Monday, December 3, 2012 12:13:18 PM

Cheers Darren...Always good to see where we are..Weather is what the site is about...

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
Snow Hoper
Monday, December 3, 2012 12:36:24 PM

Thanks Darren

Going to war over religion is like killing each other to see who has the better imaginary friend.

Home : Thorndon, Suffolk.
Monday, December 3, 2012 1:08:52 PM

Thanks Darren, I'm hoping to find a way of getting more time over the next couple of months so I can get back into the charts, I keep looking at the MO of course, but I rarely get the chance to say hello.

Great effort from all the medalists and top work from yourself as always



Darren S
  • Darren S
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
Monday, December 3, 2012 1:14:35 PM

Originally Posted by: wallaw 

Thanks Darren, I'm hoping to find a way of getting more time over the next couple of months so I can get back into the charts, I keep looking at the MO of course, but I rarely get the chance to say hello.

Great effort from all the medalists and top work from yourself as always

Your relegation last month was somewhat overshadowed by the relegation of Jiries, and as such didn't get a mention! Apologies for that. You had a 46 month uninterrupted period in the Top 100 before that!

Crowthorne, Berks (87m asl)
South Berks Winter Snow Depth Totals:
2022/23 7 cm; 2021/22 1 cm; 2020/21 13 cm; 2019/20 0 cm; 2018/19 14 cm; 2017/18 23 cm; 2016/17 0 cm; 2015/16 0.5 cm; 2014/15 3.5 cm; 2013/14 0 cm; 2012/13 22 cm; 2011/12 7 cm; 2010/11 6 cm; 2009/10 51 cm
Monday, December 3, 2012 1:18:25 PM

Cheers Darren - Nice one Nick

Monday, December 3, 2012 1:36:41 PM

Originally Posted by: Darren S 

Originally Posted by: wallaw 

Thanks Darren, I'm hoping to find a way of getting more time over the next couple of months so I can get back into the charts, I keep looking at the MO of course, but I rarely get the chance to say hello.

Great effort from all the medalists and top work from yourself as always

Your relegation last month was somewhat overshadowed by the relegation of Jiries, and as such didn't get a mention! Apologies for that. You had a 46 month uninterrupted period in the Top 100 before that!

Not at all Darren, I was quite pleased my demise went unnoticed, as Arnie once said "i'll be back"



Wednesday, December 5, 2012 8:14:53 AM

Thanks Darren, for all the round ups as normal.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012 5:24:53 PM

Fab read as always......thanks Darren

"Life with the Lions"

TWO Moderator
Matty H
Wednesday, December 5, 2012 5:45:51 PM

Top job as always, Darren

Thursday, December 6, 2012 8:04:53 PM

Thanks Darren,
You put a lot of work into these things.
It's always an interesting read.

Friday, December 7, 2012 10:18:44 PM
A pile of work goes into these tables and a hat-tip to you Darren.

My decreased postings were due to being out of the country for a while- but I got to see a lot of weather as a result:

I was on one of the first Heathrow flights into JFK after the hurricane - I saw Manhattan in darkness, subway flooded power out and trees snapped off in Central Park; I was delayed on my return by a blizzard blowing in from the North East which left us sitting on the tarmac for over 4 hours as JFK tried (ever so slowly) to de-ice our plane.

A hurricane's aftermath in the Big Apple and the leading edge of a blizzard? Worth a slide down the ranks!

Will do better this month...
Veteran of winter of 62/63
By Scapa Flow, Orkney
Darren S
  • Darren S
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
Tuesday, January 1, 2013 6:20:10 PM

Posting League

The posting league is calculated each month by comparing a snapshot of users and post totals with one from a month earlier. The total number of posts for each user includes posts from all forums going back to November 2001. All users are automatically included in the survey. A detailed analysis of the month's movers and shakers is also produced.

We have another change at the top of the table for December. Who finished the year at the top of the tree? Which previously prolific member re-entered the Top 50 for the first time in nearly 5 years? Who was relegated for the first time ever? Find out here!

Rogues' Gallery

A collection of photos of TWO forum members, the more the merrier! Members are shown in descending post total order, again including all posts made since November 2001. Those who haven't posted for at least 6 months are removed. This is also updated once a month.Please submit your photos to me, by using the TWO Private Message system, or alternatively the "Contact Darren" link on my web site.

No new photos have been added this month. One member who hadn't posted for six months was removed, and four who posted for the first time in over six months have been re-added - so we're back up to 100 faces.

Don't be shy - send in your photos!

All Time Top 100

Every month, a list is compiled showing the Top 100 TWO members of all time, including those who were banned or have lapsed. Changes in overall position compared to the previous month are also shown, as are all those climbers in positions 101-300. Post totals include all those made since November 2001.

Posting League Records

Every month, various statistics are updated, such as biggest climb to number 1, most consecutive months in the Top 10, highest new entry, etc.

You can access the information using the link below:

Crowthorne, Berks (87m asl)
South Berks Winter Snow Depth Totals:
2022/23 7 cm; 2021/22 1 cm; 2020/21 13 cm; 2019/20 0 cm; 2018/19 14 cm; 2017/18 23 cm; 2016/17 0 cm; 2015/16 0.5 cm; 2014/15 3.5 cm; 2013/14 0 cm; 2012/13 22 cm; 2011/12 7 cm; 2010/11 6 cm; 2009/10 51 cm
Tuesday, January 1, 2013 7:08:29 PM

Cheers Darren

Good stuff again

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Darren S
  • Darren S
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
Tuesday, January 1, 2013 7:08:34 PM

I forgot to mention on here (but have mentioned on my site) that the 2012 Year analysis will be published within the next week. This will analyse trends over the last year, and you'll be able to see who the "Poster of 2012" was.

You can view previous years' analyses on my site, from the "Posting League" menu as you might expect.

Crowthorne, Berks (87m asl)
South Berks Winter Snow Depth Totals:
2022/23 7 cm; 2021/22 1 cm; 2020/21 13 cm; 2019/20 0 cm; 2018/19 14 cm; 2017/18 23 cm; 2016/17 0 cm; 2015/16 0.5 cm; 2014/15 3.5 cm; 2013/14 0 cm; 2012/13 22 cm; 2011/12 7 cm; 2010/11 6 cm; 2009/10 51 cm
Tuesday, January 1, 2013 9:48:28 PM

Thankyou Darren, the facts and figures are greatly appreciated.

Ha'way the lads
Matty H
Tuesday, January 1, 2013 10:55:03 PM
Cheers Darren! Superb write-up again. You can tell we're going through a spell of lovely winter temps when I top the chart. Here's hoping for golds in Jan, Feb and March too 😛 😉
Wednesday, January 2, 2013 10:28:55 AM

Thanks Darren

Snow Hoper
Wednesday, January 2, 2013 1:40:48 PM

Thanks Darren

Going to war over religion is like killing each other to see who has the better imaginary friend.

Home : Thorndon, Suffolk.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013 2:14:47 PM

Thanks Darren...

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
Rob K
Thursday, January 3, 2013 5:42:43 PM

December's highest climber, up 81 spots to number 4! Take that, pop pickers... 

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
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