19 February 2020 21:14:13

This now is the most snowless winter I've experienced. Winter 2013-14, which was the last leader in that category, had one small dusting on the evening of 12 February, and since we are now past that point, this one takes the crown.

However, taking the whole extended winter season into consideration (as late autumn and early spring can have their wintry moments), it could still go either way. It really wouldn't surprise me if we do see a cold snap in early March, with the country seeing the snowiest spell of the season then. March 2016 was a notable example of this around here. Not much wintriness through the winter itself, but then the largest snow event since February 2012 on 4 March.

I really don't want a spring cold snap though. I just want to get the first garden days now.

Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
23 February 2020 06:16:42
I can't recall a February as wet as this around here. It has been almost relentless and an extended dry period would be welcome.
Timelapses, old weather forecasts and natural phenomena videos can be seen on this site
23 February 2020 07:58:09

Originally Posted by: KevBrads1 

I can't recall a February as wet as this around here. It has been almost relentless and an extended dry period would be welcome.

Normally, your location down in Manchester would be wetter on average anyway, than here in Edinburgh (we at least have a chance to see what it's like there from your daily time lapse videos on YouTube). However, we have been in exactly the same boat here as well just recently. I know that we were all desperate for rain at around this time last year as we were still at that time, in an extended drier period which left a lot of concerned about possible hose pipe bans during last summer.

However, it had already turned much wetter here by that summer which itself, ended up being exceptionally wet in this part of the world with localised flooding even here in parts of Edinburgh. Then last autumn wasn't as wet here as what the summer was, or as wet as it was in other parts of the UK. However, that was still a wetter than average autumn here and with this winter's rainfall totals running at just above average going into this month, we have never really had a chance to properly dry out after last year's exceptionally wet summer.

Then of course, came the events of this month which for here, is also turning out to be wetter than anything which I can ever remember, to the point where all of this almost incessant rainfall which we are getting just now, is getting a bit beyond a joke now, especially with all of the issues which this is now causing with flooding in various parts of the UK. It seems as though every time that I'm looking at the latest rainfall totals on SEPA, there is always a certain amount to add to those totals for this part of the world whereas that isn't normally the case here.

Looking back at the data, every single day since 8th February 2020 has been an official rain day at Edinburgh Gogarbank with every day since then except for St. Valentine's Day, also being an official rain day at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh. Furthermore, there has only been three completely dry days during this entire month at both of those stations with all of those coming in quick succession at the very beginning of this month. Furthermore, we haven't had a single completely dry day at either of those stations since 6th February 2020.

That makes today, our 17th day in a row which has failed to stay completely dry at either of those stations since we have already had a bit of rain during the early hours of this morning. This means that if we had the same number of days in a row which HAD been completely dry, we would now have gone into a technical absolute drought as a result. That in turn should show just how wet it's been here recently and because of that, just about everywhere around me is absolutely soaking, muddy and waterlogged so I would say that a much drier spell is probably very much needed now, in order for everything to dry out a bit and allow those flood affected areas a chance to recover from that, to at least some extent.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
23 February 2020 10:43:16

Yet another dire weekend of unrelenting dire unpleasant wind. On course to be one of the sunniest if not sunniest Februaries on record but only looks good through a window as the minute you step out it feels horrific because of that bone chilling horror wind. Just one of many ways in which this is the most infuriating climate imagineable. 5C + 50mph wind = vile regardless of sunshine amounts 

No let up at all since the 13th/14th which is the last time there has been a frost  Utterly disgusting and extremely boring temperatures this month. Few mild days unlike December and January - only one day has reached double figures - yet the lack of cold has been every bit as acute if not more so. A pitiful four frosts and not a single max below 4C. Yesterdays 'first snow of the season' lasted less than half an hour before being blasted away by the bone chilling wind which is rattling away again today 

Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
David M Porter
23 February 2020 12:51:01

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 

Yet another dire weekend of unrelenting dire unpleasant wind. On course to be one of the sunniest if not sunniest Februaries on record but only looks good through a window as the minute you step out it feels horrific because of that bone chilling horror wind. Just one of many ways in which this is the most infuriating climate imagineable. 5C + 50mph wind = vile regardless of sunshine amounts 

No let up at all since the 13th/14th which is the last time there has been a frost  Utterly disgusting and extremely boring temperatures this month. Few mild days unlike December and January - only one day has reached double figures - yet the lack of cold has been every bit as acute if not more so. A pitiful four frosts and not a single max below 4C. Yesterdays 'first snow of the season' lasted less than half an hour before being blasted away by the bone chilling wind which is rattling away again today 

You say you have just had one of the sunniest, if not the sunniest February on record where you are, and you're still complaining!

You should just be glad that you appear to have had a rather better February than the majority of the UK has experienced.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
23 February 2020 12:57:10

Typical late winter's day here. Cloudy, windy, 15C !

S.Essex, 42m ASL
23 February 2020 17:02:17

Originally Posted by: David M Porter 


You say you have just had one of the sunniest, if not the sunniest February on record where you are, and you're still complaining!

You should just be glad that you appear to have had a rather better February than the majority of the UK has experienced.

Well, I guess that it just wouldn't be like Richard if he wasn't complaining about the weather in his neck of the woods regardless of what the weather is actually like there. In addition to that, I can also add that he at least, was also able to enjoy a much drier than average January up there whereas we have to go all the way back to last April to find the last time that we had such a significantly drier than average month here in Edinburgh.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
24 February 2020 05:34:25

Originally Posted by: KevBrads1 

I can't recall a February as wet as this around here. It has been almost relentless and an extended dry period would be welcome.

