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22 June 2022 21:30:12

Oh those amazing long June evenings.

SE England has among the best summer climates in the world! 

Joe Bloggs
22 June 2022 21:43:37

I love this time of year.

Just after 10.30pm at night and I can see the sunset reflecting on Manchester’s skyline. 


Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

22 June 2022 21:49:43

It’s a lovely evening here too currently 

At 10:50 pm



Joe Bloggs
22 June 2022 21:57:41

It’s a lovely evening here too currently 

At 10:50 pm



Originally Posted by: doctormog 

👍👍👍👍👍👍 Magical. 

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

02 July 2022 11:31:32

Time to fire up this thread again, since the 24th June Summer has taken a dive, had a really dismal week with cool temperatures and rain, something like a bad week in early April.Today again gone noon and its 14c , raining and skies like November.Utter garbage!!!

Keep hearing better weather is on the way, its taking a long time to come, and probably fizzle out after 5 days.

02 July 2022 12:20:56

Time to fire up this thread again, since the 24th June Summer has taken a dive, had a really dismal week with cool temperatures and rain, something like a bad week in early April.Today again gone noon and its 14c , raining and skies like November.Utter garbage!!!

Keep hearing better weather is on the way, its taking a long time to come, and probably fizzle out after 5 days.

Originally Posted by: severnside 

I've seen that happen in other years as well when the models have had it virtually nailed on for high pressure to build in from the Azores and bring a spell of proper summer weather to these shores, only for all of that to be downgraded closer to the time what that spell of decent weather never actually happening in the end.

That is the opposite of what commonly happens during the winter (last Christmas was the best example of that) when the models point towards some really cold and snowy weather on the way, only for that to be downgraded and never end up actually happening.

If there is any consolation though, this was never going to a 2007 or 2012 type washout summer and that is proving to be the case. In fact, this has actually been quite a decent summer here overall up until now.

That has resulted in me being concerned about the effects of the resulting lack of rainfall, but even those concerns have been addressed to a certain extent just lately with the odd downpour which has provided some welcome and much needed rainfall for the gardens without producing any of those biblical amounts of rain in a very short period of time, such as what we have seen in other recent years.

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Tim A
02 July 2022 14:41:25 

As can be seen from the official stats, June certainly nothing to moan about for most. Warmer, dryer and sunnier than average . I thought the anomoly might be more pronounced here than some other parts and whilst that is true large parts of have been better than average.
It has been warm , normally we have to toy with the heating at times in June but no need this year.
NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
04 July 2022 11:10:08

Soon as the schools break up the full blown 2007/2012 horror arrives. Exactly the same as last year but at least it was nowhere near as wet.

Absolutely stinking awful, horrendous, bleak and revolting start to July that is so ridiculously wet and dull it's up there with the very worst.

Half the average monthly rain total already, courtesy of the wettest summer weekend since 2015, accompanied by sun levels on a par with mid-winter 

June has seen an improvement in recent years so it's now July that is taking over as the worst month of the year. A month of endless soul-destroying cloud. Not had a properly dry one since 2006 and only three above average sunshine totals since 2010 

Supposed to be dry today but it's hammering down yet again and only 13.9C at noon. Utterly VILE.

Just what the hell is happening when this nonsense is occurring year after year? Endless grey overcast grot day after day when it's supposed to be summer.

July 2021: 14/31 days with 3 hours or more of sun
Jan 2022: 19/31 days with 3 hours or more of sun
Feb 2022: 18/28 days with 3 hours or more of sun
July 2022: 1/3 days with 3 hours or more of sun and today not looking promising to make it 2/4.

Twice the available daylight but can't manage as many days with a paltry 3 hours than winter months. Should be seeing more like 20-25 days with 3 hours in a summer month and more like 10, or possibly not even that, in winter.

What the hell sort of rational explanation could there be for this pure and utter garbage? How on Earth can this sort of crap be possible year in year out?

Winter sunshine barely 10 degrees above the horizon is totally useless and worthless. It doesn't in any way make up for not getting any during summer. It's the equivalent of a scammer stealing £10k from your bank account and returning £10 six months later. 

