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11 July 2022 14:30:03


Yes I definitely noticed a difference during lockdown. We had what seemed like endless days of blue.

Today has been spoiled by the high cloud really. It's still lingering with no sign of breaking. Usually tends to ease off in the evening. It just makes it feel more oppressive than hot.

Originally Posted by: andy-manc 

I’ve always said cloudy, hot weather is like being inside a sweaty old sock. 

Whitkirk, Leeds - 85m ASL.
Rob K
11 July 2022 14:59:09
By coincidence "chemtrails" is trending on UK Twitter - usually a sign of an impending cold front 🙂
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
11 July 2022 15:36:39


Yes I definitely noticed a difference during lockdown. We had what seemed like endless days of blue.

Today has been spoiled by the high cloud really. It's still lingering with no sign of breaking. Usually tends to ease off in the evening. It just makes it feel more oppressive than hot.

Originally Posted by: andy-manc 

Those hazy are pollution and attacking the warmest time of the day.  Yesterday was super clear and this morning but get polluted as the day go along. Hope we don't see those pesky clouds next Sunday and Monday extreme heat days, give a break and let us get a record broken.

11 July 2022 15:36:40

One good day yesterday and back to the soul destroying GARBAGE today.

It's just beyond belief. It really is. The sooner this dire high pressure departs the better. Max 24.9C with a pathetic-beyond-words sun total of 1.8 hours 

Horrible, horrible weather like nothing on Earth we ever used to get. Would rather it was 17C and sunny.

When would temperatures reaching the mid-20s here ever have been accompanied by so much vile cloud and sunshine levels on a par with mid-winter? Never is the answer except during the weather nadir of the 21st Century 

It's little wonder we can't get anywhere near the sort of high temperatures we saw in the past when synoptics that would have brought the highest temperatures are now plagued with cloud. On the rare occasion, like yesterday, when the cloud doesn't arrive to ruin things the sea breeze pops up instead 

Comparisons with 1976 have to be the sickest joke I've ever heard. Even the July's of 1956, 1966 and 1986 were all leagues ahead of this horror show. There was absolutely nothing like this month in the past because such high pressure synoptics did not produce such ridiculously cloudy skies in days gone by.

This month is just appalling and more cloud fest horror on the way will ensure it finishes as the 7th duller than average July in 8 years. 7/8 - what an absolutely disgusting spell when year-in-year out the warmest month of the year is completely ruined with endless cloud 

It's just astounding. I'd be surprised if any month had ever had such a poor run whereby 7 out of 8 had below average sunshine. Not only that but, even more ludicrous, it remains on track to finish duller than January which would make it the dullest month of the year to date just like July 2012  January had 114 hours while July has managed a paltry 51 hours so far. January also managed 5 hours of sun on five consecutive days something this month hasn't come close to achieving despite having more than double the daylight 

Absolutely surreal era of soul destroying tripe we are living in  

Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
Rob K
11 July 2022 16:06:34
^ This post was brought to you in association with the Aberdeen Tourist Board.
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
11 July 2022 19:21:46

One good day yesterday and back to the soul destroying GARBAGE today.

It's just beyond belief. It really is. The sooner this dire high pressure departs the better. Max 24.9C with a pathetic-beyond-words sun total of 1.8 hours 

Horrible, horrible weather like nothing on Earth we ever used to get. Would rather it was 17C and sunny.

When would temperatures reaching the mid-20s here ever have been accompanied by so much vile cloud and sunshine levels on a par with mid-winter? Never is the answer except during the weather nadir of the 21st Century 

It's little wonder we can't get anywhere near the sort of high temperatures we saw in the past when synoptics that would have brought the highest temperatures are now plagued with cloud. On the rare occasion, like yesterday, when the cloud doesn't arrive to ruin things the sea breeze pops up instead 

Comparisons with 1976 have to be the sickest joke I've ever heard. Even the July's of 1956, 1966 and 1986 were all leagues ahead of this horror show. There was absolutely nothing like this month in the past because such high pressure synoptics did not produce such ridiculously cloudy skies in days gone by.

