Saturday, June 23, 2018 7:42:00 AM

Originally Posted by: howham 

If I see the words "Permacast Hell" written anymore I may have to throw my phone out the window...😎😋

If you can come up with an alternative means of describing those sorts of conditions, I will be more than happy to hear about that (after all, I am referring to conditions which in this part of the world, seems to occur on an annual basis during the summer months).

In the meantime, I'm sure that a course in anger management would be very helpful for calming things down.

Furthermore, I'm not even the original person behind those words as Richard from Aberdeen had actually coined that phrase before I did and so, you could say that I just took that from him.

Finally, I seem to remember that not long ago, this forum went through a similar phase with people talking about the "modern era" and yet, I haven't seen anyone being bothered about that more recently.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Saturday, June 23, 2018 7:45:08 AM
That’s because it is now summer and also because certain people don’t really permit criticism of that phrase or its author (but that’s a different story!)
  • TimS
  • Advanced Member
Saturday, June 23, 2018 7:52:45 AM
What would be the right word for completely overcast with high cloud only? That’s the forecast for later today in most of England. Not permacast. Veiled, shrouded perhaps.

Another day of the deathly cirrostratus shroud hanging over us, like a ghost that ate the sun?

Brockley, South East London 30m asl
Saturday, June 23, 2018 8:02:38 AM
Guitar weather? Strato-cast?
Saturday, June 23, 2018 8:10:29 AM

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

Guitar weather? Strato-cast?


Put to good use of course by Jimi Hendrix on his seminal "Perma Haze"

Nr. Easingwold, North Yorkshire
30m asl
Saturday, June 23, 2018 8:17:53 AM

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

That’s because it is now summer and also because certain people don’t really permit criticism of that phrase or its author (but that’s a different story!)

I know I've probably gone well off topic now, but this is demonstrating once again that we are getting to the point now where there is no such thing as free speech because it would appear that you just can't say anything any more without people being offended by that and I think that this is a very sad inditement of how our society is shaping up now.

I have tried to be thick skinned about it and just said what I feel anyway because everyone is entitled to their opinions at the end of the day, and it is up to others to deal with that in the appropriate manner since I have no control over that. However, I know that there has been occasions in the past where people have taken what I have said really personally and at times, this has brought me close to quitting this forum altogether because if you can't say how you feel without upsetting or offending people, there is really no point in carrying on as far as I'm concerned.

Would you after all, be really surprised if I did so just not so that someone else would then be forced to take on the responsibility of starting each day's current conditions thread and the various other threads which I have started recently which also includes this one? One reason why I do carry on is because I know that there are members out there who value a lot of the contributions which I have had (why after all, would Brian and his team of mods even allow me to part of this forum if I didn't have something worthwhile to contribute towards it?). They have said so themselves in the past and to me, it would be very sad if these contributions did not continue simply because of a fear of upsetting or offending others.

I will add though if that takes me to the point where I feel that I have no option other to quit this forum altogether, I shall have no hesitation in doing so as there are other things in life which i can happily get on with and maybe, that is just where I would be better off.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Saturday, June 23, 2018 8:29:21 AM
For the record, I’m not sure I have ever read anything on the weather forum that has offended me! That’s not a challenge or invitation by the way.

However, if people want to moan incessantly they need to expect a bit of teasing about it.

Moan away though, because after all that is what this thread is about and I like having this thread as it serves a very good purpose IMO. For some it will prove a good therapeutic way of letting off steam, for others it will be a source of entertainment.
Saturday, June 23, 2018 8:34:12 AM

Goodness only knows where the Met Office/BBC got their forecast that this was going to be a decent day because all the models showed cloudy crap and that is exactly what there is yet again 

Three Saturdays in a row of this dross. Yet again this is an awful summer in which I feel I have died and gone to hell. Absolutely soul destroying and depressing

Last June might have been the wettest on record but we got 3/4 decent Saturdays and 3/4 decent Sundays so far better than this month which has so far just provided one decent Saturday and one decent Sunday. Even the poor weekend last June (10th/11th) saw better weather than the worst days this month (10th and 16th).

If tomorrow is good and next Saturday this June will be remembered as mixed. Otherwise just another dreadful summer month. Certainly not a good one.

Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
  • TimS
  • Advanced Member
Saturday, June 23, 2018 8:35:56 AM
I think whingeing is fun and the negative psychology employed when things are in the balance on the models is even more entertaining. I indulge in it myself often.