Regional figures indicate we broke the February record on the 22nd. Those records go back to 1873

Timelapses, old weather forecasts and natural phenomena videos can be seen on this site
David M Porter
24 February 2020 08:51:18

Originally Posted by: johncs2016 


Well, I guess that it just wouldn't be like Richard if he wasn't complaining about the weather in his neck of the woods regardless of what the weather is actually like there. In addition to that, I can also add that he at least, was also able to enjoy a much drier than average January up there whereas we have to go all the way back to last April to find the last time that we had such a significantly drier than average month here in Edinburgh.


I rather suspect the same is true of my area too, John. It certainly seems a long time now since we had a month that was predominantly dry where I live, in fact going all the way back to May last year, I cannot recall a single month in which I would say that dry and settled weather was dominant.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
24 February 2020 11:40:40

Gave the grass it's first cut of the spring yesterday      Loads of stuff growing well in the garden.

Surprised people talking about a snowless winter as if it's something new - we have had several snowless winters or calendar years here this century ....

Evesham, Worcs, Albion - 35m asl
Weather & Earth Science News 

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job - DNA
Saint Snow
24 February 2020 12:17:46

Originally Posted by: Essan 

Surprised people talking about a snowless winter as if it's something new - we have had several snowless winters or calendar years here this century ....


Exactly. People stating this is the worst winter in memory confuses me, as I can remember several winters about on a par with this.


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Tim A
24 February 2020 12:30:11
This winter is now on a par with 97/98 here with one frontal event of 6cm and another light dusting, exactly the same as 97/98.
Better than 13/14 which was our only snowless winter i am aware of.

NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
Gandalf The White
24 February 2020 12:36:15

Originally Posted by: Essan 

Gave the grass it's first cut of the spring yesterday      Loads of stuff growing well in the garden.

Surprised people talking about a snowless winter as if it's something new - we have had several snowless winters or calendar years here this century ....

One of our small lawns has standing water and the others are very wet. I'm amazed you've managed to get a lawnmower on the grass.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

  • Col
  • Advanced Member
24 February 2020 12:39:50

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 



Exactly. People stating this is the worst winter in memory confuses me, as I can remember several winters about on a par with this.


It depends where you are of course. A winter with no lying snow whatsoever would (I think) be the first in the 30 odd years I've lived here. This morning's transient snow cover ensured that this winter won't match that but just a few days from the end of meteological winter it was a close run thing! There have been a few winters in that time with no lying snow of any consequence and this one looks like joining them.

Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl
Snow videos:
24 February 2020 13:32:31

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 



Exactly. People stating this is the worst winter in memory confuses me, as I can remember several winters about on a par with this.


In my case, I'm now on my seventh consecutive winter without seeing any laying snow (enough to at least make snowballs and that) in my back yard, even the so-called "beast from the east" in '18 by-passed my location. Last time I saw a decent snow cover with drifting when viewed from my famed west-facing hobby room was in March 2013.

My six years old indoors-only cat has yet to experience such a thing. 

Folkestone Harbour. 
24 February 2020 14:02:06

Rain, Rain, Floody Rain. Hate driving through the puddles on the sides of the roads.

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
24 February 2020 15:30:07

On this day last year I was forecasting a record breaking warm spell for February for the next day or so.

Today I'm hearing rain hissing on my famed west-facing hobby room window in a strong south west wind and the forecast doesn't look any better, especially for this weekend. 

I've had enough of what feels like has been the longest Autumn ever. Still, the saving grace is I'm not experiencing the floods and standing water other prone parts of the UK are experiencing but I'm surprised the roof is still attached to my house after all this time.

Folkestone Harbour. 
24 February 2020 20:42:35

Today proves yet again how this is the most insufferable, excruciating and infuriating climate on earth.

I'm 100m above sea level, three miles from the coast yet temperatures here have been even higher than at Inverbervie on just about the most exposed part of the entire East Coast 

Moreover the wind direction has switched from east to N/NNW which has sent the temperature plunging to 0.6C there with presumably snow falling whereas here at remains at 2.5C and rain 


Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
24 February 2020 20:52:39

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 



Exactly. People stating this is the worst winter in memory confuses me, as I can remember several winters about on a par with this.


It’s snowless combined with relentless rain and way above average temperatures which is remarkable. Even in the infamous late 90s snowfree winters at least we had a few decent frosts.

Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
26 February 2020 03:38:38
Aberdeen seems to have done really welly well for sunshine during this month according to both Richard from Aberdeen and the Doc. However, that's not been the case here in Edinburgh where with four days left of this month including today, we're struggling to even exceed the 1981-2010 February average for sunshine at Edinburgh Gogarbank.

As I write, we are 18.1 hours of sunshine short of that average and although the days are getting longer, we still have nearly a month to go before we get to the point of the year where the days become longer than nights. This means that although there is the possibility that this month's total might go above that average, that isn't going to be by much in the end if that happens at all, which might not necessarily even be the case.

Whether or not this month does end up slightly sunnier than average here though, this winter as a whole is still going to go down as being substantially duller than average with the possibility still there, that all three winter months could end up being duller than average in the end at Edinburgh Gogarbank. That in turn, just adds to how depressing and miserable, this so-called "winter" has been in this part of the world.

However, the fact that this winter has been a dull one has been mainly down to what happened during January and if there is any light at the end of the tunnel here, this comes from the fact that this month has actually had far fewer completely sunless days here than any of the other winter months although that might just be mainly down to the lighter nights which we are now entering into.

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
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