Where on Earth is all of our cold weather suddenly disappearing to?😡
Last night was looking so rosy for a while as the temperature at Edinburgh Airport dropped to around -2°C by as early as 7pm yesterday evening. At that time, it was all looking so good for last night to then go down as our coldest night of the winter so far, and possibly even the coldest night of this year so far.
As we have gone into the early hours of this morning though, it has then clouded over which in itself, wouldn't be so bad if there was actually some snow falling out of those clouds. The radar map kept on showing light snow over here and yet, the actual stark reality of the situation is that absolutely nothing has been falling out of the sky here at ground level, and that it therefore remains as bone dry as usual (in other words, typical boring and uninteresting "Edinburgh" weather).😡
To make matters even worse, the temperatures have also jumped back up to above freezing, so there is already no chance of today being an ice day here 😡(I mentioned that here because possible ice days in parts of the country has been a big subject on another thread on this forum).
As at 5am GMT (05:00 UTC) the temperature at Edinburgh Gogarbank was up to around +1°C but it is even worse than that just to my north. At Leuchars on the East Neuk of Fife near St. Andrews, the temperature had gone up to around +3°C and at Strathallan Air Field near Auchterarder (which should at least be a lot colder as a result of being much further inland), the temperature had also gone up to around 3°C at that time.😡
Could there possibly be some less cold air around which has got into the mix, which none of the forecasts or model output actually picked up on?
Edited by user
09 December 2022 06:00:26
Reason: Not specified
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.