This month is just appalling and more cloud fest horror on the way will ensure it finishes as the 7th duller than average July in 8 years. 7/8 - what an absolutely disgusting spell when year-in-year out the warmest month of the year is completely ruined with endless cloud 

It's just astounding. I'd be surprised if any month had ever had such a poor run whereby 7 out of 8 had below average sunshine. Not only that but, even more ludicrous, it remains on track to finish duller than January which would make it the dullest month of the year to date just like July 2012  January had 114 hours while July has managed a paltry 51 hours so far. January also managed 5 hours of sun on five consecutive days something this month hasn't come close to achieving despite having more than double the daylight 

Absolutely surreal era of soul destroying tripe we are living in  

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 

 Quite a lot of Spring Barley dying off in Aberdeen shire so it must have been pretty dry that way 

11 July 2022 20:20:27


 Quite a lot of Spring Barley dying off in Aberdeen shire so it must have been pretty dry that way 

Originally Posted by: bledur 

You wouldn't think so going by some of Richard's reports on here but then, Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire are actually two different council areas, so that could be right.

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
11 July 2022 22:48:06

It's almost midnight here but the temperature here in Edinburgh at 11pm BST (22:00 UTC) tonight was still up at 20°C.

Luckily, there is no chance of me actually recording an official tropical night here as the temperature is slightly below 20°C (the overnight minimum temperature needs to be above that in order for a tropical night to be recorded and officially, that should come from the 06z raw SYNOP data during the following morning as that is what will confirm the actual overnight minimum temperature, and not just the lowest hourly temperature reading).

However, I am absolutely sweltering here and I am finding it far too hot and humid as it is.

Furthermore, this is probably still the closest which I have ever come to actually recording a tropical night and I reckon that there will be quite a number of places down south which may well be doing that tonight, especially in somewhere like Central London.

Even here in Edinburgh, the temperature at 11pm BST (22:00 UTC) was 20.4°C at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh which means that a tropical night is actually still possible there as I write, albeit very unlikely.



The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
12 July 2022 12:19:06

I've just been reading yet another report in the local press about yet another grass fire which happened during yesterday on Arthur's Seat here in Edinburgh.

This is happening far too often, and also shows the real urgent need for some proper rainfall in this part of the world given the current rapidly worsening water scarcity situation in the east of Scotland in general.

To be honest, I'm at the stage now with this that I really couldn't care less if it was to rain constantly for months on end from now on.

All I want at the end of the day, is for us have to actual proper "weather" back in this part of the world like what we used to have, or is that too much to ask for?

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
12 July 2022 14:12:16

One good day yesterday and back to the soul destroying GARBAGE today.

It's just beyond belief. It really is. The sooner this dire high pressure departs the better. Max 24.9C with a pathetic-beyond-words sun total of 1.8 hours 

Horrible, horrible weather like nothing on Earth we ever used to get. Would rather it was 17C and sunny.

When would temperatures reaching the mid-20s here ever have been accompanied by so much vile cloud and sunshine levels on a par with mid-winter? Never is the answer except during the weather nadir of the 21st Century 

It's little wonder we can't get anywhere near the sort of high temperatures we saw in the past when synoptics that would have brought the highest temperatures are now plagued with cloud. On the rare occasion, like yesterday, when the cloud doesn't arrive to ruin things the sea breeze pops up instead 

Comparisons with 1976 have to be the sickest joke I've ever heard. Even the July's of 1956, 1966 and 1986 were all leagues ahead of this horror show. There was absolutely nothing like this month in the past because such high pressure synoptics did not produce such ridiculously cloudy skies in days gone by.

This month is just appalling and more cloud fest horror on the way will ensure it finishes as the 7th duller than average July in 8 years. 7/8 - what an absolutely disgusting spell when year-in-year out the warmest month of the year is completely ruined with endless cloud 

It's just astounding. I'd be surprised if any month had ever had such a poor run whereby 7 out of 8 had below average sunshine. Not only that but, even more ludicrous, it remains on track to finish duller than January which would make it the dullest month of the year to date just like July 2012  January had 114 hours while July has managed a paltry 51 hours so far. January also managed 5 hours of sun on five consecutive days something this month hasn't come close to achieving despite having more than double the daylight 

Absolutely surreal era of soul destroying tripe we are living in  

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

12 July 2022 21:13:38


I’ve always said cloudy, hot weather is like being inside a sweaty old sock. 

Originally Posted by: LeedsLad123 

Each to their own 

S.Essex, 42m ASL
12 July 2022 21:16:49

Days like today are a waste of life. Dull, 31C, humid. The only thing that you can do of any use is trying to find ways of avoiding it. Why anybody would want more than blue skies and 22-25C is beyond me.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
  • TimS
  • Advanced Member
12 July 2022 21:38:32

Days like today are a waste of life. Dull, 31C, humid. The only thing that you can do of any use is trying to find ways of avoiding it. Why anybody would want more than blue skies and 22-25C is beyond me.