As for the Stratocaster, that’s genius. Will be employed often.
Brockley, South East London 30m asl
  • SJV
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Saturday, June 23, 2018 8:38:32 AM

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

For the record, I’m not sure I have ever read anything on the weather forum that has offended me! That’s not a challenge or invitation by the way.

However, if people want to moan incessantly they need to expect a bit of teasing about it.

Moan away though, because after all that is what this thread is about and I like having this thread as it serves a very good purpose IMO. For some it will prove a good therapeutic way of letting off steam, for others it will be a source of entertainment.



I agree  Bring on the heat next week. Personally I hope it ramps up a bit more and we see a few records broken (unlikely I know). Working in school next week will be utter hell but it's the extremes that are memorable to me 

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  • TimS
  • Advanced Member
Saturday, June 23, 2018 8:38:33 AM

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 

Goodness only knows where the Met Office/BBC got their forecast that this was going to be a decent day because all the models showed cloudy crap and that is exactly what there is yet again 

Three Saturdays in a row of this dross. Yet again this is an awful summer in which I feel I have died and gone to hell. Absolutely soul destroying and depressing

Last June might have been the wettest on record but we got 3/4 decent Saturdays and 3/4 decent Sundays so far better than this month which has so far just provided one decent Saturday and one decent Sunday. Even the poor weekend last June (10th/11th) saw better weather than the worst days this month (10th and 16th).

If tomorrow is good and next Saturday this June will be remembered as mixed. Otherwise just another dreadful summer month. Certainly not a good one.

I was skimming through the 1995 archive charts this morning to see what similarities there are in early July, and reminded myself of the early September breakdown that brought record rain to Aberdeen. So if we do have a 1995-style summer while you sit under permacast, at least you’ll have a September deluge to look forward to.

Brockley, South East London 30m asl
Saturday, June 23, 2018 8:40:58 AM

Originally Posted by: johncs2016 


If you can come up with an alternative means of describing those sorts of conditions, I will be more than happy to hear about that (after all, I am referring to conditions which in this part of the world, seems to occur on an annual basis during the summer months).

In the meantime, I'm sure that a course in anger management would be very helpful for calming things down.

Furthermore, I'm not even the original person behind those words as Richard from Aberdeen had actually coined that phrase before I did and so, you could say that I just took that from him.

Finally, I seem to remember that not long ago, this forum went through a similar phase with people talking about the "modern era" and yet, I haven't seen anyone being bothered about that more recently.


I coined the term to mean a stagnant area of cloud which never seems to shift or break up, either coming down from the north or off the sea. It was probably back in 2012 and seems to be an annual occurrence in June which is about the only month of the year to produce endless days of grey skies on an annual basis.

For as long as we have to endure these conditions in the month that used to be the sunniest I'll keeping using it though if the forecast is to be believed there might not be any further need to use the term for now.

Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
Saturday, June 23, 2018 8:44:53 AM

Originally Posted by: TimS 


I was skimming through the 1995 archive charts this morning to see what similarities there are in early July, and reminded myself of the early September breakdown that brought record rain to Aberdeen. So if we do have a 1995-style summer while you sit under permacast, at least you’ll have a September deluge to look forward to.

We didn't get any gloom in 1995 though. We had enjoyed weeks on end of glorious weather before the September breakdown and it was similar in 1976 with an exceptionally wet September and October following a very sunny July and August (June not so good that year though).

Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
Saturday, June 23, 2018 8:54:49 AM

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

For the record, I’m not sure I have ever read anything on the weather forum that has offended me! That’s not a challenge or invitation by the way.

However, if people want to moan incessantly they need to expect a bit of teasing about it.

Moan away though, because after all that is what this thread is about and I like having this thread as it serves a very good purpose IMO. For some it will prove a good therapeutic way of letting off steam, for others it will be a source of entertainment.

It's not you that I'm referring to though. The person who I am referring to here is the person who didn't seem to take very well to one of my most common phrases (which I won't repeat again here in order to avoid causing any further offence, although this would be a good test to see whether or not, he actually did end up throwing that phone out of his window as a result) and threatened to throw the phone if that appeared again.

I'm not in way suggesting that he was meaning anything bad by that and perhaps, this was just a tease. The problem we have though is that it is not everybody who is comfortable with that sort of thing and that is where the problems then arise. I know that this has been discussed quite a lot over on the Forum Arms forum where there has even been a separate thread for that.

Of course, I don't ever get involved with anything which has nothing to do with me, but that doesn't prevent me from reading through a lot of that other stuff on these forums anyway and when I have done so, I have discovered that the amount of winding up which goes on is unbelievable, and I have seen a number of instances where people have been offended or upset by that.