Stupefyingly sunny, dry and snowless winters like nothing on Earth we ever used to get followed by stupefyingly dull, depressing and miserable summers like nothing on Earth ever used to get.


Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
Crepuscular Ray
04 July 2022 12:42:21
Not great here either, only 14 C at 1pm with drizzle in the air. Dull and slightly wetter than average so far this summer. No t-shirt & shorts up here yet
Edinburgh, in the frost hollow below Blackford Hill
04 July 2022 13:15:23

Not great here either, only 14 C at 1pm with drizzle in the air. Dull and slightly wetter than average so far this summer. No t-shirt & shorts up here yet

Originally Posted by: Crepuscular Ray 

That's a big difference from this time last year when you were still living up here in Edinburgh and enjoying the lovely weather which we were getting here at the time (as you will no doubt remember).

Perhaps then, Lake District weather isn't better than our Edinburgh weather after all.

So far, I would even go as far as saying that this summer has been quite decent as well so far, although it's not been as warm and sunny as last summer.

Up here, it's been quite a lot drier than average during this summer so far (even though this month started off on a very wet note on the very first day of it) and it's also been slightly warmer than average here overall. Although this month is running slightly cooler than average at Edinburgh Gogarbank so far, it won't take much for that temperature anomaly to become positive once again.

The only thing which is letting this summer down so far is the fact that it has been duller than average so far. Last month was only slightly duller than average at Edinburgh Gogarbank but this month has started on a very dull note here with sunshine totals more like what we would expect to be getting in the middle of winter (so that aspect for this month so far is exactly the same here, as what RichardAbdn described above, as regards to his own situation up in Aberdeen).

The Sun has now come out here as I write, but it has also become very windy. Nevertheless, we are still at least getting some decent sunny spells and so, the ongoing lack of sunshine is only really a very minor issue in the overall scale of things. Since that is really my only complaint about this summer so far, I would say that we are actually doing really well overall, especially given the fact that two back to back decent summers are not exactly something which we would normally expect to be getting here in Scotland.

Furthermore, last month was only slightly duller than average and if the latest model output is correct, there is a good chance that we might have some much sunnier weather on the way, although we might just need to bear a bit of patience with that one as it could take a bit longer for that sunnier weather to reach us than what a lot of people might be expecting.

Given that we have only really just entered into the month of July and the fact that last month was only slightly duller than average, it won't take much for the situation as regards to sunshine totals to be turned around, and I certainly wouldn't rule that out.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Crepuscular Ray
05 July 2022 16:23:23
Edinburgh will always be sunnier and drier than the Lakes! However in an Easterly it does get hotter here in Summer.
Unfortunately it's a cloudy westerly summer this year 🙄
Edinburgh, in the frost hollow below Blackford Hill
05 July 2022 18:57:14

Edinburgh will always be sunnier and drier than the Lakes! However in an Easterly it does get hotter here in Summer.
Unfortunately it's a cloudy westerly summer this year 🙄

Originally Posted by: Crepuscular Ray 

Looks like the weather gods knew in advance that you were arriving down there, as it is normally during the winter that we tend to never get those easterlies (the very time of the year when we could do with them being around to deliver some really cold and snowy weather to these parts).

These easterlies would then usually be more likely to be around at other times of the year which is why we tend to get so much easterly muck coming in from off the North Sea during the spring and early summer in particular (at this time of the year, we get that as well at the start of each day, except that the sunshine is usually always strong enough at this time of the year to burn that back, thus resulting in sunny afternoons although it will still be much cooler than further inland).

Having said that though, our most dominant wind direction here in the UK is usually from the SW which means that although easterlies aren't uncommon, they don't occur anywhere near as often as westerlies on average and I am welcoming the absence of those easterlies during this summer.

