Rob K
16 February 2020 07:20:41
Squall just passed through with some very intense rain, sounded like some hail mixed in too. A brief lull in the rain seems to be on the way but there’s lots more heavy stuff coming in from the SW.
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
Crepuscular Ray
16 February 2020 07:39:37
Day one of Dennis (yesterday) was nothing out of the ordinary in Edinburgh. 50 mph Max Gust, 11mm rainfall (24 hr to 6am today)

Day one of Ciara in Ilkley last weekend we had 73mph Max Gust, 80mm 24hr rain!
Edinburgh, in the frost hollow below Blackford Hill
  • NMA
  • Advanced Member
16 February 2020 07:47:48

There was a squall that passed over about 5am but nothing like last weekends howling monster.

The rain though yesterday afternoon was something and coming on top of saturated ground created some notable floods even on roads high up.

I had to go into Weymouth to collect my son and if anyone knows the road that passes the Osmington White Horse going down to the town, it was a river all the way across from the top all the way down. I spoke to a shepherd who was moving a flock up the road who had timed the sheep move on the strength of Dennis reducing people on the roads yesterday. But no. Traffic was intense. He did say he's never known such a wet winter in this part of Dorset and I agreed with him.

The aquifers though are being flushed which might reduce nitrate levels perhaps.

Vale of the Great Dairies
South Dorset
Elevation 60m 197ft
  • DEW
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16 February 2020 07:51:44

Originally Posted by: Crepuscular Ray 

Day one of Dennis (yesterday) was nothing out of the ordinary in Edinburgh. 50 mph Max Gust, 11mm rainfall (24 hr to 6am today)

Day one of Ciara in Ilkley last weekend we had 73mph Max Gust, 80mm 24hr rain!


But not far away the EA has its top flood warning 'severe' for Hawick and Newcastleton. 

EA has only standard flood warnings for S Wales but will probably need to upgrade soon in view of MetO red warning for rain

Basically, you can't see the map for warning markers

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
  • SJV
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16 February 2020 07:52:10
A very wet night which has brought our Storm Dennis total to 32mm. Breezy now with a few showers to the west.
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16 February 2020 07:54:20

Originally Posted by: Joe Bloggs 

If you have a look on Flight Radar (nerd alert!) there are plenty of go-arounds happening at Gatwick this morning. The Cathay Pacific flight from Hong Kong has attempted to land at least twice now. 

I'd imagine the same would have been true at Heathrow earlier too, albeit the squall line has passed through there now.

The wind's still whomping along here (it sounds like repeated "thump" noises as it bangs into the upstairs of my house) and I suspect that'll be the case for a couple more hours yet: the squall line is now over central London and moving slowly eastwards (slowly compared to Ciara, anyway, more like 50mph than 70 or 80 mph).

There have been a couple more brief power cuts, but it's still on for now. My postcode is showing as being without power on the UK Power Networks map, so I'm lucky!


Leysdown, north Kent
16 February 2020 08:01:03
34mm of rain since 9am yesterday and local river flooding, definitely not standard!
Ashurst Bridge (New Forest)
9m ASL 
Brian Gaze
16 February 2020 08:08:23

Originally Posted by: Jim-55 

Looks like they've dressed a grade4 lead onto the tiles, probably because it's easy to dress over the tiles, which hasn't been done too tidily, being above the tiles a grade 7 or 8 would have been much better although harder to dress, a good leadsman would have seen that ok. With that grade of lead the wind wouldn't have lifted it. Much more expensive but probably worth the extra.

It hasn't lifted again overnight so fingers crossed. 

Brian Gaze
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16 February 2020 08:08:36

Originally Posted by: Crepuscular Ray 

Day one of Dennis (yesterday) was nothing out of the ordinary in Edinburgh. 50 mph Max Gust, 11mm rainfall (24 hr to 6am today)

Day one of Ciara in Ilkley last weekend we had 73mph Max Gust, 80mm 24hr rain!

Of course, that is just yet another example of why I always say that the weather is usually always more "interesting" elsewhere in the UK, other than here in Edinburgh where our weather is usually always "boring" in comparison although I still wouldn't take anything from the fact that Edinburgh is a great city to visit for other reasons.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
16 February 2020 08:16:14

As yet it hasn’t been as bad as last weekend in terms of wind strength and rainfall, unless I slept through it which is unlikely.  However, our local river is much higher and is currently in danger of flooding the main through road but I think that’s more to do with the amount of water that was already there.  Last weekend’s storm came after a few dry days, whereas the past week has been quite wet. 

