24 June 2019 16:19:00
Here in the most boring part of the UK on average when it comes to our weather, a very rare rush of "interesting" weather finally broke out today as we had loads of torrential rain along with some thunder and lightning. I would image though, that it will probably be quite a while before we get to see any such "interesting" weather here again in this part of the world, given that it is such a rare occurrence in these parts.

However, this does mean that the only thing which is still missing from this so-called "summer" that I haven't seen so far , is some actual decent summer weather (by that, I mean weather of the hot, dry and sunny variety which those of us who want to be seeing a decent summer, want to be seeing plenty of at this time of the year).

We can therefore only hope that this missing piece in the jigsaw will therefore be filled before too long.

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
24 June 2019 17:10:57

Absolutely nothing of interest here at all. A horrific and deprssing day of autumnal drizzly rain, zero sun and shockingly bad light levels

Far colder than forecast but nowhere near as wet. 10.4mm with a peak rate of only 5.4mm/hr compared to 22-23 mm/hr from showers last week which in itself was lame for summer. Used to see rain rates reaching 50-100mm/hr or more.

Absolutely laughable that a weather warning was issued for this garbage, talking of intense rainfall and thunder with totals up to 100mm possible. Just shows how out of touch and far removed from reality the Met Office forecasters are. Seem to be living in a parallel universe where the nonsense predictions of hotter, drier summers with more intense downpours and heatwaves were actually realised

Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
  • Col
  • Advanced Member
24 June 2019 17:15:07

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 

Absolutely nothing of interest here at all. A horrific and deprssing day of autumnal drizzly rain, zero sun and shockingly bad light levels

Far colder than forecast but nowhere near as wet. 10.4mm with a peak rate of only 5.4mm/hr compared to 22-23 mm/hr from showers last week which in itself was lamFar colder than forecast but nowhere near as wet. 10.4mm with a peak rate of only 5.4mm/hr compared to 22-23 mm/hr from showers last week which in itself was lame for summer. Used to see rain rates reaching 50-100mm/hr or more.

Absolutely laughable that a weather warning was issued for this garbage, talking of intense rainfall and thunder with totals up to 100mm possible. Just shows how out of touch and far removed from reality the Met Office forecasters are. Seem to be living in a parallel universe where the nonsense predictions of hotter, drier summers with more intense downpours and heatwaves were actually realised

Are you seriously complaining that it hasn't been as wet as was predicted??

Words fail me, they really do.

Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl
Snow videos:
24 June 2019 20:53:10

After having hovered around 17 c to 18 c under overcast skies for most of today, temps has now risen up to 20 c just before 10 pm. What's all that about?!

I can enjoy Summer weather like normal people these days, but I'm already bored of those muggy sticky nights.

Folkestone Harbour. 
24 June 2019 20:59:39

Manchester Summer Indices 

1954 143
1907 147
2019 153 (up to 23rd June)
1956 155
1912 156
1924 158
2012 164
2008 168
1987 169
1946 170
1909 171
1931 173
1978 173
1980 173
1920 174
1923 174
2007 174
1927 175
1948 176
1938 177
1922 178
2011 179
1985 180 

Timelapses, old weather forecasts and natural phenomena videos can be seen on this site
24 June 2019 21:05:30

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 

Absolutely nothing of interest here at all. A horrific and deprssing day of autumnal drizzly rain, zero sun and shockingly bad light levels

Far colder than forecast but nowhere near as wet. 10.4mm with a peak rate of only 5.4mm/hr compared to 22-23 mm/hr from showers last week which in itself was lame for summer. Used to see rain rates reaching 50-100mm/hr or more.

Absolutely laughable that a weather warning was issued for this garbage, talking of intense rainfall and thunder with totals up to 100mm possible. Just shows how out of touch and far removed from reality the Met Office forecasters are. Seem to be living in a parallel universe where the nonsense predictions of hotter, drier summers with more intense downpours and heatwaves were actually realised

Don't forget though, that Aberdeen is actually one of the driest cities in Scotland on average alongside the likes of Edinburgh and Dundee.

From that context, I would therefore say that a daily total of 10.4 mm up there actually constitutes a rather wet day in that part of the world.

Here, we had an exceptionally wet day, especially in terms of today's rainfall totals at Edinburgh Gogarbank which was the highest for any single day since I first joined this forum yet the botanic gardens in Edinburgh which is also nearby saw very little in the way of rainfall in comparison, although it was still a wet day there as well.

