13 July 2020 14:36:53

I won't be going on any flights for the time being. Not until next spring, at least, by which time it will be 18 months since my last holiday. 18 months stuck here enduring a non-winter followed by a non-summer followed by another non-winter most likely

Local Holiday Monday today and the weather is revolting as it has been every year since 2015 apart from last year (when I travelled down to Manchester Airport and missed the sunshine here). One reason why I time my summer holiday to coincide with it and should have been somewhere lovely like Cassis just now enjoying blue skies but stuck in utter misery instead 

The warmest day of the month so far with a max of 21.2C and what a joke that is. Weather conditions like nothing on earth that those temperatures would have brought in the past. About 15 minutes sunshine since 10am and when I went out on as bike ride at 2pm it started raining. Stuck sheltering under trees in the woods - a great way to spend time off 

2020 is the year of Garbage Public Holidays, Garbage Weekends, a Garbage Winter and a Garbage Summer. A year of pure and utter Garbage. Terrible even by the rock bottom standards of the 21st Century

Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
13 July 2020 14:42:02

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 

I won't be going on any flights for the time being. Not until next spring, at least, by which time it will be 18 months since my last holiday. 18 months stuck here enduring a non-winter followed by a non-summer followed by another non-winter most likely

Local Holiday Monday today and the weather is revolting as it has been every year since 2015 apart from last year (when I travelled down to Manchester Airport and missed the sunshine here). One reason why I time my summer holiday to coincide with it and should have been somewhere lovely like Cassis just now enjoying blue skies but stuck in utter misery instead 

The warmest day of the month so far with a max of 21.2C and what a joke that is. Weather conditions like nothing on earth that those temperatures would have brought in the past. About 15 minutes sunshine since 10am and when I went out on as bike ride at 2pm it started raining. Stuck sheltering under trees in the woods - a great way to spend time off 

2020 is the year of Garbage Public Holidays, Garbage Weekends, a Garbage Winter and a Garbage Summer. A year of pure and utter Garbage. Terrible even by the rock bottom standards of the 21st Century

Folkestone Harbour. 
Tim A
13 July 2020 15:57:05
Oh well, maybe we will have a hot and sunny August, nothing more depressing then the weather turning as August arrives and then autumn really setting in with the decreased day lengths.

High 19.9c yesterday means we haven't got to 20C this month so far, which is pretty much average. Suspect we will have to wait until Friday for that.

NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
13 July 2020 18:03:25

I thought last Friday we were on for a decent week. The weekend was nice, as summer should be. Sunday reached 23c in my garden.

But it was not to last, this morning started quite sunny, by 1 o'clock the rain came along with the heavy gloomy grey garbage, max of 18c today, just very poor. And now looks like the rest of the week is mediocre. Coming to halfway to July and its looking like a very poor month. it seems the models flip very easily to a poor outlook not so much the over way though. Don't really want to think about August yet, and hold false hopes proper summer maybe around the corner.

Brian Gaze
13 July 2020 18:14:54

Turned into yet another dog day here. Overcast and boring. Some people call it usable. I call it awful. Cloud cover just takes all the zip out of a day IMHO.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Jason H
13 July 2020 20:20:02

Well, once again, another lovely day here in South East London. Nice walk around Ruskin Park lunchtime, sunny, increasingly muggy as the afternoon wore on. This evening a walk around Dulwich Park, a pint in Dulwich village, a few large raindrops on the walk home. All windows open, no breeze at all.

Next couple of days look a bit dodgy, but warming up and getting sunnier towards the weekend. Great summer so far. Really can't complain.

The far South East is obviously having a very different summer from the rest of the UK.

I feel great! so maybe I might just
Search for a 9 to 5, if I strive
Then maybe I'll stay alive

Bexleyheath, Kent.
Tim A
14 July 2020 06:21:44

Originally Posted by: Jason H 

Great summer so far. Really can't complain.

The far South East is obviously having a very different summer from the rest of the UK.

I think some others in your area might disagree.

The average July Max at London City Airport has been 23c in the last 10years. This year it is 20c so far so cool start to July compared to what people are used to.



NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
  • AJ*
  • Advanced Member
14 July 2020 06:26:41

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Turned into yet another dog day here. Overcast and boring. Some people call it usable. I call it awful. Cloud cover just takes all the zip out of a day IMHO.

I like some cloud cover, as without it I find the full unbroken sunshine far too hot and glaring at this time of year.  If I were a plant, I would definitely be a shade lover.  When I look at pictures of beaches crowded with people when the skies are clear and the sun is pushing the temperatures into the high 20s or low 30s I think they must be absolutely bonkers.  Or rather, I would have to be mad to do the same thing.  I would want to be in a cool, shady woodland glade in those weather conditions.  As April was (IIRC - my memory is pretty rubbish) the sunniest April on record, during which I stayed indoors from about 11am to 4pm because it was too unpleasant outside (reminds me of a Noel Coward song about mad dogs), I'm loving the cooler shadier conditions.  Just goes to show we're all different.