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
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  • Col
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16 February 2020 08:23:43

Originally Posted by: johncs2016 


Of course, that is just yet another example of why I always say that the weather is usually always more "interesting" elsewhere in the UK, other than here in Edinburgh where our weather is usually always "boring" in comparison although I still wouldn't take anything from the fact that Edinburgh is a great city to visit for other reasons.


It would be interesting to see if there was any evidence to actually back up this claim. Is Edinburgh really less prone to extremes, weather that we tend to call 'interesting', than other parts of the country? I think we can all sit there (I know I've done it) and think that the weather is always more interesting elsewhere but do the stats back this up?

Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl
Snow videos:
Phil G
16 February 2020 08:41:44
Those gust fronts sure find out any weaknesses in your house. Got water dripping down the flue pipe. Plastic container in action!
16 February 2020 08:53:14

Originally Posted by: Col 


It would be interesting to see if there was any evidence to actually back up this claim. Is Edinburgh really less prone to extremes, weather that we tend to call 'interesting', than other parts of the country? I think we can all sit there (I know I've done it) and think that the weather is always more interesting elsewhere but do the stats back this up?

Here is the Wikipedia page which goes in more detail about the climate here in Edinburgh. I will now leave it to others on this forum to study the data which is quoted on that page, compare that with the rest of the rest of the UK and then come back to me with a detailed response to whether or not, they believe that Edinburgh is the most boring part of the UK (or at the very least, one of the most boring parts of the UK) on average when it comes to our weather.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
16 February 2020 09:03:25

Originally Posted by: johncs2016 


Here is the Wikipedia page which goes in more detail about the climate here in Edinburgh. I will now leave it to others on this forum to study the data which is quoted on that page, compare that with the rest of the rest of the UK and then come back to me with a detailed response to whether or not, they believe that Edinburgh is the most boring part of the UK (or at the very least, one of the most boring parts of the UK) on average when it comes to our weather.


intuitively, I would agree that we are less prone to extremes, with the exception being 2010, where it was worse here than other cities.  Topography must have something to do with it as the surrounding hills offer some protection from both Westerly and northerly winds.  Again, this is not based on anything more scientific than experience of living here and watching the weather!

  • Col
  • Advanced Member
16 February 2020 09:04:24

Originally Posted by: johncs2016 


Here is the Wikipedia page which goes in more detail about the climate here in Edinburgh. I will now leave it to others on this forum to study the data which is quoted on that page, compare that with the rest of the rest of the UK and then come back to me with a detailed response to whether or not, they believe that Edinburgh is the most boring part of the UK (or at the very least, one of the most boring parts of the UK) on average when it comes to our weather.


But I was asking you, you're the one making the claim.

Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl
Snow videos:
16 February 2020 09:11:50
The squall line has now slowed down to ~20mph. As a result the wind's still howling outside, as the relief from it is taking its sweet time getting here!
Leysdown, north Kent
16 February 2020 09:15:09

Originally Posted by: Col 


But I was asking you, you're the one making the claim.

Yes, but I also want to hear from others about whether that is true or not. There are after all, members of this forum who have far more knowledge on the subject than what I have and if from the evidence that they feed back to me from the resulting data, they tell me that my claim isn't actually correct, I will then be more than happy to admit that I am wrong in this case.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
16 February 2020 09:32:59

Originally Posted by: johncs2016 


Yes, but I also want to hear from others about whether that is true or not. There are after all, members of this forum who have far more knowledge on the subject than what I have and if from the evidence that they feed back to me from the resulting data, they tell me that my claim isn't actually correct, I will then be more than happy to admit that I am wrong in this case.


I think we are looking for the answer to an anecdotal claim/subjective opinion so I am not sure you will get any statistics to prove or disprove the claim. 

Anyway back to the situation in hand and it looks like parts of Wales are currently being impacted by severe flooding.

16 February 2020 09:35:31

Originally Posted by: doctormog 


I think we are looking for the answer to an anecdotal claim/subjective opinion so I am not sure you will get any statistics to prove or disprove the claim. 

Anyway back to the situation in hand and it looks like parts of Wales are currently being impacted by severe flooding.

In that case, I will continue to make my claim as before since technically speaking (as you have said), there is nothing that anyone on here can do to disprove that.


Whilst I'm at it, I will block any future posts from any member of this forum who then disputes with that, or argues with that in any way.



The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Tim A
16 February 2020 09:45:55
Ended up with 33mm of rain here in 24 hours and gusts to 55mph. Whether that is enough rainfall to cause major flooding downstream only time will tell.

NW Leeds
187m asl

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