16 August 2018 19:14:57
I always scratch my head at those who are eager for an early autumn, when in the UK we practically have 8 months of autumn every year. Those who hate warm, sunny weather probably live in the best country in the world from that perspective and yet they still moan and whinge incessantly when we get 2 or 3 months out of 12 that are actually nice.
Whitkirk, Leeds - 85m ASL.
16 August 2018 19:15:30
Yes, I concur. Today was largely very pleasant here and I had a nice wander along the Aberdeenshire shoreline. Fine weather is easily possible and today (or most of it) was a good example here but it was definitely more akin to late summer/early autumn than “peak season”.

Personally I don’t mind this late season weather too much as long as it is not all wet and windy or endless grey.
16 August 2018 20:24:03

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

Yep - 4.6mm today here in a pretty short space of time. There's a definite early autumnal feel about now, as you say. Cropped golden fields, a bit of leaf fall, some browns in the tree canopies. The next few days look very nice indeed. I must say that I am loving it. Everything has that end of term feel about it.


I am a snow and t-storm fan but as I grow older I enjoy nice summer weather more and more. This summer for me was pure joy and the best summer of my life and I am sad it's slowly coming to an end.


16 August 2018 20:34:48
We've had a reasonable amount of sunshine during today which is enough to make today, our second sunniest day of this month so far. That in turn brings the total for this month at Edinburgh Gogarbank to just over 50 hours of sunshine.

The problem with that though, is that we have now reached the halfway point of August and yet, the total for this month so far which I've just quoted is only just over a third of the 1981-2010 average.

Furthermore, today's total was still less than 10 hours and so, the fact that this was still enough to make today the second sunniest day of the month so far shows just how poor a month this has been in terms of the number of hours of sunshine.

Of course, there has been many recent months which have been dull up until this point but where, a number of sunny days afterwards have been enough to completely turn that around and make it a sunnier than average month.

However, the immediate outlook is still very poor with a lot of cloudy weather ahead, and the fact that it is now getting darker at nights makes that even less likely this time anyway, due to the resulting reduction in the amount of available sunshine over time.

It is therefore at times like this, when I can really end up hating the fact that we are now coming towards the end of what has been a classic example of a front-loaded summer.

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Sussex snow magnet
16 August 2018 20:39:09

Originally Posted by: LeedsLad123 

I always scratch my head at those who are eager for an early autumn, when in the UK we practically have 8 months of autumn every year. Those who hate warm, sunny weather probably live in the best country in the world from that perspective and yet they still moan and whinge incessantly when we get 2 or 3 months out of 12 that are actually nice.


In northern France on hols at the moment and the cloudy days at about 23 are a joy, the moment the sun came out a few days back and was annoying me whilst sitting outside, I was straight inside to the bar.

Why anyone wants annoying heat when they can have average autumnal/ spring weather makes me scratch my head as well!

Nice/ average is good uncumfortable isn't imo.

16 August 2018 20:48:30

Originally Posted by: Sussex snow magnet 



In northern France on hols at the moment and the cloudy days at about 23 are a joy, the moment the sun came out a few days back and was annoying me whilst sitting outside, I was straight inside to the bar.

Why anyone wants annoying heat when they can have average autumnal/ spring weather makes me scratch my head as well!

Nice/ average is good uncumfortable isn't imo.

I don't care about the heat - if every day was 25C and sunny then I would be a happy chappy indeed. That's what we had in late June and early July, pure perfection - not too warm but warm enough with azure blue skies, a slight breeze and low humidity. Can't get much better than that. 

I can understand avoiding the midday sun but if you avoid the sun all the time then I would say that's a bit strange. 


Whitkirk, Leeds - 85m ASL.
16 August 2018 21:06:24

There were long periods this summer when it was uncomfortable to be outside between 10 am and 5pm. Many days at work were spent sitting still with a fan on full pelt. Many weekends were frustratingly spent indoors (true siesta type stuff).