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

For the statistical excitement. As Jiries rightly commented earlier, let’s get the record in the bag so we can then enjoy warm sunny non record breaking weather for the rest of the summer.

Brockley, South East London 30m asl
12 July 2022 21:50:57


I’ve always said cloudy, hot weather is like being inside a sweaty old sock. 

Originally Posted by: LeedsLad123 

Or inside a giant tupperware box left at room temperature. 

Folkestone Harbour. 
  • TimS
  • Advanced Member
12 July 2022 21:55:37

Or inside a giant tupperware box left at room temperature. 

Originally Posted by: idj20 

Exactly that. One of the worst weather types, just behind the drizzly but mild November day when the dog dirt is cunningly hidden by squished fallen leaves, and the day-long cold downpour when it scarcely gets light.

Brockley, South East London 30m asl
13 July 2022 07:34:09

Days like today are a waste of life. Dull, 31C, humid. The only thing that you can do of any use is trying to find ways of avoiding it. Why anybody would want more than blue skies and 22-25C is beyond me.

Originally Posted by: fairweather 


Agree with you there FW, you can't beat a fresh, sunny spring/autumn day. I may be outspoken but i prefer winter to high summer with the exception of the shorter days which can be bothersome at times.


My gripe with the current conditions;

Cracks opening in the old walls of the house as the clay subsoil dries out...

Lawn parched and rough...

A few local trees now dead from dehydration...

Water bill almost certainly double this quarter...


I can cope with most weather and do enjoy a good hot spell but its the overall lack of rain here in the SE that is killing it at the moment.

Saint Snow
19 July 2022 10:01:28

I've got keen eyes on NW Scotland for the end of July/beginning of August.

Hoping for high pressure to be centrered either over, just north of, or just east of Scotland. I'd be happy with temps around 21/22/23c and some sunny days. It's not aking for the world!

It's in range of the GFS and [just] ECM.

It's not looking promising one bit. Unsettled and temps 16-18c 

Long way to go, but I won't build my hopes up.

Still, perhaps sh*te and cold weather will convince the rest of my family (who outvoted me on destination choice this summer for our main holiday; I wanted france again, for a better chance of heat and sun) to abandon their romanticism for Scotland, and we can go back to the French Atlantic coast next summer.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
19 July 2022 10:05:27

I've got keen eyes on NW Scotland for the end of July/beginning of August.

Hoping for high pressure to be centrered either over, just north of, or just east of Scotland. I'd be happy with temps around 21/22/23c and some sunny days. It's not aking for the world!

It's in range of the GFS and [just] ECM.

It's not looking promising one bit. Unsettled and temps 16-18c 

Long way to go, but I won't build my hopes up.

Still, perhaps sh*te and cold weather will convince the rest of my family (who outvoted me on destination choice this summer for our main holiday; I wanted france again, for a better chance of heat and sun) to abandon their romanticism for Scotland, and we can go back to the French Atlantic coast next summer.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Isn't August classed as Autumn in Scotland… 

Germoe, part of the breakaway Celtic Republic.
Northern Sky
19 July 2022 10:06:51

I've got keen eyes on NW Scotland for the end of July/beginning of August.

Hoping for high pressure to be centrered either over, just north of, or just east of Scotland. I'd be happy with temps around 21/22/23c and some sunny days. It's not aking for the world!

It's in range of the GFS and [just] ECM.

It's not looking promising one bit. Unsettled and temps 16-18c 

Long way to go, but I won't build my hopes up.

Still, perhaps sh*te and cold weather will convince the rest of my family (who outvoted me on destination choice this summer for our main holiday; I wanted france again, for a better chance of heat and sun) to abandon their romanticism for Scotland, and we can go back to the French Atlantic coast next summer.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

I've seen a breakdown to rain in England and an improvement in Scotland many a time in August. I'm keeping an eye on the models for a few nights on the West coast - Ardnamurchan hopefully - but I'm only driving up there if the weather is good. It really would be ideal to enjoy some sunshine in Scotland while my garden and allotment gets a good soaking at home 

19 July 2022 10:07:10

NW Scotland is a lovely place in the summer over looking the North Atlantic.

Loughborough, EM.

Knowledge is power, ignorance is weakness.

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