Not great here either, only 14 C at 1pm with drizzle in the air. Dull and slightly wetter than average so far this summer. No t-shirt & shorts up here yet
Originally Posted by: Crepuscular Ray
That's a big difference from this time last year when you were still living up here in Edinburgh and enjoying the lovely weather which we were getting here at the time (as you will no doubt remember).
Perhaps then, Lake District weather isn't better than our Edinburgh weather after all.

So far, I would even go as far as saying that this summer has been quite decent as well so far, although it's not been as warm and sunny as last summer.
Up here, it's been quite a lot drier than average during this summer so far (even though this month started off on a very wet note on the very first day of it) and it's also been slightly warmer than average here overall. Although this month is running slightly cooler than average at Edinburgh Gogarbank so far, it won't take much for that temperature anomaly to become positive once again.
The only thing which is letting this summer down so far is the fact that it has been duller than average so far. Last month was only slightly duller than average at Edinburgh Gogarbank but this month has started on a very dull note here with sunshine totals more like what we would expect to be getting in the middle of winter (so that aspect for this month so far is exactly the same here, as what RichardAbdn described above, as regards to his own situation up in Aberdeen).
The Sun has now come out here as I write, but it has also become very windy. Nevertheless, we are still at least getting some decent sunny spells and so, the ongoing lack of sunshine is only really a very minor issue in the overall scale of things. Since that is really my only complaint about this summer so far, I would say that we are actually doing really well overall, especially given the fact that two back to back decent summers are not exactly something which we would normally expect to be getting here in Scotland.
Furthermore, last month was only slightly duller than average and if the latest model output is correct, there is a good chance that we might have some much sunnier weather on the way, although we might just need to bear a bit of patience with that one as it could take a bit longer for that sunnier weather to reach us than what a lot of people might be expecting.
Given that we have only really just entered into the month of July and the fact that last month was only slightly duller than average, it won't take much for the situation as regards to sunshine totals to be turned around, and I certainly wouldn't rule that out.
Edited by user
04 July 2022 19:25:48
Reason: Not specified
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.