We spent a few days in the north of England and Scotland last week. It was wonderful to actually be able to sunbathe in temps of 20c without sweating. We came home with decent tans ! 

Yes its been a great summer for stats. Yes its been a real feel good summer. IMO you still can't beat a bright and warm / partly cloudy summers day with a light breeze and temps of 21-24c.

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue
Join Kent Weather on Facebook.

16 August 2018 21:32:50


Originally Posted by: Gusty 

There were long periods this summer when it was uncomfortable to be outside between 10 am and 5pm. Many days at work were spent sitting still with a fan on full pelt. Many weekends were frustratingly spent indoors (true siesta type stuff).

We spent a few days in the north of England and Scotland last week. It was wonderful to actually be able to sunbathe in temps of 20c without sweating. We came home with decent tans ! 

Yes its been a great summer for stats. Yes its been a real feel good summer. IMO you still can't beat a bright and warm / partly cloudy summers day with a light breeze and temps of 21-24c.

Sunbathing is one thing I don't see many people doing when it's 20C! 

Partly cloudy days in the low 20s are okay too, but nothing will ever beat a deep, clear blue sky. I remember talking to someone in July and they summed it up for me - being able to open the curtains every day to see blue sky instead of cloud was just amazing. It's not the temperatures per se but the sunshine that has an uplifting effect on people's moods. The UK is an exceptionally cloudy country and you don't always realise it until you experience a summer like the one we've had, or until you spend extended periods of time abroad.

If you could add another 50-80 hours of sun onto the amount of sunshine we already get then our summers would be pretty good imo. The only places in the UK that get more than 50% of possible sun during the summer (July and August usually) are along the south coast (lucky you in Folkestone ).

Also, this July in Leeds was slightly warmer than an average July in Paris, and I doubt anyone would say Paris has hot summers. Air con isn't common there either because average highs of 25-26C are not usually considered warm enough to warrant it.

Whitkirk, Leeds - 85m ASL.
Phil 2804
16 August 2018 22:09:34

Originally Posted by: LeedsLad123 

^^ so if a summer month was very sunny (say over 250 hours) but every weekend was cloudy, you'd rate it as a bad month? Well, whatever it takes to keep up your tediously dull miserable persona.


1st to 7th August is the first time since July, 2006 Aberdeen Airport recorded plus 20c maxes for 7 consecutive days (Jul, Aug avg is 18c). Plus the average max for July in Aberdeen was warmer than any month bar July 2006. Added to the whopping 15 days with 14 hours or more sunshine since May, and many more with 10 or more I haven't heard anyone I know up there moan about the summer this year. 



16 August 2018 22:17:31

Originally Posted by: Phil 2804 



1st to 7th August is the first time since July, 2006 Aberdeen Airport recorded plus 20c maxes for 7 consecutive days (Jul, Aug avg is 18c). Plus the average max for July in Aberdeen was warmer than any month bar July 2006. Added to the whopping 15 days with 14 hours or more sunshine since May, and many more with 10 or more I haven't heard anyone I know up there moan about the summer this year. 



I can think of one chap...:-)

16 August 2018 22:54:44

Originally Posted by: Gusty 

There were long periods this summer when it was uncomfortable to be outside between 10 am and 5pm. Many days at work were spent sitting still with a fan on full pelt. Many weekends were frustratingly spent indoors (true siesta type stuff).

We spent a few days in the north of England and Scotland last week. It was wonderful to actually be able to sunbathe in temps of 20c without sweating. We came home with decent tans ! 

Yes its been a great summer for stats. Yes its been a real feel good summer. IMO you still can't beat a bright and warm / partly cloudy summers day with a light breeze and temps of 21-24c.

Indeed, I shall remember this Summer as the season of the hideously swampy genitalia. It's only fairly recently I've been able to sleep UNDER the duvet without feeling like being in Saigon rather than Sandgate.

