Darren S
21 August 2014 09:41:06
Originally Posted by: doctormog 

For anyone interested Nature has a very good overview of the recent situation and possibilities and why a repeat of Eyjafjallajökull's ash cloud related problems is thought to be unlikely re. recent events in Iceland.


Yes, very interested! I'm currently in the USA doing a road trip before my brother's wedding. My brother hasn't arrived yet (he flies tomorrow) so hopefully he will make it or else there will be no wedding!

Crowthorne, Berks (87m asl)
South Berks Winter Snow Depth Totals:
2022/23 7 cm; 2021/22 1 cm; 2020/21 13 cm; 2019/20 0 cm; 2018/19 14 cm; 2017/18 23 cm; 2016/17 0 cm; 2015/16 0.5 cm; 2014/15 3.5 cm; 2013/14 0 cm; 2012/13 22 cm; 2011/12 7 cm; 2010/11 6 cm; 2009/10 51 cm
The Beast from the East
21 August 2014 11:16:45

Thanks, good article. It does seem any eruption would not cause problems outside Iceland and there will be no dangerous ash cloud. Wont stop the media scaremongering of course


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
21 August 2014 18:46:02

I had thought the camera at http://baering.github.io/ was updating every minute or so, but I now find that it is actually streaming. I don't know how it is mounted but its interesting to see the camera shake fairly regularly, a big tremor may possibly knock it over.

Ha'way the lads
21 August 2014 19:14:04

Bárðarbunga caldera is possibly lowering,



21 August 2014 19:17:55
Originally Posted by: ozone_aurora 

Bárðarbunga caldera is possibly lowering,
http://www.jonfr.com/volcano/?p=4744 .

Yes, I read that earlier. It will be interesting to see what if anything comes of that. Re. The camera Dougie, I have a feeling it may possibly be the wind that is making the camera shake (based on previous observation of Icelandic webcams)
21 August 2014 21:09:58

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

Originally Posted by: ozone_aurora 

Bárðarbunga caldera is possibly lowering, http://www.jonfr.com/volcano/?p=4744 .

Yes, I read that earlier. It will be interesting to see what if anything comes of that. Re. The camera Dougie, I have a feeling it may possibly be the wind that is making the camera shake (based on previous observation of Icelandic webcams)

It could be Michael and I had considered that. The shake, when it happens, last for 2 to 4 seconds, and seemed to coincide with some of the more powerful tremors, but I will bow to your experience in these matters.

Ha'way the lads
21 August 2014 21:36:07

LOL, just found out what it is. Nearly off the page at the bottom is a tick box, alongside it says "shake camera on updates" Hey ho

Ha'way the lads
23 August 2014 12:42:28

There seems to be quite an upsurge in activity during the past hour or so.

Click on the table link when the below is opened, to see.


Iceland Meteorological office - Earthquakes Iceland.




23 August 2014 12:54:42
Yes indeed. I'm keeping an eye on this currently. There have been at least 20 magnitude 2 or greater quakes in the past 45 minutes alone. Something is definitely going on and it will be very interesting to see if or how it manifests itself at the surface.

This video taken yesterday is interesting viewing:

23 August 2014 14:22:17

The aviation code has just been updated to red meaning that "Eruption is imminent or in progress - significant emission of ash into the atmosphere likely"



Apparently a small eruption (currently?) has begun:




As the page is using Google Translate it may have a few strange phrases in it!

There are useful links to data etc at the top of the following page from the IMO: http://en.vedur.is/earthquakes-and-volcanism/earthquakes/vatnajokull/#view=table

23 August 2014 14:37:10
Finally we have had a small eruption, confirmed by the iceland metoffice.

23 August 2014 15:01:57
The Beast from the East
23 August 2014 15:02:58

Its "Bunga Bunga" time a former Italian Prime Minister used to say

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
24 August 2014 00:38:22

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Its "Bunga Bunga" time a former Italian Prime Minister used to say

24 August 2014 00:39:50

EMSC is reporting 5.3 magnitude (first results),



24 August 2014 06:50:04
Originally Posted by: ozone_aurora 

EMSC is reporting 5.3 magnitude (first results),
http://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=396567 .

And also a magnitude 5.1 a short while ago. Whatever is happening under the ice seems significant. All the signs you would expect before a notable eruption appear to be happening. It may of course however come to nothing.
25 August 2014 17:21:17
Ther has been another 5.1 quake in the Bárðarbunga caldera a short while ago, this time at a depth of 2km. Slightly worrying. You really don't want the caldera to split or collapse. Lots of ice/water plus lots of lava/magma is a recipe for fireworks.
26 August 2014 09:21:18

Yes, lots of ice/water and lots of lava/magma is a recipe for fireworks.

Some volcanologist is worried that the magma dyke could flow north and ignite Askja volcano,



The Beast from the East
26 August 2014 11:29:08

Seems like this is a slow burner and may come to nothing.

Have been quite few quakes around Katla as well


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
26 August 2014 17:37:20
Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Seems like this is a slow burner and may come to nothing.

Have been quite few quakes around Katla as well


I wouldn't necessarily call 10 days a slow burner Beast. Activity and tremor is still continuing. As you say it may come to nothing or it may go boom or even splutter 😁
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