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06 October 2019 14:12:56

Good shout SC.

I love this game.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
'We'll never see 40 celsius in this country'.
Whether Idle
06 October 2019 19:42:54

Thanks for all the info GW.  We await the October predictions with interest.

Dover, 5m asl. Half a mile from the south coast.
Global Warming
21 October 2019 19:24:05

Here are the maximum UK temperatures for each day in September. There is currently an issue with the uploaded Daily Weather Summary at the Met Office Digital Library which means the data is only shown up to 22 September at present. I have flagged this with the library but in the meantime they have provided me with a copy of the full file. So here is the data.

We did have one date record this month (highlighted in red) on the 22nd. In fact the date record for the 22nd was easily the lowest of the month so was a bit of an anomaly. Despite breaking the record by 1.4C this year the 22nd remains the lowest maximum date record in September.


Table 1

23 October 2019 17:21:08

Here are the maximum UK temperatures for each day in September. There is currently an issue with the uploaded Daily Weather Summary at the Met Office Digital Library which means the data is only shown up to 22 September at present. I have flagged this with the library but in the meantime they have provided me with a copy of the full file. So here is the data.

We did have one date record this month (highlighted in red) on the 22nd. In fact the date record for the 22nd was easily the lowest of the month so was a bit of an anomaly. Despite breaking the record by 1.4C this year the 22nd remains the lowest maximum date record in September.


Table 1

Originally Posted by: Global Warming 

Thanks GW; still interesting to read. That blue 18 on 9th- remind me; is that an all time lowest national max?

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
'We'll never see 40 celsius in this country'.
Global Warming
23 October 2019 18:46:00


Thanks GW; still interesting to read. That blue 18 on 9th- remind me; is that an all time lowest national max?

Originally Posted by: Bertwhistle 

No that just signifies the lowest maximum recorded this year in September. I normally just highlight the highest and lowest readings for the month in orange and blue. Anything in red is a date record high.

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