Wednesday, August 10, 2022 3:46:15 PM

FWIW, 2020 might not have had the very high number of days breaking some temperature thresholds (haven't double checked though) but it also had 5 days of 35C+, largely due to the spell almost exactly 2 years ago when 6 days in a row were 34C+.

Rob K
Wednesday, August 10, 2022 5:16:54 PM

Originally Posted by: JHutch 

FWIW, 2020 might not have had the very high number of days breaking some temperature thresholds (haven't double checked though) but it also had 5 days of 35C+, largely due to the spell almost exactly 2 years ago when 6 days in a row were 34C+.

Good point, I had neglected that one. It was short but very sharp!

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
Wednesday, August 10, 2022 6:25:05 PM
This is probably the best birthday weather I can remember having, even better than the hot spell in August 2020. A high of 28.4°C and wall-to-wall sunshine all day, and what has at least felt like quite low humidity too. Looking forward to more of this through this week!
Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
Wednesday, August 10, 2022 6:54:30 PM

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

Out of curiosity in the rankings of the hot UK summers I have collected together the data where I can (the full daily data for 1976 for the entire summer seems impossible to find, so I have only got the 30C+ days there).

For info, listed as year, followed by days above 25C, 28C, 29C, 30C, 32C and 35C in the three summer months.

1976: ?, ?, ?, 17, 15, 5
1995: 61, 40, 31, 27, 12, 1
2018: 59, 33, 27, 24, 6, 2
2022: 38, 24, 17, 11, 5, 2 (up to 9 August).

1995 is still the daddy as far as I am concerned, with a whopping 27 days above 30C, and 40 above 28C. However when talking extreme heat duration (above 35C), 1976 is the champ for now.

After the coming week, I think 2022 is likely to take the "extreme heat" crown from 1976, but 1995 is still the overall summer to rule them all. Shame about the cruddy start to June though - 8 days in the first half of June 95 failed to even reach 20C!

Great info!  As much as I love stats and record breaking, it’s very hard to see the bigger picture nationwide.  For me, the extent of the heat this year has been quite special, it wasn’t just about one place reaching record heights, although that was impressive, it was also how widespread the heat was.

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
Wednesday, August 10, 2022 6:56:18 PM

Originally Posted by: Bolty 

This is probably the best birthday weather I can remember having, even better than the hot spell in August 2020. A high of 28.4°C and wall-to-wall sunshine all day, and what has at least felt like quite low humidity too. Looking forward to more of this through this week!

Happy birthday!  

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
Wednesday, August 10, 2022 7:00:55 PM

Originally Posted by: Gavin D 

An official drought is expected to be declared on Friday

Excellent. Just in time for the unsettled spell to set in.

Witney, Oxfordshire
100m ASL
Wednesday, August 10, 2022 7:05:09 PM

Originally Posted by: moomin75 


Excellent. Just in time for the unsettled spell to set in.

It will take more than a few showers or thunderstorms to tackle the water deficit.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022 7:06:18 PM

Originally Posted by: doctormog 


It will take more than a few showers or thunderstorms to tackle the water deficit.

Just wish it could hold off for one more week. My holiday is looking like a damp squib.

Witney, Oxfordshire
100m ASL
Wednesday, August 10, 2022 7:11:24 PM

Originally Posted by: moomin75 

Just wish it could hold off for one more week. My holiday is looking like a damp squib.

Where are you off to, as lots of area look like continuing to be drier than average?

Wednesday, August 10, 2022 7:13:03 PM

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

Where are you off to, as lots of area look like continuing to be drier than average?

Initially Norfolk, then across to Cheshire for cricket, so dry weather is very much needed.

Witney, Oxfordshire
100m ASL
Wednesday, August 10, 2022 7:18:31 PM

Originally Posted by: moomin75 

Initially Norfolk, then across to Cheshire for cricket, so dry weather is very much needed.

Norfolk still looks rather dry I think. Chester is a bit more tricky to predict but I doubt it will be a washout.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022 7:48:13 PM

27.9C here today 

It just doesn't want to reach 28C but still just beats 27.7C last year as the hottest temperature since 2006 and by far the highest August temperature I've recorded in 17 years. Not difficult to achieve given that the old record was so pitifully low it was lower than the September record.

A superb day of Mediterranean type blue skies in complete contrast to the Congolese damb squib of 19th July.

Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
Wednesday, August 10, 2022 9:31:25 PM

Here in Edinburgh, today's maximum temperature reached 28.3°C at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh, 28°C at Edinburgh Airport and 27.8°C at Edinburgh Gogarbank.