Folkestone Harbour. 
17 August 2018 08:10:53

You know it's over when everyone is reminiscing 

17 August 2018 09:10:55

Originally Posted by: LeedsLad123 


Sunbathing is one thing I don't see many people doing when it's 20C! 

Partly cloudy days in the low 20s are okay too, but nothing will ever beat a deep, clear blue sky. I remember talking to someone in July and they summed it up for me - being able to open the curtains every day to see blue sky instead of cloud was just amazing. It's not the temperatures per se but the sunshine that has an uplifting effect on people's moods. The UK is an exceptionally cloudy country and you don't always realise it until you experience a summer like the one we've had, or until you spend extended periods of time abroad.

If you could add another 50-80 hours of sun onto the amount of sunshine we already get then our summers would be pretty good imo. The only places in the UK that get more than 50% of possible sun during the summer (July and August usually) are along the south coast (lucky you in Folkestone ).

Also, this July in Leeds was slightly warmer than an average July in Paris, and I doubt anyone would say Paris has hot summers. Air con isn't common there either because average highs of 25-26C are not usually considered warm enough to warrant it.


Absolutely spot on !!!! that was our thoughts too get up in the morning to azure blue skies, then sunshine right till dusk, truly amazing !!!

Saint Snow
17 August 2018 09:16:29

Originally Posted by: severnside 



Absolutely spot on !!!! that was our thoughts too get up in the morning to azure blue skies, then sunshine right till dusk, truly amazing !!!


I also agree with LL.

I'm surprised there's so many weirdos who hate the sun and warmth.



Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
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  • danm
  • Advanced Member
17 August 2018 10:09:59
Yesterday was horrible and wet, today is beautiful. Clear blue sunny skies and expecting a high of 23c.
Home: London (NE)
Work: London (Central)
17 August 2018 10:11:09

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 



I also agree with LL.

I'm surprised there's so many weirdos who hate the sun and warmth.



Go on Netweather. There's plenty going by the number of posts in the summer "moaning" thread over there.

Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
17 August 2018 10:17:56

Agree with what's been said really. The lengthening nights and cooler weather are already starting to send my mood south, knowing that this summer is nearing its end. Waking up on endless sunny days in May, June and July was fantastic, it really filled me with energy and made me want to get out and do something. The thought of waking up on a miserable December/January morning just makes me want to stay in bed and sleep the whole day away.

Looking forward to those lovely 4pm sunsets, a stupidly low sun that blinds you and miserable cold again... not.

Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
17 August 2018 11:22:30

Cooler day with sun going behind the clouds. Soon be Autumn.. 

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
17 August 2018 11:29:21

Originally Posted by: Bolty 

Agree with what's been said really. The lengthening nights and cooler weather are already starting to send my mood south, knowing that this summer is nearing its end. Waking up on endless sunny days in May, June and July was fantastic, it really filled me with energy and made me want to get out and do something. The thought of waking up on a miserable December/January morning just makes me want to stay in bed and sleep the whole day away.

Looking forward to those lovely 4pm sunsets, a stupidly low sun that blinds you and miserable cold again... not.

Conversely, my mood has improved markedly since the end of the heatwave. It's delightful to be able to go outdoors in the middle of the day, to be able to get things done in the garden and not to have AC running 12 hours a day just to be able to sleep at night.

This morning's low of 9C, with a crisp feel to the air and dew on the grass (which is now growing again, having stopped for the best part of 2 months!) was wonderful. It's delightful waking up when it's dark (it's how it should be, IMO) and although it's still light when I go to bed it won't be for much longer, as we're losing 3 minutes of daylight a day.

But most of all, it's knowing that we won't see the searing sunshine and scorching heat for months and months now. So long summer, you won't be missed (by me at least).

Leysdown, north Kent
17 August 2018 12:54:27
August is fast turning into a cloudy dull month!! Temperature wise also nothing special with some cool days interspersed with more average days.
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