That is the nature of just how localised these downpours can be and so, I still wouldn't be surprised if there was at least one other station in your area which you haven't noticed, but where today's rainfall totals were actually a lot higher than what you have reported.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Saint Snow
24 June 2019 21:39:57

Originally Posted by: KevBrads1 

Manchester Summer Indices 

1954 143
1907 147
2019 153 (up to 23rd June)
1956 155
1912 156
1924 158
2012 164
2008 168
1987 169
1946 170
1909 171
1931 173
1978 173
1980 173
1920 174
1923 174
2007 174
1927 175
1948 176
1938 177
1922 178
2011 179
1985 180 


That could climb the table rapidly over the next week or two

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Rob K
25 June 2019 08:52:17
I suppose this week is the summer equivalent of the infamous “faux cold” in winter. For all the talk of mid-30s it looks as though we won’t even reach 80F this week, with the exception of a one-day wonder on Saturday.
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
snow 2004
25 June 2019 13:39:23

This is like a heatwave in reverse. We've had the dissapointing breakdown at the start instead of the end. Three opportunities for thunder here since Sunday and nothing has come of it. Today we have 15 degrees and light rain when there was the potential for it to be in the mid 20's and sunny.


Just hope the sun actually comes out later in the week!

Glossop Derbyshire, 200m asl
25 June 2019 18:03:20

I hope the sun comes out this summer ! so far very lacking in June, crazy all this talk of heatwave, max 18c today. Heavy cloud, and pouring rain in the morning. The heatwave has certainly made a huge turn east into Europe and completely bypassed us.

26 June 2019 05:07:49
Sums up perfectly the contrast between this June and last June

25th June 2019

25th June 2018

Timelapses, old weather forecasts and natural phenomena videos can be seen on this site
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
26 June 2019 21:19:36

Packed to go away for a week last Saturday, put in all the lightweight clothes on the basis of the forecast of the heatwave to come, now find ourselves with a useless collection of shortsleeved shirts and shorts while trying to make the few warm clothes last out. Even had the heating on in this cottage - in June!

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
27 June 2019 10:48:56

I keep seeing a lot of pessimism around and I'm not sure why. A couple of weeks ago, the cold and rain seemed endless with no sign of summer in sight. Now the next week looks settled with warm to hot temperatures for a few days, cooling off to still warm but settled weather next week. So what if it isn't breaking records

28 June 2019 04:38:27

Manchester Summer Indices 

1954 143
1907 147
1956 155
1912 156
1924 158
2019 160 (up to 27th June)
2012 164
2008 168
1987 169
1946 170
1909 171
1931 173
1978 173
1980 173
1920 174
1923 174
2007 174
1927 175
1948 176
1938 177
1922 178
2011 179
1985 180 

Timelapses, old weather forecasts and natural phenomena videos can be seen on this site
28 June 2019 05:49:07

Originally Posted by: andy-manc 

 So what if it isn't breaking records

It is, though - this morning we've the record highest UK 850 and record highest UK thickness (i.e. warmest ever column of air between 1000hPa and 500hPa).

It's just at the surface that no records have been broken - yet. Meteorologically speaking this is a truly amazing spell of weather.


Leysdown, north Kent
28 June 2019 14:48:21

Pretty idyllic, sunny, nice breeze and warm.

 Can't help feel though what a big disappointment this week turned out when you think of the potential it could have been especially on the thunderstorm front.

Timelapses, old weather forecasts and natural phenomena videos can be seen on this site
  • RobN
  • Advanced Member
28 June 2019 17:23:41

Summer must have arrived today as there's been a sudden and dramatic increase in the number of flies queuing up to lay their eggs round the lid of my wheelie bin

In the flatlands of South Cambridgeshire 15m ASL.
28 June 2019 17:27:02
It has been a lovely day here albeit with a slightly chilly breeze. Tomorrow looks like being very warm (yes even in Aberdeen!)
28 June 2019 17:49:32

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

It has been a lovely day here albeit with a slightly chilly breeze. Tomorrow looks like being very warm (yes even in Aberdeen!)

Not that even this would stop Richard from complaining, though!!

For here though, I will just be glad to finally get rid off that nagging NE wind from off the North Sea which has been around for far too long now during this summer, and which is continuing to ruin our chances of seeing any sort of decent high temperatures in this part of the world.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
28 June 2019 18:16:47

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

It has been a lovely day here albeit with a slightly chilly breeze. Tomorrow looks like being very warm (yes even in Aberdeen!)

He'll be gutted to bypass 20C as that will be one of his negative stats gone.  Forecast has it up to 25C in Aberdeen.  I have a feeling it could be even higher up here.

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