That makes today our hottest day of this month so far and in any other year, that probably would have been more than enough to give us our hottest day of that entire year. That isn't actually the case this year though, although the only reason for that is down to those almost record breaking hot days which we had in July when the temperature rose to above 30°C on two successive days at all three of my local stations.

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Hungry Tiger
Thursday, August 11, 2022 9:14:29 AM

What we're looking at temperature wise for this summer.

  1. A new all time record for July - already recieved.

  2. The first time 39C or higher has been recieved - already recieved.

  3. The first time 40C or higher has been recieved - already recieved.

  4. A new all time temperature record for August.

  5. The first time 38C or higher has been recorded in 2 consecutive summer months.

    If we get the last 2 in my list. We'll have had all of the above in one summer. I think that will be one heck of a set to get in one summer.

Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

  • TimS
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
Thursday, August 11, 2022 9:37:17 AM

Originally Posted by: Hungry Tiger 

What we're looking at temperature wise for this summer.

  1. A new all time record for July - already recieved.

  2. The first time 39C or higher has been recieved - already recieved.

  3. The first time 40C or higher has been recieved - already recieved.

  4. A new all time temperature record for August.

  5. The first time 38C or higher has been recorded in 2 consecutive summer months.

    If we get the last 2 in my list. We'll have had all of the above in one summer. I think that will be one heck of a set to get in one summer.

I don’t think we’ll get anywhere near 38C in this spell. Models aren’t having it. 

Brockley, South East London 30m asl
Thursday, August 11, 2022 10:21:22 AM

At the moment, Gavin P. is taking a well deserved break from YouTube and Mark Vogan is currently sunning himself in Portugal, so there is unlikely to be much content from him in the meantime.

Because of that, video content on YouTube as regards to the latest weather conditions here in the UK is rather limited at the moment, but there is another channel on YouTube called Weekly Weather Updates puts out daily (despite that channel's name) videos which covers similar ground to Gavin P. in terms of the latest model output and ensembles, and occasionally does so in a more detailed manner.

Last night, I was just catching up with those videos and some of the model output which this guy was showing, was pointing towards the possibility of the temperature here in Edinburgh reaching around 31°C in the next day or so which would at the very least, be challenging our own local record which was set in 2019 (we can very close to beating that in July's heat spike, but didn't quite manage to pull that off).

However, the Met Office are predicting that today's temperatures will only be similar to what we experienced during yesterday, without getting any higher that at any time during this latest heatwave.

The BBC on the other hand, aren't even going as high as that and they are predicting that our highest temperatures over the next few days will actually be slightly cooler than yesterday's temperatures at only around 26°C.

Base on that, my hunch is that we probably won't get to 30°C or above during this latest hot spell, although you never know what might happen with our weather and I certainly wouldn't rule anything out just yet.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Thursday, August 11, 2022 10:23:53 AM

Currently 27.6C

This time yesterday was only 25.9C, and we still reached 31C. Think 33C is possible today.

Worth pointing out that in Leeds we didn’t exceed 90F at all between 2004 and 2015 (including July 2006). We then reached 33C in July 2015, and now 90F is becoming an easy temperature to exceed. 

Whitkirk, Leeds - 85m ASL.
Thursday, August 11, 2022 1:42:06 PM
A roasting hot day down here in the Southwest with Plymouth having its hottest August day on record (31.1c at 2pm) and Penzance breaking the 30c barrier for the first time in that stations history.
Currently living at roughly 65m asl North of Cowbridge in the Vale of Glamorgan.

Formerly of, Birdlip, highest village in the Cotswolds and snow heaven in winter; Hawkinge in Kent - roof of the South downs and Isles of Scilly, paradise in the UK.
Ally Pally Snowman
Thursday, August 11, 2022 2:54:58 PM

Wiggonholt, Sussex 33.5c is the highest I can see so far. So doesn't look like 35c today.  I was brought up near there it really is a tiny place barely a hamlet even. Such a random place for an official WS.


Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
Rob K
Thursday, August 11, 2022 3:15:40 PM

Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

Wiggonholt, Sussex 33.5c is the highest I can see so far. So doesn't look like 35c today.  I was brought up near there it really is a tiny place barely a hamlet even. Such a random place for an official WS.


According to the Met Office on Twitter, Wiggonholt has reached 33.8.

Heathrow and Coton in the Elms also above 33.

The 4pm reading at Wiggonholt was 33.6 so still a chance of a 34 I suppose.

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
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