That in turn has led to a lot of people taking the view that these forums have gone very badly downhill in recent times and I have to say that I'm not surprised by that in any way.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
  • Col
  • Advanced Member
Saturday, June 23, 2018 9:05:23 AM

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 

Goodness only knows where the Met Office/BBC got their forecast that this was going to be a decent day because all the models showed cloudy crap and that is exactly what there is yet again 

Three Saturdays in a row of this dross. Yet again this is an awful summer in which I feel I have died and gone to hell. Absolutely soul destroying and depressing

Last June might have been the wettest on record but we got 3/4 decent Saturdays and 3/4 decent Sundays so far better than this month which has so far just provided one decent Saturday and one decent Sunday. Even the poor weekend last June (10th/11th) saw better weather than the worst days this month (10th and 16th).

If tomorrow is good and next Saturday this June will be remembered as mixed. Otherwise just another dreadful summer month. Certainly not a good one.

They did say that there would be more cloud around than yesterday and the sun would be rather hazy and I wasn't expecring the sparkling blue skies that I had on Friday. That said, there does seem to be rather more cloud around than I thought there would be, and covering most of the country too. Don't think that was exactly exprected.

BTW, just noticed on your sig: 2007 onwards: The Worst Summers since the 1690s 1690s?, surely even in Aberdeen it hasn't been that bad and that is just a typo for 1960s :)


Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl
Snow videos:
Saint Snow
Saturday, June 23, 2018 10:18:05 AM

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

For the record, I’m not sure I have ever read anything on the weather forum that has offended me! That’s not a challenge or invitation by the way.




The thing with free speech is that it's a two-way thing. People are free to offer a view/opinion, then others are free to respond, whether that be positively or negatively.

Not having a pop at anyone here, more making a general observation, but too many people mistake 'free speech' with 'freedom to say what they want without criticism'.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
  • TimS
  • Advanced Member
Saturday, June 23, 2018 10:25:57 AM

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 



The thing with free speech is that it's a two-way thing. People are free to offer a view/opinion, then others are free to respond, whether that be positively or negatively.

Not having a pop at anyone here, more making a general observation, but too many people mistake 'free speech' with 'freedom to say what they want without criticism'.

Indeed. Freedom of speech includes the freedom to denounce and condemn what other people say. Something the far right snowflakes don’t always appreciate.

Anyway, back to the Stratocaster dross of the moment.

Brockley, South East London 30m asl
Sunday, June 24, 2018 12:44:20 AM

The Met forecast for here is starting to look a bit dodgy now - before they just showed sunshine but now they show low cloud possibly lasting until the afternoon. Of course it could all change but I'm really not feeling too great about the upcoming spell of weather and I've felt like that since the easterlies returned in the model output. 

Also checked the Leeming sunshine stats and they are only at 60% of the monthly average. That's about 94 hours. That's actually a lot worse than I suspected - will no doubt be different here but it certainly doesn't feel like a sunny month.

Just reinforces my hatred for June, the runt of the summer months. I might even take a break from this forum and weather in general because I really cannot stand seeing other people posting about how nice it is where they live while I'm sitting under a layer of seemingly impenetrable murk. That has happened far too often this year and I am thoroughly sick to the bloody back teeth of it. 

Whitkirk, Leeds - 85m ASL.
Tim A
Sunday, June 24, 2018 4:55:30 AM
Will be intresting to see if Tuesday starts cloudy and takes it time to turn sunny as per the Met Office automated forecasts. Text forecast only mentions the odd mist patch on the coast.

Personally i trust the automated over the text forecast. I would do away with the text forecasts. For a region like Yorkshire its impossible to capture in a paragraph. E.g Settle has a climate like NW Britain and Doncaster like the SE.

Secondly i find the automated more accurate. Take yesterday. For days rhe autmated was flagging a quite cloudy and cooler day but the text forecasts the days before said sunny and warm with a bit of high cloud later.

Anyway automated forecasts for this week are ok so far only Tuesday looking dodgy so far but can change. I will certainly pay them more attebtion than the text.
NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
Sunday, June 24, 2018 6:46:49 AM

I find the symbols for the Met Office automated forecasts are usually quite accurate but the temperature forecasts are woeful. The current forecasts have sunny weather nearly all week here but the maxima between today and Wednesday ranging from only 14 to 17°C.

Edit: The hourly forecast for here today has the highest temperature as 14°C. Unlikely. 

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