With the current setup, we should be relatively sheltered from those cool westerlies here in SE Scotland which should result in it being sunnier here than what it is in most other parts of Scotland and that is what is making this dull start to the month which we've had all the more frustrating, especially when you consider that we have many days in the past at this time of the year under an easterly which have started off with a lot of easterly muck coming in from off the North Sea, but which have still ended up being sunnier than what we are seeing just now due to the Sun burning all of that muck back again by the afternoon.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
06 July 2022 16:36:18
So much for the dry week. Another VILE day today waking up to lashing rain and soul destroying grey skies. Was supposed to clear in the afternoon but it just won't shift. Nothing more than a few pitifully brief sunny periods, adding up to a pathetic 35 minutes, followed by more unforecast rain. Horribly and windy too. Just dreadful 
The mountains which protect us from ghastly Atlantic cloud at all other times of year seem to inexplicably lose their ability to do so in summer 
Most ridiculous of all it was 21C under the overcast. When the hell on earth were those temperatures achieved under overcast filth before? Never. Not ever. Welcome to 21st Century summer hell when the warmest month of the year is written off by endless grey crud and the warmer it gets the cloudier the skies 
Last sunny day was the 27th June and there has been nothing remotely summery this month. That 'poor' low pressure weekend delivered wonderful conditions vastly superior to the utter excrement this month has served up so far.
A bleak miserable and depressing sorry excuse for a July that has already seen half the monthly average rain and, more preposterously, is on course to be the dullest month of the year to date just like 2012 
Tomorrow is supposed to have sunny spells but I suspect it will be more of the same. Sunny spells used to mean a mix of cumulus and sun with around 5-8 hours sunshine. That kind of weather is all but extinct now as all there seems to be is either sun or overcast and at the moment it's day after day of the latter 
Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
Tim A
06 July 2022 20:13:20
So windy and grey today , felt like autumn.
Fairly mild now this evening at 16.4c but still grey. Hopefully worst day for a long time .
NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
11 July 2022 11:46:39

Working in the garden and it's absolutely beautiful.

Another great summer!


11 July 2022 12:13:18

I'm not really moaning...but I am a bit. Why do we seem to suffer a lot from hazy humid skies? The last 2 days were lovely and as usual when the temperature pushes over 25C, the sky is just white now. It always reminds me of driving back from my holidays over the years and seeing the line of white sky appear as we edged towards Greater Manchester

  • Col
  • Advanced Member
11 July 2022 12:37:54

I'm not really moaning...but I am a bit. Why do we seem to suffer a lot from hazy humid skies? The last 2 days were lovely and as usual when the temperature pushes over 25C, the sky is just white now. It always reminds me of driving back from my holidays over the years and seeing the line of white sky appear as we edged towards Greater Manchester

Originally Posted by: andy-manc 

I'm surprised though at just how quickly it's clouded over today, thin high cloud appeared quite early on and now it's essentially overcast.

Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl
Snow videos:
Tim A
11 July 2022 12:41:51

Cloud satellite suggests a cloudy couple of hours across N England before more in the way of sunshine, cloud band already clearing Flyde coast, clouding over here but still with sunny breaks.

NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
Rob K
11 July 2022 13:28:41

I'm not really moaning...but I am a bit. Why do we seem to suffer a lot from hazy humid skies? The last 2 days were lovely and as usual when the temperature pushes over 25C, the sky is just white now. It always reminds me of driving back from my holidays over the years and seeing the line of white sky appear as we edged towards Greater Manchester

Originally Posted by: andy-manc 

Air traffic has a lot to do with it. Often you'll see a fairly cloudless sky and then as soon as there is a bit of humidity the aircraft trails start to linger and spread into cloud. We have a lot of intersecting flight paths over our area and the skies often get completely "hazed out". During lockdown in 2020 you could really notice the clearer skies.

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
11 July 2022 14:23:37


Air traffic has a lot to do with it. Often you'll see a fairly cloudless sky and then as soon as there is a bit of humidity the aircraft trails start to linger and spread into cloud. We have a lot of intersecting flight paths over our area and the skies often get completely "hazed out". During lockdown in 2020 you could really notice the clearer skies.

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

Yes I definitely noticed a difference during lockdown. We had what seemed like endless days of blue.

Today has been spoiled by the high cloud really. It's still lingering with no sign of breaking. Usually tends to ease off in the evening. It just makes it feel more oppressive than hot.

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