Angus; one of the Kent crew on TWO.
Tonbridge, 40m (131ft) asl
Jason H
14 July 2020 06:37:28

Originally Posted by: Tim A 


I think some others in your area might disagree.

The average July Max at London City Airport has been 23c in the last 10years. This year it is 20c so far so cool start to July compared to what people are used to.


Ahh. But Summer has been here since May in the South East. A dodgy week in July does not marr a wonderful spell of weather to counteract the COVID bleakness. My grass is yellow despite the recent rain. Like I said, the next couple of days look a bit dodgy, but I'll be back on the beach this weekend I bet you.

I feel great! so maybe I might just
Search for a 9 to 5, if I strive
Then maybe I'll stay alive

Bexleyheath, Kent.
14 July 2020 10:08:55

The bleak grey, heavy cloudy muck continues today, light levels what to expect in November. Only 2 days of summery weather this month so far, turning into a dreadful July.  39mm of rain so far this month.

Saint Snow
14 July 2020 14:33:20

Having kids, I'd become geared to thinking of summer predominantly as the period late-July to end of August.

As they've been at home since March (eldest leaving anyway this year), coupled with a) the nice spell we had from April to early June (albeit with a few dodgy days interspersed), and b) the abysmal weather we've had for the past few weeks, I've subconsciously began to view summer as coming to a close. We're away for a week from next Friday (France) so after that, unless August is superb, I'll very much be in autumn-mode.



Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
15 July 2020 07:11:56

I think it has been the poorest first half to summer since 2012 here.


Timelapses, old weather forecasts and natural phenomena videos can be seen on this site
Brian Gaze
15 July 2020 12:16:58

Another repugnant day here. The odd spot of so called "rain" and solid cloud cover. Rain or shine please. Anything is better than this dreariness. 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
15 July 2020 12:25:45
So if the St Swithin's Day lore is true, it's now going to rain for another 40 days here... mind you it already has rained for 40 days, so what difference does it make?
Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
15 July 2020 14:30:55

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 


The warmest day of the month so far with a max of 21.2C and what a joke that is. Weather conditions like nothing on earth that those temperatures would have brought in the past. About 15 minutes sunshine since 10am and when I went out on as bike ride at 2pm it started raining. Stuck sheltering under trees in the woods - a great way to spend time off 

2020 is the year of Garbage Public Holidays, Garbage Weekends, a Garbage Winter and a Garbage Summer. A year of pure and utter Garbage. Terrible even by the rock bottom standards of the 21st Century

Cheer up Richard - I reckon you must be in with a shout of 22C in Aberdeen this Friday. 

The orange County of Armagh.
Tim A
15 July 2020 14:42:55
We are so due a warm August, would be nice to have that this year. Would help tip the balance favourable for the Spring/Summer period overall.

The last time August average max was warmer than July here was 2007 and 2012 - Both still poor months but better than the atrocious Julys.

Average July Max is 16.6c here, 3.4c below average, 1.5c below June's average max.

NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
15 July 2020 16:53:56

While I'm aware that our UK Summer isn't exactly known around the world for the sunshine and warmth, what I do find depressing is the gloomy laden overcast skies caused by thick stratsocumulus infill. Right now at 5.45 pm I have lights on in my famed west-facing hobby room to lift the gloom when I could be having the late afternoon sunshine beaming through the window.
  That said, it was quite bright with some sunshine this morning though.

Folkestone Harbour. 
15 July 2020 17:53:19

It just gets worse and worse. Not even getting the sunny starts any more just rancid gloom and misery all day long.

Stuck indoors working from 8 until 5 then when I get the chance to escape from the prison along comes the vilest weather of the day. An absolutely stinking wet evening. It's just beyond a joke - only four dry days this month 

Had to cut short my bike ride which wasn't in the least bit enjoyable. The woods are all wet and muddy in sharp contrast to last winter, when you would expect those conditions, they were bone dry.

Should be enjoying the best summer weather on earth this week but am suffering the worst instead. Doesn't help that my Amazon Photo App constantly reminds me how much I was enjoying myself in years gone by.

On this day in 2019 - A great day out in the sun and warmth at Casa de Mateus in Northern Portugal 

In 2018 - A visit to Bari in Southern Italy. Hot and sunny 

In 2017 - Enjoying spectacular scenery on a walk through a gorge in Southern Crete 

2020 will never bring back any good memories like those. It is a year of unrelenting misery and hell. Stuck here like a prisoner suffering day after day of grey skies and rain during one of the worst ever summers -the latest crap summer in a hideous run like nothing ever recorded before

Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
15 July 2020 21:09:02

Yes indeed the permacast grey horrendous rubbish continues. Not seen any sun since Monday morning. barely reached just over17c today, truly awful.At one point the drizzly garbage started, luckily not for long.

It sure is soul destroying putrid weather, when we should be at the peak of our summer


16 July 2020 11:31:11

What is going on with the forecasts? Supposed to be much warmer today but just 17.5C at noon in the S.E.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
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