a difference a day makes!

Originally Posted by: Mick Grinch 

Definitely. Even with the rain it feels like we've flew forward to April today. Hard to believe a good part of the country was pushing minus double figures just a few mornings ago.
Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
Mick Grinch
19 December 2022 15:09:30
Nyet. I still can't work the quotation wotsit, Bolty, but I do know one thing: ridiculously mild winter weather is the next best thing to blizzards!
I'm autistic, so please bear with me: sometimes rules don't make much sense to me -- but I promise to do my very best!
20 December 2022 06:58:47
So, with the big day in sight, it's going to be 52 years on the trot since the last proper White Christmas here (and indeed, much of the SE of England).

I wonder if I'll ever see one before I die? I suspect not.

(There have been a couple of cases since then with widespread snow on the ground, or the odd flake amongst the rain, but a "snow falling, snow settling" event on Christmas Day is slowly passing out of living memory.)
Leysdown, north Kent
Tim A
20 December 2022 07:45:11

So, with the big day in sight, it's going to be 52 years on the trot since the last proper White Christmas here (and indeed, much of the SE of England).

I wonder if I'll ever see one before I die? I suspect not.

(There have been a couple of cases since then with widespread snow on the ground, or the odd flake amongst the rain, but a "snow falling, snow settling" event on Christmas Day is slowly passing out of living memory.)

Originally Posted by: Retron 

I don't think we have had a proper snowfall on Xmas Day either certainly not that I can remember (born 84). 
2004 -close as we had a dusting but the NW got some heavy snow. 

However 2009 was magical as there was a heavy fall on Christmas Eve and 2010 had snow on the ground but only a few cm.  If it is thick on the ground on the Day I don't mind if it came the day before.

Last year it was Boxing Day Am that had a snowfall. 

There is a chance this year if the GFS is anything to go by.  30% maybe. 
NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
20 December 2022 08:12:41

Nyet. I still can't work the quotation wotsit, Bolty, but I do know one thing: ridiculously mild winter weather is the next best thing to blizzards!

Originally Posted by: Mick Grinch 

Click on the 2 quotation marks "" next to reply. 
Tim A
20 December 2022 08:42:11

Nyet. I still can't work the quotation wotsit, Bolty, but I do know one thing: ridiculously mild winter weather is the next best thing to blizzards!

Originally Posted by: Mick Grinch 

I reality I don't actually mind ridiculously mild weather in winter as long as it is dry . One can go and enjoy the outdoors. 

Just don't like the look of it on the weather charts beforehand when it could be showing snow. 
Probably also from years of being on Weather Forums, the mild charts are associated with irritating words like 'horror show' 'blowtorch' and 'BBQ time' etc when it reality they are not a horror show and certainly it is never BBQ weather in Winter no matter what the synoptics. 
NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
20 December 2022 09:33:01
Although the snow and ice was great this return to mild conditions has been most welcome to me from a heating perspective. I struggled to get my home above 15c last week with the heating blaring! Now we're back to a comfortable 18-20c indoors and much the better for it.

Contrary to most of the snow fanatics here (me included to a certain degree) I'd be happy with a decent run of mild daytime temperatures over the holiday season so nobody's holiday plans get scuppered by poor wintry weather, especially with xmas lockdowns still fresh in our recent memories. 

A little cold weather haiatus now please, followed perhaps by another go at the cold in a fortnights time.

(i'd much rather miss work thru snow than mums turkey dinner!)
Tom Oxon
20 December 2022 09:49:04
Agree, white Christmas days are great if you're not going anywhere, otherwise unless snow has been around for a bit and the road is well gritted they could be a pain.
S Warwickshire countryside, c.375ft asl.
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